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Environmental Protection

Central London vehicle emissions zone to be introduced in April 2019

05 April 2017

The Mayor of London has announced that he intends to bring forward the introduction of the Ultra-Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ) in Central London by a year.  Subject to further consultation, it will now come into force in April 2019.  Drivers of petrol vehicles that don’t meet Euro 4 standards and diesel vehicles that do not meet Euro 6 standards will have to pay a daily fee of £12.50 for cars, vans and motorbikes and £100 for buses, coaches and HGVs. Initially, the ULEZ.......

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Tackling air pollution in Enfield

01 February 2017

Caroline Russell writes about the Clean Air for Enfield meeting that took place at Bowes School on 12th January.

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Petition calls for ultra-low emissions zone to include the whole of London

31 January 2017

An online petition on the 38 Degrees website is calling on the Mayor of London to include the whole of Greater London in the Ultra-Low Emissions Zone, for it to cover all types of vehicle and for it to come into force by 2019. The  petition was created by Daniel Jones of Enfield Green Party. “We call on the Mayor of London and Transport for London to introduce an Ultra Low Emission Zone for all vehicles to cover the whole of Greater London by 2019.” Why is this important?.......

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A cry for help from the head of Bowes School

27 January 2017

In a particularly bad time for air quality (not yet over), a couple of newspaper headlines that bring home the problem. The front page of yesterday' Evening Standard A  London  head teacher today issued a heartfelt “cry for help” to protect her pupils from toxic air which has blighted the capital for days. Effie Demetriou of Bowes Primary School, next to the North Circular, begged  Sadiq Khan  and Transport for London to act and cut local pollution........

"Black" air quality alert - time for action!

25 January 2017

Air pollution levels in London and elsewhere in the UK have been alarmingly high since before the weekend.  Yesterday central London registered the highest possible alert level:  10: Black.  And the extremely high and dangerous levels reached outer London.  8: Red at sites in Enfield - a value associated with central London on particularly bad days. Pollution peaks in London 23 Jan 2017 recorded by (Source: Evening Standard) Calls for action are growing.......

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How you can help the Pinkham Way campaigners

07 January 2017

The Pinkham Way Allliance (PWA) is asking its supporters to sign up to be represented by the Alliance in the ongoing London Borough of Haringey's Local Plan Main Modifications public consultation. The PWA has written a response to the main modifications document which is aimed at overturning Haringey Council's insistence that the Pinkham Way site continue to be allocated as a potential employment site.  Quite apart from the fact that it poses a threat to an ecologically valuable site and.......

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Rare damselflies spotted on the New River

07 December 2016

Surveyors working with London Wildlife Trust’s Water for Wildlife project spotted a pair of willow emerald damselflies whilst looking for dragonflies and damselflies in Clissold Park, Hackney, in late September. By tracking such insects the project is mapping out the health of London’s freshwater ecosystems. Research volunteer Sonja Todd spotted the male and female willow emerald damselfly in reeds growing in the New River in the park. Read the full story on the London Wildlife.......

The blue wheelie bin - no more plastic bags

21 November 2016

Enfield Council have recently clarified what exactly is allowed in the blue recycling wheelie bins.  The main change is that plastic bags (including carrier bags) and plastic wrapping are no longer allowed, because other materials were being caught up in them. For obvious reasons, the Council are adamant that nappies, even if unused, must not go in the blue bins, and the same is true of sanitary products.  The Council is taking a "Zero Tolerance" approach because of the problems such.......

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Second phase of Mayor of London's Air Quality consultation

28 October 2016

The Mayor of London has launched the second phase of his consultation on proposed measures to improve air quality in the Capital. The consultation phase, which runs until 18 December, invites the public to comment on detailed proposals for an Emission Surcharge payable by drivers whose vehicles do not meet stipulated conditions when driving in the Congestion Zone.  It also asks for feedback on the possible earlier introduction of an Ultra Low Emissions Zone and its possible enlargement to.......

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Become a Clean Air Champion - and pick up some useful skills

20 October 2016

Vehicle Idling Action are recruiting volunteers to become Clean Air Champions in twelve London boroughs - including Enfield. Join our Vehicle Idling Action campaign and be part of a movement to bring much needed positive environmental changes to our communities. Together we can spread awareness about the negative impacts of engine idling, creating long-term behavioural changes in drivers to immediately reduce localised air pollution. We are establishing a team of enthusiastic, willing,.......

