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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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The project to transform an unexciting area of playing fields into a haven for wildlife and attractive open space while simultaneously helping to mitigate flooding reached another milestone on 9th March, when the Firs Farm Wetlands and Cycle Path were formally opened.

photoSee here at the ribbon cutting ceremony are (from left to right) Cllr Bambos Charalambous (Associate Cabinet Member Enfield Southgate), Ian Russell (Senior Engineer from Enfield Council), Cllr Daniel Anderson (Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment), Toni Guiver (Friends of Firs Farm Park) and Matthew Pencharz (Deputy Mayor of London for Environment and Energy).

The background to the Wetlands scheme was described by Ian Russell at the ceremony - see the video clip below.  He paid particular tribute to the Friends of Firs Farm Park, who mobilized more than two hundred volunteers to help plant the wetlands.

Volunteers have also been tidying the woodland area of the park, known as Firs Farm Spinney - see the photograph below.

firs farm spinney

Below, Tony Guiver talks about further work to be carried out over the summer:

What's coming up for this summer in Firs Farm?

The Friends are planning to launch the changes to everyone in the community at the Firs Farm Launch Event which takes place on Saturday  16th July in Firs Farm
The Friends next planning  meeting for this  event will be held at the  Winchmore sports club on Thursday 7th April @ 8pm.

Please join us and bring anyone else that would be interested in helping with this event. If you want to get involved and help to organise and make this a successful event please contact the Friends.

We already have a number of interested corporate companies taking part in this event: Thames Water, Thames 21, Sony DAB, A science group, to name but a few. We are  looking for more  sponsors, a beer tent (Llocal public house or brewery?) volunteers, musicians and many more.

If you are a local business and would like a stand at this event please email your interest to us and we will be in touch once the stall holder packs are ready to be sent out.

For this to be a success we need the more than just the Friends we need YOU.  Anyone who wants to help organise this event please get in touch with the Friends.

Would you like to Volunteer in Firs Farm or join the Friends?

Email the Friends if you would like to know more about Firs Farm or to join the group of volunteers.

The Friends meet up to carry out tasks in the park ?every Tuesday morning and the first Saturday of each month. From 10am  - Meeting point :- Firs Farm Car Park, Firs Lane, N21 2PJ.

Please come along and join us when you can and for as long as you can in making a difference to your local green space.

Further information

Friends of Firs Farm Park website

Public meeting and AGM of the Friends



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