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Environmental Protection

Mayoral election: Where do the candidates stand on environmental issues?

06 May 2021

If you haven't already decided who you're voting for and have a couple of hours to spare, you can watch the online environmental hustings that were held last month.

Health charities call for ultra-low emissions zone to be extended to all of London

21 April 2021

Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation are calling for the ultra-low emissions zone (ULEZ) to be extended to cover the whole of London in order to improve the health of sufferers from asthma and other lung diseases. They say Sadiq Khan's planned extension of the zone to the area within the North and South Circular Roads would leave 360,000 asthma sufferers exposed to harmful air. The Green candidate for mayor agrees with the charities, but the Conservative candidate has said he would cancel even the currently planned extension

Local environmentalist in court this week

13 April 2021

Local environmentalist Georgia Elliott-Smith is in court this Wednesday and Thursday - the High Court, no less - arguing that the government's new carbon trading scheme is in contravention of the Climate Change Act. It will be possible to watch the proceedings online. Georgia' crowdfunding page, raising money for legal costs, is still open for pledges.

Fairtrade and climate change - what's the connection?

02 March 2021

The February meeting of Enfield Climate Action Forum (EnCAF) focussed on the links between injustice in the global trade system and continuing failure to reduce global emissions of greenhouse gases. There were presentations from four people involved in the launch of a bid to make Enfield an official Fairtrade Community.

Wanted: A north London council bold and far-sighted enough to reevaluate the Edmonton incinerator project

24 February 2021

Environmental campaigners have issued a challenge to the seven borough councils that are funding the North London Heat and Power Project - the construction of a new and larger incinerator to replace the existing facility in Edmonton: 'The question before north London's councils is: Will the decision to reverse course be taken now, responsibly, before costs skyrocket, opportunities for a green recovery are lost, and the equivalent of 250,000 diesel cars are added to our roads? Or will the decision be pushed off to the near future? That's the real call being made.'

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Apply to become a London National Park City Ranger

31 January 2021

The National Park City Foundation is looking for another 50 volunteer London National Park City Rangers to share their vision for a greener, healthier and wilder London. New year, new you? What if in 2021 you joined our community of Rangers who aim to make life better in London National Park City?

Making the best use of Enfield's 'blue and green assets'

11 January 2021

How do Enfield Council's ideas for protecting and enhancing the borough's 'green and blue assets' measure up against the challenges of providing a healthy and pleasant environment, good jobs and, above all, halting climate change and mitigating its effects? In its consultation response, Enfield Climate Action Forum praises the draft strategy's ambition, its 'laudable goals and intentions' and 'real strengths', but concludes that it neglects some important opportunities and that overall it lacks a 'long-term all-embracing strategy to fulfil the admirable ambitions'.

Council consulting on changes to residents' tariffs in controlled parking zones

03 January 2021

Enfield Council is consulting on proposals to change the costs of residents' parking permits in controlled parking zones (CPZs).

Draft Blue and Green Strategy 'worthy and ambitious', but fears for future of Green Belt remain

19 December 2020

A campaigning group set up to defend the borough's green belt and open spaces has published its submission to the council's consultation on a new 'blue and green strategy' for Enfield. While calling it 'ambitious with some worthy goals', Enfield RoadWatch is concerned about omissions from the draft - in particular with regard to agriculture and horticulture - and remains anxious about the possibility of development on Green Belt land. It is encouraging individual residents to register these concerns when responding to the consultation, which runs until 11th January.

Young climate activists quiz Enfield North MP on Edmonton incinerator

15 December 2020

Enfield North MP Feryal Clark was recently interviewed by three members of Enfield Climate Action Forum's youth section. All questions put by Navaeh West Lawson. Kim Ly and Dhaneesha Cattaree related to the plan to replace the existing incinerator on the North Circular Road in Edmonton with a much larger facility

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Waste Not: Revamp, Repair, Reuse

05 December 2020

Waste Not: Revamp, Repair, Reuse - entry in Palmers Green Community Directory

Take advantage of the Green Homes Grant to save energy

15 September 2020

Under the new government Green Homes Grant scheme homeowners and landlords can get up to £5,000 to pay for energy saving improvements. According to the government, more than 600,000 people could benefit from the new proposals which aim to cut carbon in our homes as well as providing green jobs.

Council climate action plans: What questions should we be asking?

26 August 2020

What questions should council scrutiny panels and members of the public ask when considering climate action plans drawn up by local authorities? A new guide, published today by the Local Government Association (LGA) sets out ten such questions which will help all councils and policymakers embed the necessary environmental, social and cultural changes that communities need to build resilience in the face of climate change.

New Edmonton incinerator: Busting six myths

19 August 2020

A recent presentation by Carina Millstone of the Stop the Edmonton Incinerator campaign.

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Environmental award for Winchmore Hill church

17 August 2020

A national charity has recognised the progress made by the minister and congregation members at a Winchmore Hill church in reducing the environmental impact of the church's buildings and activities and of their lives.

100,000 new trees and a new walking and cycling route

11 August 2020

An award of £748,000 from the Mayor of London plus £425,000 from the Forestry Commission will enable Enfield Council and Thames21 to start work this autumn on creating a large new woodland area in the north west of the borough. The new trees - up to 100,000 in total over a three-year period - will play an important part in Enfield's plans to achieve 'net zero carbon' by 2040 while providing a major new public utility. The project will also allow the council to progress its long-term scheme for a walking and cycling route across the entire width of the borough.

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HM Government legally challenged on incineration

11 August 2020

Georgia Elliot-Smith, an Enfield resident and leading campaigner against the planned Edmonton incinerator, has instigated related legal proceedings against the UK Government and Devolved Administrations. The case will be led by the same QC who won last year's Heathrow 3rd runway case for Friends of the Earth.

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Enfield cabinet adopts Climate Action Plan

22 July 2020

Enfield's cabinet has approved a Climate Action Plan which sets out measures designed to make council activities carbon-neutral by 2030 and the borough as a whole carbon-neutral by 2040.

Open letter to waste authority chair shows that challenges to huge incinerator project continue

02 July 2020

At last week's board meeting of the North London Waste Authority, the concerns of a remarkably broad coalition of opponents of the plan for a huge new incinerator were brushed aside by the authority's chair. But challenges to the project have not gone away, the latest being an open letter which, using unvarnished language, calls out the authority on one of the most basic items of data being used to justify the project.

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Paid internships for young people wishing to help transform the food system

24 June 2020

Feedback, an environmental organisation campaigning to transform the food system, is recruiting for a series of 15-week-long, 4 days per week, paid internships (£10.75 per hour) for young people (aged 18-24) based at Forty Hall Farm. Plus an additional internship placement in Barnet at GROW in Totteridge Academy
