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Environmental Protection

Commons committee urges clean air zones and diesel scrappage scheme

29 April 2016

The following is reproduced from Urgent Government action is needed to stop up to 50,000 people a year dying early from air pollution-related illnesses, says the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, in its report on Air quality. Report: Air quality Report: Air quality (PDF 675KB) Inquiry: Air quality Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee The Committee's Air quality report presses for new Clean Air Zones in dozens of English towns and cities.......

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Opening on Bank Holiday weekend: A vast wildlife oasis just off Green Lanes

27 April 2016

The upcoming bank holiday sees the opening of a large wildlife reserve that includes two reservoirs hoding water that has travelled along the New River, through Palmers Green.  The Woodberry Wetlands project is run by the London Wildlife Trust and is making the area accessible to the public for the first time since the reservoirs were built in 1833. You can watch a clip about the Wetlands from BBC1. The wetlands will be open every day and there will be regular guided tours and various.......

Volunteers needed to plan and create a growing space and wildlife pond in Broomfield Park

12 April 2016

Many of you will have heard about the plans of the Friends of Broomfield Park to create a wildlife pond and a community growing space in the park. Well, it is about to happen. Do you fancy helping to create the new wildlife pond and community growing space in Broomfield Park? The pond and growing space will be located between the tennis courts and the orchard. The location of the growing space and wildlife pond - and what they might look like 1. Marking out, stripping the turf and.......

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Campaigners submit detailed evidence to prevent development of Pinkham Way open land

27 March 2016

The Pinkham Way Alliance (PWA) has published the text of its detailed submission to Haringey Council in response to the public consultation on Haringey Local Plan documents.  Its representations are aimed at preventing development of open land which was once the site of the Friern Barnet Sewage Works site at Pinkham Way, adjacent to the North Circular Road and Muswell Hill Golf Course. In its draft planning documents Haringey is designating the land both as a Site of Importance for Nature.......

Firs Farm - the transformation continues

15 March 2016

The project to transform an unexciting area of playing fields into a haven for wildlife and attractive open space while simultaneously helping to mitigate flooding reached another milestone on 9th March, when the Firs Farm Wetlands and Cycle Path were formally opened. See here at the ribbon cutting ceremony are (from left to right) Cllr Bambos Charalambous (Associate Cabinet Member Enfield Southgate), Ian Russell (Senior Engineer from Enfield Council), Cllr Daniel Anderson (Enfield.......

A Community Artists’ Competition – Improving the Environment in Enfield and Haringey

01 March 2016

Prizes of up to £1000 are being offered to artists living in Enfield or Haringey for an artwork which illustrates what life in the two boroughs might be like if environmental improvements had been made. The competition is being run by Enfield and Haringey Green Parties in conjunction with Collage Arts.  The challenge they are setting is to create art that depicts, embodies, or expresses what it could be like in Enfield and Haringey if one or more of the questions below were to be.......

How the next Mayor can tackle London's environmental crisis

01 March 2016

Nine of the UK's leading environmental campaigns have come together to publish a manifesto outlining ways in which the next Mayor of London could tackle the capital's growing environmental problems. Greener London:  What the next Mayor can do to improve our capital has been produced by the  Campaign for Better Transport, the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England,  Friends of the Earth, the Green Alliance, Greenpeace, the London Wildlife Trust, the National Trust, the Royal.......

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Fancy visiting Ryton Organic Gardens on 18th June?

23 February 2016

A message from Sue Davies of North London Organic Gardeners We are a local branch of Garden Organic and are planning on a visit to their gardens at Ryton near Coventry on Saturday June 18th. (It would be leaving from Winchmore Hill at 9am returning from Ryton at 3.30pm; a guided tour is arranged if wanted) We would like to hire a coach to make this trip, but would need to attract more people than just our local members. If anyone is interested in joining us please contact me for more details.......

Cleaning up the Salmons Brook - what was achieved in 2015

05 January 2016

The environmental group Thames 21 has issued a progress report on one of its north London projects - the Salmons Brook Healthy River Challenge.   During 2015 work was continued in Grovelands Park and along the Houndsden Gutter. What is the Salmons Brook Healthy River Challenge? The Salmons Brook Healthy River Challenge is part of Thames 21's Love the Lea programme of work to improve the quality of the water in the River Lea, some of which is used to provide drinking water and some.......

