26 August 2020
What questions should council scrutiny panels and members of the public ask when considering climate action plans drawn up by local authorities? A new guide, published today by the Local Government Association (LGA) sets out ten such questions which will help all councils and policymakers embed the necessary environmental, social and cultural changes that communities need to build resilience in the face of climate change.
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17 August 2020
A national charity has recognised the progress made by the minister and congregation members at a Winchmore Hill church in reducing the environmental impact of the church's buildings and activities and of their lives.
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11 August 2020
An award of £748,000 from the Mayor of London plus £425,000 from the Forestry Commission will enable Enfield Council and Thames21 to start work this autumn on creating a large new woodland area in the north west of the borough. The new trees - up to 100,000 in total over a three-year period - will play an important part in Enfield's plans to achieve 'net zero carbon' by 2040 while providing a major new public utility. The project will also allow the council to progress its long-term scheme for a walking and cycling route across the entire width of the borough.
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11 August 2020
Georgia Elliot-Smith, an Enfield resident and leading campaigner against the planned Edmonton incinerator, has instigated related legal proceedings against the UK Government and Devolved Administrations. The case will be led by the same QC who won last year's Heathrow 3rd runway case for Friends of the Earth.
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22 July 2020
Enfield's cabinet has approved a Climate Action Plan which sets out measures designed to make council activities carbon-neutral by 2030 and the borough as a whole carbon-neutral by 2040.
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02 July 2020
At last week's board meeting of the North London Waste Authority, the concerns of a remarkably broad coalition of opponents of the plan for a huge new incinerator were brushed aside by the authority's chair. But challenges to the project have not gone away, the latest being an open letter which, using unvarnished language, calls out the authority on one of the most basic items of data being used to justify the project.
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24 June 2020
Feedback, an environmental organisation campaigning to transform the food system, is recruiting for a series of 15-week-long, 4 days per week, paid internships (£10.75 per hour) for young people (aged 18-24) based at Forty Hall Farm. Plus an additional internship placement in Barnet at GROW in Totteridge Academy
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24 June 2020
The new wetlands in Broomfield Park have been shortlisted for an award by susdrain, a 'community' which supports the delivery and maintenance of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS).
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13 June 2020
In this video Louise Dennis takes us on a tour of Firs Farm - the wetlands, the ancient hedgerow and the Spinney, explaining their function and their importance.
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10 June 2020
In response to a complaint from the Friends of the Lakes Estate Conservation Area about unauthorised tree surgery, an Enfield council officer has written warning against scams operated by rogue tree surgeons - in this case, by a firm called Acacia Tree Surgery.
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03 June 2020
Two campaigning organisations have issued urgent appeals to respond to the Mayor of London's consultation on temporary changes to the Central London Congestion Charge and support the proposals, in order to help prevent the return of heavy traffic with consequent implications for air quality and increased road danger. The appeal has been made by Mum's For Lungs, a group set up to try to protect schoolchildren from toxic traffic fumes, and London Living Streets, which brings together London members of the charity which campaigns to rebalance the interests of road users.
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01 June 2020
Environmental groups have renewed calls for the North London Waste Authority (NLWA) to review its plans to build a huge new waste incinerator in Edmonton. A letter sent to councillors in seven boroughs contains detailed 'rebuttals' of claims made recently by NLWA board members in defence of the project. Their objections relate both to serious environmental concerns and to the project's value for money, especially in the light of changing circumstances.
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26 May 2020
North London Organic Gardeners and Incredible Edible Barnet are joining forces to put on the first North London online Gardeners' Question Time Monday 9th April.
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20 May 2020
Enfield Council's draft climate action plan is much too limited in scope, is taking far too long to be developed and put into action, is neglecting to engage citizens properly, and fails to identify opportunities for the borough's businesses. These are the conclusions of an analysis presented at the April meeting of the Enfield Climate Action Forum (EnCAF).
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06 May 2020
Throughout their existence, the Friends of Broomfield Park have been helping make the park 'green' in the modern environmental sense of the word. Last week they published a document outlining their work to date and what they are planning for the future. Also highlighted are the FoBP's community and educational roles.
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15 April 2020
The Climate Action Plan published by Enfield Council in mid-March outlines measures designed to make the council carbon-neutral by 2030. However, only 11 per cent of borough-wide emissions are due to the council's own operations, the main sources are transport, housing and the industrial and commercial sector, and it is equally important to make these carbon-neutral too. The deadline for comments is looming - in view of the coronavirus crisis taking precedence, it should be extended.
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11 March 2020
Councillors in seven north London boroughs have this week received letters urging them to radically re-think the plan for processing the area's waste and to put on hold and review the planned construction of a huge new incinerator in Edmonton.
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07 March 2020
Thames21 has 2,000 trees to plant as part of the Salmons Brook Natural Flood Management project. These will help ‘slow the flow’ in flood conditions and improve biodiversity in the Green Belt. Volunteers are wanted to attend Slopers Pond Farm, EN4 0HL on Saturday 14th March between 10am and 4pm. Everyone is welcome
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26 February 2020
'You won't need a projector at the meeting - I will be projecting into people's heads! It will be a journey in vegetable seeds from Roman London to present-day Winchmore Hill and then a trip around Italy in endangered and heritage vegetable varieties.' The message sent to North London Organic Gardeners from the very special guest at the group's meeting next Wednesday - Paolo Arrigo of Seeds of Italy and Franchi Seeds
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