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Environmental Protection

Green Belt campaigners issue final appeal for support over Local Plan proposals

21 February 2019

Enfield RoadWatch, a group which campaigns against housebuilding on Green Belt land, has issued a reminder that the deadline for responding to the draft Enfield Local Plan is approaching - responses must be received by 5pm on Thursday 28th February.

Countering the threat to London from flooding

01 February 2019

A programme in the PBS documentary series Sinking Cities looks at London's history of serious flooding, the (temporary) solution provided by the Thames Barrier and the growing threats posed by extreme weather events and rising sea levels, both of these being consequences of human-induced climate change. Schemes covered by the programme include Firs Farm Wetlands and the Houndsden Gutter in Grange Park

Call for council to help tackle greenhouse gas emissions

30 January 2019

A motion calling on Enfield Council to take steps to help tackle the global climate emergency is on the agenda for tonight's meeting of the full council. If approved tonight, the motion tabled by Councillor Vicki Pite will add Enfield's name to those of a growing list of councils which have passed climate emergency motions in response to the dire warnings contained in a recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Exploring the course of the Salmons Brook

15 January 2019

The Pymmes Brookers will be exploring parts of the Salmons Brook on Saturday 2nd March

Learn how to Save a Crust

14 January 2019

Up to 24 million slices of bread are wasted every day in UK, contributing to £800 worth of food being thrown away by the average household in UK every year. North London Waste Authority has commissioned Keep Britain Tidy to hold some free events across north London to help residents avoid bread waste and save money.

Air pollution: What's the problem and what can we do about it?

03 January 2019

The air pollution that we breathe every day is largely invisible, but is killing us. How did it get this bad, and how can we stop it? Dr Gary Fuller, an air pollution scientist in the Environmental Research Group at King’s College London, explores the history and affects of air pollution, how we can all make a difference and why he's written his new book: The Invisible Killer: The Rising Global Threat of Air Pollution and How We Can Fight Back. Listen to a podcast with Dr Fuller.

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Petition calls for more action to reduce pollution going into London's rivers

31 December 2018

The charity London Waterkeeper has launched an online petition calling on the Environment Agency and Ofwat to instruct Thames Water to double its planned efforts to reduce the number of polluting outfalls into streams and rivers.

Avoiding climate catastrophe: Never too small to make a difference

19 December 2018

The Mayor of London has published a plan for zero carbon London. We can start working towards it today.

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What's with all these wetlands and rain gardens?

16 December 2018

A new video provides a very clear explanation of how creating wetlands, deculverting streams and other forms of natural flood management work.

Pymmes BrookERS

25 November 2018

Pymmes BrookERS - entry in Palmers Green Community Directory

Sign a petition to protect a local nature conservation site

31 October 2018

Sign a petition to protect a local nature conservation site from industrial development

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Call to action to protect a local nature conservation site

17 October 2018

As part of their long-running fight to protect a nature conservation site from industrial development, the Pinkham Way Alliance have this week called for all supporters to fill the public gallery at a meeting on Thursday evening.

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The Divest Enfield campaign explained

11 October 2018

In this Enfield Voices webinar Francis Sealey interviews Adam McGibbon about the Divest Enfield campaign.

Enfield MPs set an example on fossil fuel divestment

09 October 2018

Members of environmental campaign group Divest Enfield are celebrating the fact that all three Enfield MPs have now thrown their weight behind fossil fuel divestment campaigns. Divest Enfield is calling on Enfield Council to follow the parliamentarians' example and stop investing in fossil fuel companies.

Enfield campaigners take heart from decision by Islington to divest from fossil fuels

18 September 2018

Following the announcement that Islington Council is to divest from investments in fossil fuel companies, climate change campaigners in our borough are urging Enfield Council to follow suit.

Want to walk to school but have concerns?

11 September 2018

There are many reasons to regret the fact that so many children these days are driven to school instead of walking or making their own way by public transport. Among the problems are lack of sufficient exercise, congestion and road danger caused by build-ups of cars near school gates, and exposure to toxic fumes, which recent research has found is actually more of a problem inside a car than outside.

Applications are now open for round two of the Community Green Space Grants

06 August 2018

The Mayor of London is inviting groups to apply for Community Green Space Grants

MP joins with local activists in urging climate change action

01 August 2018

Bambos Charalambous MP has signed a letter to the prime minister urging her to commit to bringing the UK's greenhouse gas emissions down to 'net zero' before 2050.

1st August is Earth Overshoot Day

31 July 2018

This year August 1st is Earth Overshoot Day, the date when we (all of humanity) have used more from the rest of nature than our planet can renew in the entire year. This date moves about three days earlier each year as our consumption, population and emissions increase. We are currently living as if we had 1.7 Earths, a 70% overshoot.

My Liveable London gets personal

23 April 2018

The My Liveable London campaign has moved into a new phase - asking everyone who supports its aims to email all candidates standing in their ward urging them to respond positively to the campaign's challenge to local politicians. Help make a city where everyone can walk and cycle safely and happily. Imagine a truly Liveable London. A city where: It’s enjoyable to walk and cycle your local trips You can breathe fresh air on streets free from congestion Children can safely.......

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