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Connaught Gardens QN phase 1 - engagement survey launched

22 June 2021

The statutory consultation period for phase 1 of the Connaught Gardens Quieter Neighbourhood scheme ended last week, on 14th June, but this week Enfield Council has launched a less formal 'engagement survey', which will run until Sunday 11th July.

Bowes low-traffic neighbourhood trial to continue

21 June 2021

Enfield's Cabinet has agreed to prolong the trial of the low-traffic neighbourhood scheme in the Bowes Primary Quieter Neighbourhood. An interim report on the progress of the scheme was prepared for the meeting and can be viewed online, along with annexes presenting information about consultation feedback and other data collected during monitoring of the scheme. Cooperation with Haringey Council, who are creating an adjoining LTN, may lead to an alternative design that could provide a better solution for both Enfield and Haringey

Cabinet asked to approve Healthy Streets Framework

13 June 2021

At their meeting on Wednesday 16th June Enfield's Cabinet will be invited to endorse a newly drafted Healthy Streets Framework, intended for use in developing and delivering Healthy Streets projects designed to enable more walking and cycling and reduce road danger.

Police intervene as anti-LTN campaigner incites dangerous lawbreaking

23 May 2021

Intervention by police officers last Wednesday prevented opponents of the Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) from mounting a protest deliberatedly timed so that it presented a danger to children returning home from school. Last week was National Walk to School Week.

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Connaught Gardens and Bowes quieter neighbourhoods update

12 May 2021

In response to questions from Palmers Green Community, deputy council leader Ian Barnes has provided some updates on the status of the Connaught Gardents quieter neighbourhood scheme plus a couple of points about the Bowes scheme.

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Fox Lane quieter neighbourhood: More information published as consultation is extended to July

12 May 2021

Enfield Council has published further information about how it will be assessing the success of the Fox Lane quieter neighbourhood. The consultation period has been extended until 11th July and a webinar to update residents has been scheduled for 26th May. Data on traffic levels and speeds on surrounding roads is currently being collected. There will be further monitoring of traffic levels in the summer. In the autumn the council will be reporting on all monitoring activity and the outcomes of public consultation and will take a decision to either make the scheme permanent or remove it.

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'We really do have a neighbourhood' – the effect of the Fox Lane LTN

05 May 2021

A quiet lane, with wandering pedestrians, dogs, cyclists, children on scooters, and the occasional bus and delivery van. This is Fox Lane. It is a dreamlike contrast with what used to be a thundering main road, with several thousand polluting and speeding vehicles every day. We are liberated. Instead of cowering in our separate, dangerous rat-run streets, we are now a 'neighbourhood'. A daily nature walk, a history walk or jog of discovery is a revelation, as you pass kids and mums and dads scooting, walking or cycling from school...

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Climate Safe Streets

04 May 2021

For transport to become environmentally sustainable we need to shift a significant proportion of journeys to non-polluting modes - walking, cycling or public transport. But doing so can also improve our environment in other ways, making it safer, cleaner, quieter, more sociable. A short film, partly filmed in Palmers Green, gives a glimpse of how we can have better streets.

Health charities call for ultra-low emissions zone to be extended to all of London

21 April 2021

Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation are calling for the ultra-low emissions zone (ULEZ) to be extended to cover the whole of London in order to improve the health of sufferers from asthma and other lung diseases. They say Sadiq Khan's planned extension of the zone to the area within the North and South Circular Roads would leave 360,000 asthma sufferers exposed to harmful air. The Green candidate for mayor agrees with the charities, but the Conservative candidate has said he would cancel even the currently planned extension

'Challenge your friends, your family, your colleagues not to speed, and make it unacceptable'

07 April 2021

In the week that we were all shocked by the killing of a tiny baby by a dangerous driver, we need to hammer home the message of London's former top traffic cop in this interview for Crimewatch Live: 'Don't speed, challenge your friends, your family, your colleagues not to speed, and make it unacceptable. '

The next mayor should create a 'more natural capital'

02 April 2021

Ahead of the mayoral election on 6th May, a coalition of leading environmental groups have published a joint manifesto outlining ambitious programmes of action needed to reduce pollution and waste, improve health and wellbeing, secure nature's recovery and increase resilience to climate change. There will be an opportunity to discuss these proposals with the candidates at the Mayoral Environment Debate, which will take place online on 12th April.

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Enfield Society backs measures to reduce driving and encourage walking and cycling

02 April 2021

A recently published Environmental Statement by the Enfield Society indicates support for measures to reduce car use and encourage walking and cycling, while stressing that the Society 'is careful not to become involved in political debate' and 'will only support schemes where it can be clearly demonstrated that reduced traffic flows in some areas do not significantly increase them elsewhere'. Cycling 'is not just the preserve of young people, it should be viewed as an important mode of transport'. By discouraging car use 'our air will be cleaner, our health better, the burden on the NHS reduced and deaths/serious injuries on the roads reduced'.

Assessing the impact of the Fox Lane LTN on disabled people

11 March 2021

An update on the Let's Talk Enfield website has information about extension of trial operation of the low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) scheme in the Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood and announces a new focus on gathering information about the impact of the scheme on people with disabilities and their carers.

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Connaught Gardens QN phase 1 enters consultation phase

03 March 2021

Formal consultation for phase 1 of the Connaught Gardens quieter neighbourhood is now under way. This relates to a small one-way system and 20mph zone in the north-western corner of the area designated as a quieter neighbourhood.

Winchmore Hill ward forum minutes published

23 February 2021

The draft minutes of the Winchmore Hill ward forum on 11th February are now available online. Topics discussed included the Fox Lane LTN and the new care home at Reardon Court.

Haringey Council unveils ambitious proposals for low-traffic neighbourhoods

08 February 2021

Ahead of the start of consultation on a new Walking and Cycling Action Plan, due to be considered by its Cabinet this week, Haringey Council has published a map of 25 low-traffic neighbourhood areas covering the vast majority of streets in the borough. Simultaneously, Haringey has launched the initial engagement phase for the three low-traffic neighbourhoods for which it has been allocated funding by Transport for London, including an LTN in Bounds Green which is adjacent to Enfield Council's Bowes quieter neighbourhood.

Full council meeting rejects call to open low-traffic neighbourhoods to through traffic

02 February 2021

At last Thursday's full meeting Enfield councillors rejected a call by the Conservative and Community First groups to remove the low-traffic neighbourhood schemes and allow through traffic to use all streets in the Bowes and Fox Lane quieter neighbourhoods.

Please support LTNs – they are for everyone’s safety and wellbeing

19 January 2021

An article by Better Streets for Enfield presenting data showing that low-traffic neighbourhoods reduce road danger, allow more people to cycle, reduce car ownership, are not socially unjust and do not hinder emergency vehicles.

Controlled parking zone consultation: Cedars Rd and part of Highfield Rd, N21

16 January 2021

Enfield Council is consulting on the idea of a permit parking scheme (or Controlled Parking Zone) for the Cedars Road area of Winchmore Hill. The consultation is open to people living in Cedars Road and Highfield Road, as well as others who feel they may be impacted by the proposals. The deadline for responding is 22nd January.

Year-on-year increase in cycle lanes usage

13 January 2021

Enfield Council has released the latest figures for the number of bikes passing Palmers Green Triangle in either direction. Compared with December 2019 usage average weekday usage was up by a half and average weekend usage doubled.

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