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Environmental Protection

Feeling the heat!

16 December 2019

Pupils at an Enfield primary school have collaborated with their music teacher to make a single about climate change and a YouTube video where the children talk about the threat of global rising temperatures and the part that reforestation can play in reducing the rate of temperature increase. All profits will go to the TreesForCities charity.

There is no Planet B: What the candidates say about the climate crisis

04 December 2019

Enfield Climate Action Forum has recorded audio interviews about tacking the climate crisis with candidates standing for election in the three Enfield constituencies.

Mums for Lungs: London's toxic air

02 December 2019

The Mums for Lungs campaign has published an updated version of its London's Toxic Air flyer, intended primarily for distribution at school Christmas fairs, but useful for informing everyone about the problem of air pollution in the capital and ways in which individuals can help reduce pollution and their exposure to dirty air.

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Which candidates have taken the Climate Action Pledge?

30 November 2019

How do political parties measure up to the challenges posed by the climate emergency, which require urgent and very radical measures? Friends of the Earth have examined the manifestos to find out. Locally, they want us to ask our candidates to take the Climate Action Pledge.

What councils can do to reduce carbon emissions from transport

10 November 2019

Nearly two thirds of London councils have declared a climate emergency. While it is relatively straightforward to declare an emergency, it is far more challenging to commit to specific interventions that will deliver big cuts in carbon emissions. The London Living Streets group has identified a range of key policies that local authorities can adopt right now to reduce carbon emissions. All have either been adopted by another major global city, by local authorities in London or elsewhere in the UK.

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Involving civil society in tackling the climate emergency

01 November 2019

Nearly fifty groups from across the range of community activities in Enfield are joining forces in order to involve civic society in addressing the emergency of climate change.

We're facing a climate emergency. Join us to kickstart Climate Action Enfield

30 October 2019

We're facing a climate emergency. The biggest threat to our very existence and to much of the natural world we've ever seen. And yet our leaders are letting us down. The solutions to the climate crisis are out there, and they're achievable. So join us to kickstart Climate Action Enfield and connect with others who want to make these solutions a reality.

Green Open Homes 2019

19 October 2019

Properties include Edwardian villas, a 1920s former London County Council property, a timber-framed 1980s house and the cob and straw eco building at the Meadow Orchard community garden. Features include underfloor heating systems, an air source heat pump, rainwater harvesting, a green roof and much more.

Preserving the Pinkham Way woodlands - a new appeal

08 October 2019

The long drawn out process of finalising the North London Waste Plan is continuing. The next important stage - the examination in public by the planning inspector - is scheduled for November. Its outcome has the potential to determine whether or not a waste processing plant is built on an important nature conservation site - the woodlands adjacent to the Pinkham Way section of the North Circular Road.

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Rebelling to prevent climate catastrophe: A weekend of actions and entertainment

14 August 2019

Extinction Rebellion campaigners from five boroughs have announced plans for a North London Uprising on 7th and 8th September. Rebellion groups from Haringey, Islington, Camden, Enfield and Barnet will be occupying streets and running events in and around Turnpike Lane, Downhills Park, Harringay Green Lanes and Manor House.

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Recycling plastic bags at Morrisons and Sainsburys

14 July 2019

Readers will be aware that Enfield Council no longer allows plastic bags in its recycling wheelie bins (with blue lids), but may not know that many kinds of plastic bags, including carrier bags, can be recycled at Morrisons in Palmers Green and Sainsburys in Green Lanes, Winchmore Hill.

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Enfield Council to declare a climate emergency

09 July 2019

Enfield Council is to join a growing list of local authorities across the UK which have made formal declarations of a Climate Emergency. The declaration, set to be endorsed by the full council on 10th July, commits the council to becoming carbon-neutral by 2030, to stop investing in fossil fuel companies, and to maximise use of environmentally friendly products.

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Rising to the challenge of the climate emergency

19 June 2019

The Enfield branch of the climate emergency direct action campaign Extinction Rebellion is launching a public awareness campaign throughout the borough and challenging Enfield Council to follow the lead of other local authorities and declare a Climate Emergency. There will be a public meeting on 29th June and a demonstration outside the Council meeting on 10th July, plus street stalls providing information in Palmers Green, Enfield and Edmonton.

Government fossil fuels divestment policy leaves Enfield lagging behind

03 June 2019

Local fossil fuels campaigners say that an announcement made by the pensions minister today is an indication that Enfield Council is failing to keep up with the national trend which sees investors moving funds away from fuels that are contributing to the climate crisis. In a press release issued on Monday Divest Enfield say that the government announcement 'puts Enfield on the wrong side of history'.

Planting the Broomfield wetlands

22 May 2019

There was a big turnout of volunteers to help plant the new Broomfield Wetlands on a sunny Tuesday morning this week.

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'London's warming - and we're not ready'

16 May 2019

London schools, hospitals, tube stations are all at serious risk as global temperatures continue to rise – reveals a startling new report from Caroline Russell AM. It calls for dramatic Mayoral action to protect Londoners.

Updating road user charging to reflect the true impact of individual journeys

01 May 2019

A new report by Centre for London, Green Light: Next Generation Road User Charging for a Healthier, More Liveable, London, calls for London to move towards an innovative new road user charging scheme which charges drivers on a per-mile basis. Costs would vary by vehicle emissions, local levels of congestion and pollution and availability of public transport alternatives; and prices would be set before the journey begins.

Film shows the effects of air pollution

27 April 2019

Living, Breathing, London is a film about the effects of air pollution created by Ross Field of Videoblogg Productions

Sign before 10th April to safeguard the Pinkham Way nature conservation site

27 March 2019

The Pinkham Way Alliance is urging people to sign online in support of its response to the draft North London Waste Plan (NLWP). Their submission calls for removal of the Pinkham Way nature conservation site (close to the Enfield/Barnet/Haringey borough boundaries) from a list of potential sites for new waste processing facilities.

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A letter to all of us from our children

03 March 2019

Ahead of the next strike by schoolchildren, scheduled for 15th March, the Global Coordination Group of the Youth-led Climate Strike has published an open letter in the Guardian newspaper.
