pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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Enfield RoadWatch, a group which campaigns against housebuilding on Green Belt land, has issued a reminder that the deadline for responding to the draft Enfield Local Plan is approaching - responses must be received by 5pm on Thursday 28th February.

The group claim that proposals in the draft plan suggest that up to seven per cent of Green Belt land in the borough might be allocated for development.  Their call for support is reproduced below.

green belt under attackClick on image to enlarge



Proposals in Enfield’s Draft Local Plan suggest removing up to 7% of the Green Belt for development.

The deadline is fast approaching.  Please act NOW!  Respond to the consultation and say NO!                           

Information to help you respond to the consultation. If you use a suggested response, please include a few words of your own to make it individual and don’t forget to add your name and address.  The email address for responses is   Thanks!

Suggested short response to consultation. Copy & paste then email.

Suggested longer response to consultation. Copy & paste into email

Background information for consultation response

Space to Build, Enfield published! Building on the Green Belt is the worst possible option!

  • Do you enjoy the Garden Centres in Crews Hill and think it would be a mistake to replace them with housing?
  • Do you believe Enfield is special because of its Green Belt and Open Spaces?
  • Do you think new development should bring an improved quality of life for current residents?
  • Do you want to keep the Green Belt safe for wildlife, recreation, food-production, keeping the air clean and us healthy?
  • Do you want Enfield Council to explore ALL possibilities before allowing housing to be built on Green Belt land, including at Crews Hill?
  • Do you want to keep London Green for future generations?

If you’ve answered YES to any of these, be part of the future now and respond to the consultation.  Anyone who lives, works, studies or has an interest in Enfield can respond individually.  Here’s how:

  • Email – Send your response using our suggestions below or your own comments to .  You must include your name and address.  We recommend this as the simplest option.
  • Online consultation – the online survey is a summary which skips many of the questions in the printed version.  In both cases, the questions do not reflect all the underlying policies, so please read our summary below for guidance.  We recommend providing comments rather than yes/no answers.
  • By post – Paper copies of the consultation should be available in libraries.  The paper version is quite long and complicated and other documents need to be consulted for it to make sense.  Our summary below may help you with this.  Responses, which can either be the form from the printed consultation or a simple letter, should be sent to:  Strategic Planning and Design, Enfield Council, Freepost NW5 036, EN1 3BR.  Postage is free.

Please note: our comments and suggestions relate only to policies that could affect the Green Belt and Open Spaces.  The consultation also deals with many other important issues, which you can read about on the Council website.

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