Terms of use and privacy policies overview
Palmers Green Community is a website that is entirely paid for by me (Basil Clarke) and run in my capacity as a private individual as a free gift to the community. As such, I reserve the right to decide what is suitable content and to decide who is allowed to post to the discussion forums and what is acceptable.
The website incorporates events listings and two directories (Community Directory and Business Directory), none of which make any claim to be comprehensive or completely up-to-date. I reserve the right to decide which organisations and events to list, but will honour any request to remove or correct information as soon as possible. The Business Directory is principally intended to help people find local sole traders and small businesses and does not as a rule include local branches of larger businesses or businesses not owned by British companies.
The operation of the website and email newsletters does not generate any income and no charges are made for any services it provides. There is absolutely no paid-for advertising or content.
Collection of personal data is minimal, data is stored securely and none of it is made available to third parties other than the email service that sends out the weekly newsletter, which has its own robust privacy and data processing policy.
Privacy: Website analytics
To provide anonymous information about the popularity of the website and of individual articles and event listings, the website utilises the analytical services of clicky.com with the visitor privacy setting enabled, meaning that no personal data is collected. For more information visit https://clicky.com/help/faq/privacy.
Unlike many websites, Palmers Green Community does not use Google Analytics to monitor usage because, in contrast to Clicky, Google Analytics tracks visitors as they move between websites and collects personal data which Google uses to generate revenue by selling advertising.
Privacy: Visitors who are not logged in
This website does not collect any personal information about visitors who are not logged in. During each visit only an "essential" cookie is set to allow the website to function as expected.
Any YouTube videos embedded in articles and forum posts are "cookie-free" versions, meaning that they do not help Google track your web browsing activities (however, this is only the case if you have already removed all YouTube cookies from your browser). If you wish to take advantage of this, do not click on "Watch on YouTube".
Privacy: Links to other websites
Items on the website and in the weekly newsletter contain hyperlinks to external websites. These will have their own privacy and cookie policies for which the Palmers Green Community website cannot take any responsibility.
Privacy: Logged-in visitors
In order to post comments on articles or use the discussion forums, you will need to register as a member. Registration will also add you to the addressee list for the weekly newsletter (click here for privacy policy regarding the newsletter).
When registering and the first time you log in after registering, you will be asked to confirm that you consent to the privacy and terms of use policies set out on this page.
If you are registered on the website so that you can post messages to the forums, the system will record the most recent date and time that you logged in. Only the Webmaster can see this data. The Webmaster can also see who is logged in at the current time. This is a standard part of the content management system used to run the website (Joomla) and this information is not monitored by the Webmaster.
When registering an account on the website, you agree that the website can store your name, username and email address. These are needed for the forums to function. All visitors to the website are able to see the list of registered members, but only the Webmaster can see your username and email address. Other registered members will be able to see what messages you have posted to the forums and also use a form on the website to send you an email without knowing your email address.
If you are a registered member, it is only necessary to log in when you wish to post to the forums. You can still visit the website without logging in, in which case the fact that you visited will not be recorded.
Privacy: Requests to delete personal information
Anyone who has at any time subscribed to the weekly newsletter or has a log-in on the website can contact info@pgweb.uk and ask to know what personal information about them is stored on the website. They can ask for it to be deleted. Anyone who has posted messages to the discussion forum can ask either for their name to be removed from the forum posts or for the forums posts to be completely deleted.
Discussion forums
The forums are provided at my cost and at my risk, and there I reserve the right to delete a post, edit out any content or ban anyone from posting who strays too far from the principles set out below, without distorting what has been written.
All people contributing to the forums are required to register using their real names (this does not apply to Usernames for logging in).
In addition to the criteria for defining Unaccepable content, forum posts may be deleted if the subject matter is repetitive, going round in circles or simply tedious in some other way.
I deem Unacceptable any wording, image, attached file or linked website that
- Is being used to abuse, harrass, stalk or threaten a person or persons
- Is libellous or defamatory
- Is knowingly false or inaccurate
- Contains criticism of another person’s character, as opposed to reasoned criticism of specific actions they have taken or of their views or arguments
- Infringes any copyright, trademark, trade secret or patent of a third party
- Violates any obligation of confidentiality
- Violates the privacy, publicity, moral or any other right of any third party
- Contains editorial content that has been commissioned and paid for by a third party (whether in cash or goods in barter), and/or contains paid advertising links
In addition, when posting you must declare any business or financial interest that they may have in a matter under discussion.
Events listings
The website and weekly newsletter include information about future events taking place in or within a few miles of Palmers Green (and occasionally in other parts of London). Event organisers and others are welcome to request that their events are included, but it is my decision as to whether to do so. I may refuse because I consider an event unsuitable for the website or because I do not have the time to add it to the events database.
In order to provide more comprehensive listings I often add events on my own initiative. If any organisation objects to have their events listed or to the way they are advertised, please email info@pgweb.uk and I will remove them as soon as possible.
The events listings occasionally include incorrect or outdated information. I therefore recommend contacting the organisers before making any arrangements.