Play Quarters - Palmers Green leads the way

18 October 2016

Palmers Green is to be the trailblazer for a project which will return to children some of the independence that has been taken away from them in recent years. London's first Play Quarter will build on the existing Play Street schemes in and around Palmers Green - in Devonshire Road, Old Park Road, New River Crescent, Riverside, The Mall and Orpington Road.  Those streets are now not only home to more active, happy children with new friends next door, but they have also become friendlier,.......

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Cycle Enfield - part of a national strategy to improve our wellbeing

27 August 2016

Enfield Council's plans for cycle lanes along main roads and quieter neighbourhoods in residential areas moved a little closer to completion this week, when a High Court judge refused an application for a judicial review of the Cycle Enfield consultation arrangements and ordered that the Save Our Green Lanes campaigning group should pay the  Council's costs. The judge dismissed claims by the anti-cycle lane campaigners that there were  serious flaws in the way the consultation was.......

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How can you ensure you have Healthy Lungs for Life?

23 August 2016

During September the Healthy Lungs for Life campaign will be running free events at various locations in London.  Visitors to the Healthy Lungs for Life "bubble" will be offered free tests of lung function (spirometry), advice on lung health and how to protect against air pollution, and a chance to take part in an interactive game. The main organisations behind the campaign, which is Europe-wide, are the European Respiratory Society and the European Lung Foundation. On Monday 5.......

Time to crack down on illegal idling

23 August 2016

It is a little known fact that running a car engine while not in traffic is illegal.  Another little known fact is that turning off engines while stationary, even for a very short time, significantly reduces emissions of toxic exhaust fumes and climate-changing greenhouse gases. Recently the City of London Police began enforcing the law against running engines while parked, and there are plans to extend this to more London boroughs - unfortunately, Enfield is not on the list. An online.......

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New pick-up points for Forty Hall Farm organic vegetable bags scheme

08 August 2016

Enfield Veg. Co. have added two new pick-up points - at Millfield House (Silver Street, not far from the Cambridge Roundabout) and at Building Bloqs in Edmonton. Enfield Veg Co.- Enfield's very own veg bag scheme Enfield Veg Co. is a social enterprise based at Capel Manor's Forty Hall Farm. We run a vegetable bag scheme which delivers weekly bags of organic vegetables - much of them grown on Forty Hall Farm in Enfield. We offer three different sized bags: small (£28 per month).......

Solving London's air quality crisis may require a complete phase-out of diesel cars

26 July 2016

The Mayor of London's public consultation on measures to resolve the capital's air quality crisis finishes on Friday 29th July.  Recently published reports question the adequacy of Sadiq Khan's proposals and suggest much tougher controls, especially in relation to diesel cars. See this earlier article for information about the consultation. Call to completely remove diesel cars A report by the Institute for Public Policy Research, drawing on analysis by Kings College London, calls.......

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Public consultation: Cleaning up London's air pollution

09 July 2016

The Mayor of London has set out his intention to address poor air quality in the capital.  He has announced plans to introduce new measures, such as an extra charge on the most polluting vehicles, and expanding the Ultra Low Emission Zone beyond inner London, in order to improve the local environment and health of residents and visitors. Residents of all London boroughs are invited to participate in an online consultation about their views on the severity of the problem and proposed.......

“We’re not anti-car. We just want better streets”

17 May 2016

A new campaigning group is calling for a fairer balance between cars, cycles, buses and pedestrians on Enfield's roads. Better Streets for Enfield supports the Cycle Enfield (Mini Holland) plans to boost cycling and walking rates by installing bike lanes, 'quieter neighbourhoods', and redesigned high streets. Devonshire Road should by rights be a quiet residential street, but most of the time is a "rat run".  For two hours a month it turns into a Play Street (Photo:  Phil Rogers)While.......

28th May - a Day of Action along the New River Path

12 May 2016

A Day of Action is being coordinated by Thames21 and CleanupUK to clean up the footpath beside the New River. Residents are coming together at 5 locations to spruce up these well used and well loved paths beside this seventeenth century aqueduct. Volunteers are invited to join Thames21 and CleanupUK at one of the sites in Hackney, Haringey or Enfield. Meet at 10am at any of these locations: Turkey Street: between Bulls Cross and St Ignatius College, Enfield, EN1 contact:.......

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Protecting yourself against air pollution

02 May 2016

The following advice has been issued by the British Lung Foundation. What can I do about air pollution? On most days and away from busy city streets, air pollution in the UK does not rise to levels at which we need to make major changes to our habits to avoid exposure. Nobody needs to worry about going outdoors. Children should not be kept from going to school or stopped from taking part in games. If you have a lung condition, you might want to avoid spending long periods of time in places.......
