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Environmental campaigners issue new challenges over incinerator project

25 August 2021

Environmental groups based in north London and more widely are continuing their campaign against the planned new Edmonton Incinerator or 'Energy-from-Waste' project. Recent letters sent to Enfield Council and to a Spanish firm bidding for the construction project have challenged the council to provide evidence that it is subjecting the project to adequate scrutiny and have asked the engineering firm to withdraw its bid in order to protect its reputation as a company committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting the circular economy.

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The way forward is public transport

22 August 2021

The Campaign for Better Transport has launched a new campaign aimed at increasing government support for improved public transport.

Pedalling to the pictures

19 August 2021

Sustainable cinema comes to Enfield at the end of the month, when Stow Film Lounge sets up its projectors in three outdoor venues to bring us a timeless Hollywood blockbuster, a classic London comedy and a thoroughly modern British comedy drama. There'll be discounts for people arriving by bike or other environmentallly friendly means.

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The terrifying rapidity of climate change

08 August 2021

This news clip from 7th August is one of the clearest expositions yet of how rapidly human-caused climate change is progressing, transforming planet Earth from somewhere where the a large percentage of the human population can live very or fairly comfortably into a hostile environment. Climate scientists have been issuing dire warnings for decades, but even they are shocked at recent weather events, such as those shown here.

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Criticism of Green Belt housing proposals aired at climate forum meeting

04 August 2021

The July meeting of Enfield Climate Action Forum included presentations by Enfield Road Watch and Better Homes Enfield criticising Enfield Council's proposal to allow housing construction on Green Belt land.

How to create an urban wetland - and why

18 July 2021

Enfield Council has been a pioneer in the creation of 'constructed wetlands', so it's no surprise to find that the main author of a newly published Urban Wetland Design Guide is Ian Russell, the council's Principal Engineer, Structures and Watercourses. Although intended for professionals, in particular landscape designers, it's short, very clearly written and illustrated and no specialist knowledge is needed to follow the main design principles.

Waste authority chair stifles debate over 'disturbing' incinerator plans

26 June 2021

The chairman of the North London Waste Authority stifled any debate over the Edmonton incinerator rebuild at its annual general meeting, despite one councillor saying the plans 'disturbed him hugely'. Read how Cllr Clyde Loakes refused to discuss this tremendously expensive and environmentally ruinous project.

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Cabinet asked to approve Healthy Streets Framework

13 June 2021

At their meeting on Wednesday 16th June Enfield's Cabinet will be invited to endorse a newly drafted Healthy Streets Framework, intended for use in developing and delivering Healthy Streets projects designed to enable more walking and cycling and reduce road danger.

Mayoral election: Where do the candidates stand on environmental issues?

06 May 2021

If you haven't already decided who you're voting for and have a couple of hours to spare, you can watch the online environmental hustings that were held last month.

Climate Safe Streets

04 May 2021

For transport to become environmentally sustainable we need to shift a significant proportion of journeys to non-polluting modes - walking, cycling or public transport. But doing so can also improve our environment in other ways, making it safer, cleaner, quieter, more sociable. A short film, partly filmed in Palmers Green, gives a glimpse of how we can have better streets.

Local environmentalist in court this week

13 April 2021

Local environmentalist Georgia Elliott-Smith is in court this Wednesday and Thursday - the High Court, no less - arguing that the government's new carbon trading scheme is in contravention of the Climate Change Act. It will be possible to watch the proceedings online. Georgia' crowdfunding page, raising money for legal costs, is still open for pledges.

The next mayor should create a 'more natural capital'

02 April 2021

Ahead of the mayoral election on 6th May, a coalition of leading environmental groups have published a joint manifesto outlining ambitious programmes of action needed to reduce pollution and waste, improve health and wellbeing, secure nature's recovery and increase resilience to climate change. There will be an opportunity to discuss these proposals with the candidates at the Mayoral Environment Debate, which will take place online on 12th April.

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Enfield Society backs measures to reduce driving and encourage walking and cycling

02 April 2021

A recently published Environmental Statement by the Enfield Society indicates support for measures to reduce car use and encourage walking and cycling, while stressing that the Society 'is careful not to become involved in political debate' and 'will only support schemes where it can be clearly demonstrated that reduced traffic flows in some areas do not significantly increase them elsewhere'. Cycling 'is not just the preserve of young people, it should be viewed as an important mode of transport'. By discouraging car use 'our air will be cleaner, our health better, the burden on the NHS reduced and deaths/serious injuries on the roads reduced'.

Fairtrade and climate change - what's the connection?

02 March 2021

The February meeting of Enfield Climate Action Forum (EnCAF) focussed on the links between injustice in the global trade system and continuing failure to reduce global emissions of greenhouse gases. There were presentations from four people involved in the launch of a bid to make Enfield an official Fairtrade Community.

Wanted: A north London council bold and far-sighted enough to reevaluate the Edmonton incinerator project

24 February 2021

Environmental campaigners have issued a challenge to the seven borough councils that are funding the North London Heat and Power Project - the construction of a new and larger incinerator to replace the existing facility in Edmonton: 'The question before north London's councils is: Will the decision to reverse course be taken now, responsibly, before costs skyrocket, opportunities for a green recovery are lost, and the equivalent of 250,000 diesel cars are added to our roads? Or will the decision be pushed off to the near future? That's the real call being made.'

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Fairtrade Fortnight starts on Monday

17 February 2021

The annual Fairtrade Fortnight runs from 22nd February to 7th March. This year there are three special events in Enfield (on Zoom, of course) which investigate how unfair trade terms are hampering international efforts to tackle global climate change.

Apply to become a London National Park City Ranger

31 January 2021

The National Park City Foundation is looking for another 50 volunteer London National Park City Rangers to share their vision for a greener, healthier and wilder London. New year, new you? What if in 2021 you joined our community of Rangers who aim to make life better in London National Park City?

Please support LTNs – they are for everyone’s safety and wellbeing

19 January 2021

An article by Better Streets for Enfield presenting data showing that low-traffic neighbourhoods reduce road danger, allow more people to cycle, reduce car ownership, are not socially unjust and do not hinder emergency vehicles.

Making the best use of Enfield's 'blue and green assets'

11 January 2021

How do Enfield Council's ideas for protecting and enhancing the borough's 'green and blue assets' measure up against the challenges of providing a healthy and pleasant environment, good jobs and, above all, halting climate change and mitigating its effects? In its consultation response, Enfield Climate Action Forum praises the draft strategy's ambition, its 'laudable goals and intentions' and 'real strengths', but concludes that it neglects some important opportunities and that overall it lacks a 'long-term all-embracing strategy to fulfil the admirable ambitions'.

Council consulting on changes to residents' tariffs in controlled parking zones

03 January 2021

Enfield Council is consulting on proposals to change the costs of residents' parking permits in controlled parking zones (CPZs).
