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thames21 logoMembers of the public are being invited to comment on a proposal for Broomfield Park to be the site of the next "rainscape" scheme to be created in Enfield.

The proposals for the Broomfield Park Wetlands Scheme are being developed by the environmental charity Thames21 in conjunction with Enfield Council. Wetlands, rainscapes and sustainable drainage systems have already been created at several sites in the borough, most notably at Firs Farm, on the Palmers Green/Winchmore Hill/Edmonton borders, where the Wetlands are not only alleviating flood risks, reducing pollution of rivers and increasing local biodiversity, but have created a beautiful new recreational area on the doorstep of hundreds of houses and flats.

The Broomfield Park wetlands initial concept

Thames21 and London Borough of Enfield are investigating the creation of a new wetland in Broomfield Park.

The project is at a very early stage, but we are very keen to gain the views of local residents and groups to help shape any project which may occur at this location.

The project is designed to create a fantastic habitat for wildlife and one which people can enjoy.

In addition, the wetland will be designed to reduce flood risk downstream and improve water quality in the Pymmes Brook (where the water from this area flows to).

Pictured below is the concept design for the site

broomfield park wetlands concept drawingInitial concept design  - click on the map for a larger version

flood risk around broomfield parkFlood risk map for the Broomfield Park area

See Broomfield Wetland page on the Thames21 website

Download a questionnaire.  Please send by email to .

How rainscapes work

Rainscapes are designed to slow down the flow of streams, reducing flood risks, and to filter impurities out of water on its way along smaller and larger brooks and streams, into the River Lea and eventually into the Thames at Limehouse.  Rainscape projects may be small - for instance, rain gardens or roadside ditches filled with plants that slow down water flow - or large, like the Firs Farm scheme. In many cases they involve bringing back to the surface streams which have been buried in underground pipes for many decades, and slowing down their flow by planting reeds and other types of vegetation.

Flooding and pollution of streams and rivers

Flooding after heavy rain has become a particular problem because so much of the ground is nowadays paved - roads and pavements, front gardens turned into hard standing for cars, etc.  Instead of soaking into the ground rainwater flows into drains, which often become overwhelmed, and drains and sewers overflow into streams, such as the Pymmes Brook and Salmons Brook. This water is often polluted, one reason being that there are many properties where bad plumbing means that foul waste water is being sent into the rainwater system instead of the sewers.  And even if it does go into the sewers, when they are overwhelmed by heavy rain they too overflow into streams and rivers.

Find out more

Thames21's work to clean up local streams is part of its Love the Lea campaign.  You can read about the various projects at, where you can sign up for an email newsletter and find out about volunteering opportunities.

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Darren Edgar posted a reply
08 Jun 2017 09:31
Wonderful idea, absolutely love it.

Is answering the questionnaire and sending it to Thames 21 the main/only way to give positive support/feedback??

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