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Environmental Protection

Joining forces to challenge local politicians to create My Liveable London

10 April 2018

In the run up to the council elections on 3rd May two organisations that campaign for a fresh approach to London's streets have come together to set out a challenge for party leaders in each of London's 32 boroughs. London Living Streets, who seek better streets for pedestrians, are combining forces with the London Cycle Campaign, who, unsurprisingly, would like pleasanter and safer conditions for people riding bikes in London. They are calling their joint campaign My Liveable London and they want boroughs to create more "low traffic neighbourhoods".

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With the Mayor on our side, divestment is inevitable

01 April 2018

A guest article by James Cracknell, written in response to Sadiq Khan's call for all London local authorities to divest their pension funds from fossil fuel companies When it comes to environmental problems, shifts in attitude can happen incredibly quickly. Diesel was once heralded by car companies as a 'green' alternative fuel to petrol and drivers for years were conned into buying vehicles that ran on it. Evidence now shows this was a huge mistake – and politicians have been fast to.......

Tell the Mayor: We want clean air too!

13 February 2018

The Mayor of London's consultation about measures to reduce levels of toxic air pollution originating from petrol and diesel vehicles ends on 28th February.  If you, like me, think that the proposals won't provide adequate protection for people living outside the North and South Circular Roads - and will be even more injurious to the health of people living along those roads - you need to respond to the online consultation before that date. The proposals are explained on the following page.......

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Help persuade Enfield Council to divest from fossil fuels

06 January 2018

This article by James Cracknell was originally published on 17 December 2017 on the ENTWO website. Two years ago this month I cycled from London to Paris with a group of climate activists. We were travelling to the United Nations’ COP21 climate talks, raising awareness of the importance of the talks along the way. On the Champs-Élysées we joined with tens of thousands of others – including many who had cycled from around Europe as we did – to demand the strongest.......

Forty Hall Vineyard now selling London's first organic sparkling wine

13 November 2017

The vineyard says that London Sparkling Brut is perfect for Christmas drinking, but will also develop well with ageingForty Hall Vineyard has launched London Sparkling Brut 2015 - the first time a sparkling wine from the organic vineyard in Enfield has been made widely available. The 2014 vintage was declared best organic sparkling wine at the Soil Association's Best of Organic Market awards. London Sparkling Brut is made in the traditional method from the three classic champagne.......

Revealed: Every Londoner is breathing in toxic particulates

11 October 2017

New research reveals that every Londoner in the capital lives in an area exceeding World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for the most dangerous toxic particulates known as PM2.5. The research, based on the latest updated London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory, also shows that 7.9 million Londoners – nearly 95 per cent of the capital’s population – live in areas of London that exceed the guidelines by 50 per cent or more. PM2.5 are small toxic air particles which are.......

Firs Farm Wetlands awarded national prize

03 October 2017

Firs Farm Wetlands has won a Living Waterways Awards in the 2017 competition, which is run by the Canal & River Trust, the national charity which has the task of protecting more than 2000 miles of waterways in England and Wales. Firs Farm, located on the borders of Palmers Green, Winchmore Hill and Edmonton, was winner of the Contribution to the Natural Environment category.  The judges commented that "The highly integrated nature of this scheme, involving very active partners and.......

Reusing and recycling furniture - a valuable local asset

22 September 2017

If you’re planning to refurnish a room the right piece might just be there waiting for you at the Barnet Furniture Centre. This valuable local asset is at the top of Colney Hatch Lane in Friern Barnet (4 Queens Parade Close, N11 3FY – tel 020 8361 6802) and should be much better known.

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Will you leave your car at home on 22nd September?

19 September 2017

Enfield joins a global push towards a car-free day World Car Free Day takes place on 22 September Enfield schools, students and staff commit to leaving cars at home TfL’s STARS project is also supporting the initiative across London Families across Enfield are being asked to leave their cars at home and find alternative ways of getting into school in celebration of World Car Free Day (22 September). World Car Free Day also coincides with Transport for London’s.......

Could you be part of a team using community modelling to clean up our local streams?

