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Going Car Free 2022

06 July 2022

Calling out around the UK, are you ready for a brand new challenge? Summer's here and the time is right for Going Car Free - a month of climate-friendly travel.

Incinerator opponents to demonstrate as minister orders more scrutiny of £1.2billion project

22 June 2022

On Thursday 23rd June campaigners from the Stop the Edmonton Incinerator Now coalition will be protesting outside the annual general meeting of the North London Waste Authority (NLWA) in opposition to its decision to build a new waste incinerator in Edmonton. The latest anti-incinerator demonstration follows the news that, following intervention by Chingford MP Sir Iain Duncan Smith, communities secretary Michael Gove has ordered a review of whether the £1.2billion project represents 'best value'.

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Harnessing the power of London for global climate action

22 June 2022

Friday is the start of London Climate Action Week 2022. A total of 162 events will be held, some in-person, others online, covering pretty much every aspect of the campaign to take action to reduce human-induced climate change and adapt to those effects of climate change that we can no longer prevent.

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Helping families get on their bikes

14 June 2022

Join the crowdfunding campaign and help set up an innovative family cycling hub and library.

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What future for e-scooters in London?

31 May 2022

E-scooters could play a role in ensuring a green and sustainable future for London, helping people to use private cars less. Yet many worry about their use, fearing an increase in accidents and reduction in physical activity.

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Looking for secondary schools to help Love our Planet

27 May 2022

Enfield Climate Action Forum will be running a competition for primary and secondary school pupils during this year's Big Green Week. To help promote the competition students from Middlesex Uni will be filming examples of best practice in teaching climate change subjects. They're seeking help in identifying suitable schools to do the filming.

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Report recommends road pricing as fairer than fuel duty

18 May 2022

As we transition towards electric vehicles that don't incur fuel duty, the Treasury faces a revenue loss of £30bn each year. Given the unpopularity of fuel duty, a report by Scott Corfe of the Social Market Foundation explores the case for introducing a nationwide road pricing system in the UK, setting out a model that is fairer than fuel duty, replaces lost tax revenue, and reduces the burden on low-income households.

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Would you like to take the lead on keeping our rivers healthy?

06 May 2022

If you love your local waterways and want to make them even better, join the Thames21 accredited Leading Action for Healthy Rivers training!

Survey finds strong support for more recycling and opposition to incinerators

04 May 2022

An overwhelming majority of north London residents who responded to a recent survey are in favour of a waste strategy that does not include incineration and favour a significant increase in recycling and reuse.

Which candidates have signed up to the Let's Talk Rubbish manifesto?

04 May 2022

Just under half of candidates standing for election to councils in north London have signed up to the commitments listed in a manifesto issued by a community group that campaigns for zero-waste policies across the seven boroughs that are represented on the North London Waste Authority.

New analysis further undermines case for incinerator rebuild

27 April 2022

New analysis by environmental and waste consultant Dr Dominic Hogg further undermines the environmental case that the North London Waste Authority (NLWA) has been setting out in support of this expensive and 'environmentally disastrous' project.

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So what is it that really delays the emergency services?

26 April 2022

The newly published results of a study by the environmental charity Possible shows that excessive car use on London's roads causes significant delays to fire engines and ambulances and is likely to contribute to deaths of patients. The researchers took advantage of the huge drops in traffic during the 2020 lockdowns to compare emergency service response times during these periods with response times and before and since. During lockdowns response times fell dramatically, particularly for inner London fire stations. The research does not support claims that cycle lanes and low-traffic neighbourhoods cause delays to emergency services.

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Would-be councillors asked to commit to measures to reduce waste

19 April 2022

Candidates standing for election to seven north London councils next month have been signing up to a manifesto published by a community group concerned about poor recycling and reuse rates across the area.

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Environmental forum challenges local politicians to commit to taking climate action

18 April 2022

A manifesto sent by Enfield Climate Action Forum to all candidates standing in the council elections asks them to acknowledge the profound risks created by climate change, the need to both mitigate and adapt to its effects and to protect the most vulnerable people and ensure that measures taken do not cause suffering for the most disadvantaged members of the community. It sets out a list of actions needed to cut waste; reduce car use; cut pollution; ensure that the planning system works to reduce rather than exacerbate climate risk; and mitigate flood risk.

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Talking trash: What do residents think about more and better recycling?

10 March 2022

A new survey of north London residents, launched this week, is asking us about how waste is collected from our homes, how well we think the current system works, our ideas for improvements, and what changes we would find acceptable if they meant that more of the items we no longer need could be recycled instead of being burnt.

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Urgent call for tree planting volunteers

25 February 2022

With spring looking like it's going to arrive early, the tree planting season is nearly at an end, but there are still 8000 trees waiting to be planted as part of this year's contribution to the Enfield Chase Restoration Project, so Thames 21 have issued an urgent call for volunteers to help with the planting programme. The sessions run from Saturday 26th February to Saturday 12th March.

Potential legal costs force change of tack by incinerator campaigners

22 February 2022

Environmental campaigners have abandoned their plan to apply for a judicial review of the decision to build a new and bigger waste incinerator in Edmonton because of doubts about whether they qualilfly for a cap on legal costs. The Stop the Edmonton Incinerator Now coalition will instead try other strategies to derail the North London Waste Authority's incinerator project, including calling on levelling up secretary Michael Gove to send in Government commissioners to investigate the NLWA and take over its powers until it can be put on a sound footing.

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Celebrating human endurance, but concerned about what we are doing to the planet

15 February 2022

The theme of local poet Myra Schneider's 16th collection, Siege and Symphony is celebration and endurance. The first section is devoted to poems about the planet and its present state. The second and third sections include poems about contemporary issues such as homelessness, also poems about women and personal poems. The last and longest poem, which gives the book its title, is a celebration of human resilience, as exemplified by the performance during the siege of Leningrad of Shostakovich's 7th Symphony by a conductor and orchestra enfeebled by months of starvation. In this interview Myra talks about how her poetry has developed over time, explains how her poems come about - many are inspired by paintings or other works of art - and describes her concerns about homelessness and women's inequality.

Playing (and paying) fair at the shops

14 February 2022

This year's Fairtrade Fortnight starts on 21st February. Bill Linton explains what it's all about.

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London's pathway to zero carbon by 2030

01 February 2022

The Mayor of London has selected a preferred pathway to net zero - the Accelerated Green pathway. Amongst other things, achieving this will require a nearly 40 per cent reduction in the total heat demand of our buildings, 2.2 million heat pumps, 460,000 buildings connected to district heating, a 27 per cent reduction in car vehicle km travelled by 2030.

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