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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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Want to help take local climate action? A chance to improve your climate literacy

04 July 2023

Local environmentalist groups are running two online workshops designed to enable participants to deploy a climate model to be used in support of local climate action.

Further information and more time to comment on proposed PG to Pymmes active travel route

07 June 2023

Enfield Council's Journeys & Places team has published more information and extended the deadline for submitting comments on its proposals for the Old Park Road to Pymmes Park Walking and Cyling Route. The new deadline is midnight on Sunday 18th June. An online event will be held on Wednesday 14 June at 6pm.

Read the full article and forum comments

A family-friendly ride exploring eastern Enfield's bike lanes and the Albany Park wetlands

19 April 2023

A fully marshalled community bike ride on 30th April will be a chance to explore cycle lanes in eastern Enfield and the new wetlands in Albany Park - and an opportunity to try out an e-bike for free! And if you live in PG you can join a feeder ride outside the Fox to get you to the start of the main ride in Edmonton.

The Big One: 100,000 people holding politicians to account over the climate

06 April 2023

Jason Chrysostomou tells Enfield Climate Action Forum about The Big One - a four-day demonstration in central London (21 to 24 April) aimed at Parliament. Organised by Extinction Rebellion, but without emphasizing rebellion and disruption. No need to glue yourself to the road or do anything that might get you arrested.

'Humanity is living on thin ice': The time for action is now!

23 March 2023

I make no excuse for featuring a story which isn't 'local' to Palmers Green, to London or even to the UK. Because it is of course local to every spot on Earth where people live. Short films, one by David Attenborough, stress the urgency of drastic action.

Fairtrade Fortnight 2023

22 February 2023

Fairtrade Fortnight runs from 27th February to 12th March. In Enfield, the annual campaign will be launched by the Mayor, Cllr Doris Jiagge, at the Co-op Food Store in Lancaster Road, where there will be a raffle held in support of several charities. So what is Fairtrade? Bill Linton explains.

Help clean our polluted rivers by going on safari!

10 February 2023

Fancy going on safari with the Zoological Society of London, completely free of charge?

Rain gardens scheme proposed to reduce flooding risk south of the A406

01 February 2023

Enfield Council is consulting about proposals for a sustainable urban drainage scheme (SUDS) involving creation of 'rain gardens' along both sides of Green Lanes just south of the junction with the North Circular Road.

Boosting sustainable transport options by 'reclaiming the kerb'

11 January 2023

Parking controls can play an important role in encouraging more sustainable modes of transport. A new report commissioned by the Centre for London makes the case for a more strategic approach to managing parking and the kerbside, and for reallocating street space to uses that Londoners value.

Working with nature to reduce flooding and create a people-friendly environment

06 January 2023

A recent council sustainable drainage project has reduced chronic flooding around a housing estate in Enfield, made the surroundings pleasanter and created a more people-friendly environment.

Eight tips to make Christmas more sustainable

14 December 2022

Christmas is a time when our consumption and waste reach a peak, driven by expectations. But this year a lot more of us are looking to save money and energy, to enjoy the festivities with more care for the environment.

Climate action in Enfield: Council reports on progress and starts new round of engagement

30 November 2022

Enfield Council has launched a review of its Climate Action Plan, which it adopted in July 2020. It has published a progress report and an emissions review, both for the period 2021/22. A new round of public engagement started this week and continues until 8th January, using both face-to-face events and online surveys

Schoolkids, tell us how you feel about climate change

21 September 2022

The Love Your Planet competition, launching this month in Enfield primary and secondary schools, invites schoolchildren to create a poster or short video on the subject of climate change.

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Get a free real nappies voucher

06 September 2022

The London Borough of Enfield has teamed up with Real Nappies for London to promote reusable nappies as an alternative to single-use nappies. If you are a parent with a baby under 18 months, or a parent-to-be, currently living in Enfield you are eligible to apply for a free £54.15 voucher to buy reusable nappies or contribute to a washable nappy laundry service. The incentive is to help you save money and reduce single-use nappy waste being thrown away in the borough

Adding an apostrophe for the sake of the environment

31 August 2022

Eagle-eyed readers who've gone past or into our local station since Monday will have noticed new signage over the door: 'Palmers Green' has become Palmer's with an apostrophe Green. Go down the stairs and onto the platform and more changes will be revealed, many incoporating the distinctive orange logo of the American company Palmer's, whose skincare products are mainly based on cocoa butter or coconut oil. So what's this all about? Will it make the train service run more smoothly?

It’s not too late to save our world: Find out how

24 August 2022

Extinction Rebellion Enfield are inviting you and lots of your neighbours to a talk about the climate crisis and what we can do about it. This is our chance to be a part of something big - and there's a role for everyone.

How parks can heat homes and other buildings

12 August 2022

The environmental charity Possible is inviting supporters to contact their local council and ask them to investigate the feasibility of using the ambient heat present in parks to heat buildings. They quote the example of Hackney Council, which is installing heat pumps in open spaces in Stoke Newington to heat a visitor centre and leisure centre.

Environmental vandalism in Green Lanes

10 August 2022

There's no other way to describe it. At a time when heatwaves are making the presence of trees in our city more important than ever, by chopping down 11 trees, nearly 40 years old, outside McDonalds adjacent to Harringay Green Lanes station, and then laying down plastic 'grass', the owner of the restaurant is guilty of environmental vandalism or hooliganism.

Read the full article and forum comments

Your last chance to ask for an all-London clean air zone

21 July 2022

Extending the Ultra Low Emissions Zone to the whole of London will improve the health of half a million people with asthma, it will help prevent up to 4,000 premature deaths each year caused by breathing toxic air, and it will help tackle the looming climate crisis. The deadline for responding to TfL's consultation is 29th July. Using Possible's online form you can respond in three minutes.

Blinded by the sun?

13 July 2022

Enfield Over 50s Forum has issued advice for older people on surviving the temperatures that we will be experiencing this week, while Green MP Caroline Lucas comments on the "delusional" behaviour of the candidates to be next prime minister who are proposing reducing efforts to stave off disastrous climate change. "Has the sun," she asks, "blinded their eyes to the climate science?"