"One Atmosphere": Cleaning up London's air

13 November 2015

In this film of a presentation at a conference held in Australlia, Simon Birkett, Founder and Director of Clean Air in London, talks about the most important lessons learned by him from 10 years of campaigning on air pollution. The film urges immediate action to reduce local air pollution and greenhouse gases to protect public health and mitigate climate change. "One Atmosphere"  can be viewed as ten separate "chapters" or as a single 35 minute film at

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Pinkham Way campaigners accuse council of burying inconvenient evidence

11 November 2015

The Chair of the Pinkham Way Alliance (PWA) has written to Haringey Council's cabinet member for planning policy to complain about suppression and misrepresentation of evidence which contradicts the Council's policy of classifying woodland at Pinkham Way as suitable for employment use. In his letter dated 5th November 2015 Stephen Brice writes that the PWA has come to the view that its evidence "is so inconvenient for the Council that there has been a systematic attempt to bury it". The.......

Green Belt campaigners launch a competition

06 November 2015

Enfield RoadWatch Action Group - formed to campaign against a proposal to build on Green Belt land between Enfield Town and Oakwood - have launched a photograph and slogan competition designed to publicise their campaign. So far the nearly 4000 people have signed the online petition against building on the land. For the background to the campaign, see this earlier report.   Enfield RoadWatch Action Group is delighted to announce the first 'Our Green Belt Enfield' Photograph.......

Why you should "resist the asphalt surge"

01 November 2015

The charity London Wildlife Trust is appealing to householders to reverse the trend towards paving over gardens, especially front gardens from which rainwater spills onto roads and into drains.  The following article is reproduced from the Trust's website. We are losing our gardens at an alarming rate. The allure of free off-street parking, a bigger bike shed or simply the idea of a low maintenance space in our busy modern lives has left our city’s gardens in crisis. In London,.......

How increasing cycling benefits everyone

16 October 2015

One of the points made repeatedly by opponents of plans to create cycle lanes along main roads is that they would benefit only cyclists and no-one else and that cyclists were therefore being unduly prioritised.  Enfield Council, and at an all-London level, the Mayor of London, have put the case for benefits to the people of Enfield and of London across the board. A newly published academic study sets out why the Council and the Mayor are right and the protesters are wrong.  Benefits.......

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Pinkham Way Alliance publishes its input to waste plan consultation

11 October 2015

The Pinkham Way Alliance has now published the response it submitted to the consultation about the North London Waste Plan.  Following a fundraising campaign, the Alliance was able to employ a planning consultancy, Turley, to present arguments against the allocation of Pinkham Wood as a potential site for waste processing, and, more generally, to question the draft Waste Plan's assumptions about future waste volumes and required processing throughput. The Response and associated.......

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Green Belt campaigners issue a call to action

24 September 2015

The campaigning group Enfield RoadWatch has issued a newsletter with updated information about their campaign to prevent construction on Green Belt land adjacent to Enfield Road, between Oakwood and Enfield Town (see this earlier report). Urgent Call to Action! Do you want developers to build homes on Green.......

Pinkham Way campaigners issue urgent appeal to respond to consultation

24 September 2015

The Pinkham Way Alliance is asking supporters to sign an online form supporting the Alliance's response to the current consultation about the North London Waste Plan. By signing, you confirm that you are happy for the PWA to represent your views. The deadline to add your name is 5pm on Tuesday 29th September 2015. The Alliance has been campaigning to preserve an ecologically valuable green space adjacent to the North Circular Road and prevent construction of a waste processing facility on the.......

Developers to brief public about controversial Green Belt housing proposal

11 September 2015

The developer Fairview Homes is inviting the public to an exhibition of its plans to build around 300 dwellings and a new school on Green Belt land between Oakwood and Enfield Town. The site is a large field on the south side of Enfield Road, extending downhill as far as Boxers Lake.  The proposal has already run into considerable opposition both from people living in the vicinity and from others who are opposed to inpinging on Green Belt land.  At this stage Fairview have not.......

Another Super Summer Sunday in the Park

04 August 2015

As we confidently forecast in the weekly newsletter, last Sunday was hot and sunny and people turned out in droves to listen to the Broomfield Blues in Broomfield Park.  They also stopped by at the Community Orchard to admire the wildflowers, see how the apples were coming on, drink home-made apple wine and observe the insects in their bug hotel, the Bugsingham Palace.  A few visitors even tried their hand at croquet on the former bowling green.  And there were chilli plants on.......

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Pinkham Way campaigners help monitor North Circ pollution levels

29 July 2015

The Pinkham Way Alliance, which is campaigning against industrial use of a nature conservation site adjacent to the North Circular Road, is participating in a London-wide study into air quality.  If the monitoring confirms that the air near this stretch of the A406 is already very seriously polluted, this will help strengthen the campaigners' arguments against use of the site for processing household and industrial waste, which would inevitably result in even more lorry traffic along the.......