01 September 2017

The charity Thames 21 is recruiting volunteers to work in small teams to use computer modelling to help clean up three tributaries of the River Lea - the Pymmes Brook and Salmons Brook on our side of the Lea and the Ching Brook on the east side. Love the Lea – Community Modelling Communities to shape water quality solutions Thames21 has begun a new initiative which aims to involve local communities in setting out future plans for their rivers. Using community modelling,.......

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Mayor of London's Greener City Fund will support local environmental projects

30 August 2017

In line with his support for Make London a National Park City, the Mayor of London is setting up a Greener City Fund to provide money for local groups to plant trees and improve green spaces.  Groups have until 29 September to apply for Tree Planting Grants and until 20 October to apply for Community Green Spaces Grants. Greener City Fund Mayor Sadiq Khan’s new £9 million fund to create and improve green spaces and encourage more tree planting in London. The Mayor wants.......

How to recycle shoes and textiles

02 August 2017

A message from Enfield Council Do not put shoes and textiles into your recycling bin. Please take them to your local charity chop, Barrowell Green Recycling Centre or arrange a free doorstep collection from TRAID TRAID020 8733 /collections <?php$ogImage = '';include.......

More details of the Broomfield Park wetlands proposals

02 August 2017

Enfield Council and Thames 21 have now published a more detailed version of their proposals for a wetlands scheme in Broomfield Park, designed to produce environmental benefits both locally and in the rivers Lea and Thames. There will be a consultation event in the park on 12th August or you can give your views online or.......

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Forty Hall Farm: Open more often and a new film

01 August 2017

Forty Hall Farm has announced that over the summer months it will be opening on five days a week and has posted a short film on YouTube describing the activity of its community growers. {youtube}wPGuEZo9tQM{/youtube} Starting from Wednesday 26th July, summer opening hours will be: Wednesday: 11.00 – 16.00 Thursday: 11.00 – 16.00 Friday 11.00 – 16.00 Saturday 11.00 – 16.00 Sunday 11.00 – 16.00 During visiting hours children can see animals in the barns,.......

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Thames 21 and Enfield Council to consult on Broomfield Park wetlands proposal

22 July 2017

Following preliminary soundings last month, Thames 21 and Enfield Council will be presenting more detailed proposals for a wetlands scheme in Broomfield Park.  Consultation events will be held in the Park on 27th July and 12th August, followed by an online consultation. Please join us on the following dates so that we can share plans and seek your views on a potential environmental project in Broomfield Park Thursday 27th July ‐ 15:00 – 18:30 Saturday 12th  August.......

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A wetlands scheme for Broomfield Park?

02 June 2017

Thames21 and Enfield Council are considering creating a wetlands area in Broomfield Park.

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Community use of Wolves Lane Centre - any suggestions?

26 May 2017

OrganicLea’s Vision for Wolves Lane: An initiative that grows and distributes sustainably produced food to local residents and businesses; engages a wide range of people in learning and skills activities, and health and well-being benefits; establishes itself as a centre for promoting healthy eating; and offers space for community groups and social enterprises to run activities that benefit the community. Please write with your ideas, suggestion, proposals for the future!.......

Pinkham Way campaigners celebrate a major step forward

21 May 2017

Pinkham Way will be removed from Haringey's 'Site Allocations' - the Council admitted at the hearing that it wasn't needed for its employment strategy. So, potential developers will no longer be able to argue that a development's benefit (i.e. its contribution to the borough's employment needs) outweighs the harm to nature conservation. This is a very big win indeed for residents.

Improving air quality: What’s the plan?

19 April 2017

This article has been republished with permission.  It originally appeared on the Greener Journeys website on 22nd April.  In view of yesterday's announcement, the first sentence presumably no longer holds true. DEFRA is due this month to publish its new Air Quality Plan. Government has already lost two court cases on this issue, so the pressure is on. Concern over air quality is no longer just the preserve of environmental groups and it is widely recognized that we are facing a.......

Creating Walking Cities: A blueprint for change

14 April 2017

Living Streets, the "UK Charity for Everyday Walking",  has published a Blueprint for Change, designed as a guide for city leaders to help them create Walking Cities:  "safe and inviting to people of all ages, where every child can walk safely to school, and communities have quality spaces to thrive. Walking cities mean better cities for everyone." Living Streets' Chief Executive, Joe Irvin, sets out the charity's rationale: Our streets deserve to be so much more than corridors for.......
