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proposed old park rd to pymmes park route connectionsHow the proposed route fits into the network of existing cycleways (solid lines) and proposed walking and cycle routes (dotted lines)

Enfield Council's Journeys & Places team has published more information and extended the deadline for submitting comments on its proposals for the Old Park Road to Pymmes Park Walking and Cyling Route. The new deadline is midnight on Sunday 18th June. An online engagement "webinar" will be held on Wednesday 14 June at 6pm.

The proposal is the latest in a series of planned routes designed to fill in gaps and extend the borough's existing active travel network, which comprises segregated cycle lanes, mainly along main roads, and walking and cycling routes along quiet streets and through parks. The aim of such schemes is to encourage car owners to drive less and to provide safer and pleasanter conditions for people who do not have the option of driving. This in turn works towards the objectives of taking pressure off the NHS by improving people's health and fitness and thus reducing levels of chronic disease, of improving air quality and reducing levels of noise and road danger - and, of course, encouraging the shift away from cars that is essential to tackle the climate change threat.

This earliest stage of design concept work is being funded by Transport for London. The engagement that is currently running will allow members of the public to submit suggestions for the design of the scheme and inform the team about issues that people face when walking and cycling in the area, eg difficulties crossing roads.

This will also present an opportunity to review how well existing sections of the route work for walkers, wheelers and cyclists - for instance, concerns have been raised about pedestrian safety when crossing Barrowell Green at its junction with Green Lanes, and also threats to the safety of cyclists caused by the behaviour of some drivers along the westernmost part of Barrowell Green, where cyclists share the carriageway with cars.

proposed old park rd to pymmes park route monitoringAt particular points along the route the council is planning to review traffic speeds and volumeProgress on to detailed design work, formal consultation and implementation will only occur if and when further funding becomes available.

This particular proposal extends the usefulness of some schemes that have already been implemented: for instance, Old Park Road and Caversham Avenue already have low levels of motorised traffic, thanks to the Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood; and there is an existing cycling route between the southern end of Hoppers Road and the Hazelbury area of Edmonton (running via Stonard Road, Avondale Road, Eaton Park Road, Barrowell Green, Firs Farm Park and a subway crossing of the A10.

A recently published project overview document contains more information about the kinds of intervention that could be used, what further monitoring of traffic speeds the council will be carrying out, and how the route connects with other existing and projected parts of the network.

Announcement on Let's Talk Enfield website

Old Park Road N13 to Pymmes Park Walking and Cycling Route

05 Jun 2023

We would like to invite you to join an online webinar on the Old Park Road N13 to Pymmes Park Walking and Cycling Route on Wednesday 14 June 2023 at 6.00pm.

The webinar will be held on Microsoft Teams and can be accessed at the following link: A recording will also be uploaded to the project page following the webinar.

This will be an opportunity to hear about the project from the project team. We will explain the purpose and objectives of the project, discuss the proposed route and possible approaches, give people information on how to share their comments, and provide an opportunity for people to ask the project team questions. A document showing some potential approaches that could be considered can be found here.

The period for adding your ideas or issues to the online interactive map has been extended to enable those who haven’t had an opportunity to respond to do so, as well as enable us to gather as many comments from the local community as possible.

The new deadline for this engagement is Sunday 18 June 2023. Please add your comments by midnight Sunday 18 June 2023 on the interactive map which can be found here.


Old Park Road N13 to Pymmes Park Walking and Cycling Route: Project page on the Lets Talk Enfield website

Full size map


Council consulting on PG - Firs Farm - Pymmes Park active travel link (Palmers Green Community 17 May 2023)

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Basil Clarke posted a reply
07 Jun 2023 23:34

Larger version of map

I think there is a better solution for getting from the junction of Caversham Avenue to the existing cycleway at the western end of Stonard Road.

It would not only allow the route to avoid the awkward Bourne Hill/Hoppers Road junction, but would also help fix a long-term issue - the lack of any proper pedestrian crossings along a very long stretch of Bourne Hill. Coupled with the high prevalence of speeding along Bourne Hill, this creates serious severance between the streets that run up towards Winchmore Hill Green (Woodland Way and Hillfield Park) and the streets leading into the Fox Lane LTN (Caversham Avenue and Burford Gardens). On the consultation map one person has written that they would like to walk from Woodland Way towards Fox Lane but because of the difficulty of crossing Bourne Hill, they drive instead.

With the Fox Lane LTN in place, Woodland Way has become much less of a rat run and at most times provides a pleasant and quiet way to walk or cycle between Palmers Green and Winchmore Hill Green (crossing the roads at the Green on foot when you get there is another story though - high time that area was made pedestrian-friendly!)

So a new pedestrian/cyclist crossing near Woodland Way would kill two birds with one stone.

Because of fast traffic on Bourne Hill there would presumably have to be a two-way cycle track on the Woodland Way side of Bourne Hill, the fenced off part of the old railway bridge could possibly be opened up to provide a wider crossing so that bikes and pedestrians don't conflict, and a formal crossing across Hoppers Road installed near the end of Stonard Road.

Ideally, some measures should be taken to slow down drivers along the whole length of Bourne Hill, and proper crossings added near Oaklands and Broadwalk.

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