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Scrutiny committee to debate Fox Lane and North Mid active travel schemes

23 February 2022

Following 'call-ins' by opposition councillors, Enfield Council's scrutiny committee will be discussing the council leader's decisions to make two active travel schemes permanent: the Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood and a small scheme in Bull Lane near the North Middlesex Hospital. The meeting on 28th February will also discuss a petition calling on the council to 'take down the flower beds and wooden blocks in the middle of the road for all of the palmers green and Winchmore Hill area'.

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Fox Lane report recommends making the LTN permanent

29 January 2022

The report on trial operation of the Fox Lane LTN has now been published. Its recommendation to the leader of Enfield Council is that she should sign off making the scheme permanent in its current form. However, the report also states that the council intend to look at potential changes to the scheme that relate to issues which emerged from the consultation and the data collected during the trial.

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Council leader approves making Bowes LTN scheme permanent

06 January 2022

Enfield Council leader Nesil Caliskan has approved making the Bowes low-traffic neighbourhood scheme permanent and the decision will come into effect on 12th January, subject to the outcome of a likely 'call-in' by opposition councillors. A neighbouring scheme to be trialled by Haringey Council, possibly as early as this month or next, will expand the scheme down to Bounds Green Road.

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Report recommends making Bowes LTN permanent

15 December 2021

A report prepared for the leader of Enfield Council, Cllr Nesil Caliskan, recommends that she gives the go-ahead for the low-traffic neighbourhood in Bowes ward to be made permanent.

Green light for Bounds Green LTN

08 December 2021

At its meeting on Tuesday evening Haringey's Cabinet approved the creation of the borough's first three low-traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs). Work on the first to be built, Bounds Green LTN, will begin in early 2022.

Enfield Town to Broxbourne walking and cycling route - meet the design team

03 December 2021

Enfield Council's Healthy Streets Team are inviting residents to two community drop-in sessions and a Microsoft Teams webinar to discuss their plans for a new walking and cycling route between Enfield Town and the boundary with Broxbourne Borough adjacent to Capel Manor and the M25. Broxbourne Council is planning to continue the route further north.

Much to discuss at Palmers Green ward's first forum for 22 months

01 December 2021

Notes from the 23rd November meeting of Palmers Green ward forum, the first since January 2020. Issues discussed included: the one-way system in Windsor Road, Osborne Road, Lightcliffe Road and New River Crescent; continuing failure to stop dangerous rat-running at the bottom of Hazelwood Lane; and consultation on a controlled parking zone.

A Tale of Two Minutes

24 November 2021

Residents of some Enfield wards - I'm looking at you, Palmers Green councillors! - would be grateful if they had more than a few hours notice of upcoming ward forums, while minutes of previous meetings would be looked upon as a wholly unrealistic luxury, but the Winchmore Hill ward forum has always been exemplary in both respects. This week it has outdone itself by publishing not one, but two versions of the minutes of its most recent meeting, on 4th November.

Anti-LTN campaigners march through PG

24 November 2021

The size of Saturday's well organised and well behaved march shows what was already clear - that there is substantial opposition to the Fox Lane scheme, though it proves nothing about the overall balance of opinion among residents or about whether on balance the effects of the LTN are beneficial or harmful. It's also clear that there is a widespread view that Enfield Council is not listening to people's complaints about the LTN. Instead of just saying that all comments will be taken into account, the council would do well to be more ready to acknowledge people's genuine concerns, and to engage more readily about potential ways of mitigating problems.

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Transport for London's financial crisis poses multiple threats to the capital and the wider country

10 November 2021

Transport for London's parlous financial situation, brought on by a pandemic-induced catastrophic fall off in fares revenue, not only threatens big cuts to tube and bus services . Unless an adequate long-term solution is found, in place of the grudgingly given six-month government gap-plugging deals, the outcome will be even worse congestion on the roads than we are already experiencing, and other impacts affecting not just London. Anyone interested in London's future should read this important article by the chief executive of the Centre for London thinktank.

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New chance to comment on Fox Lane LTN

09 November 2021

Following further collection of traffic data during September, after the return to school, Enfield Council is inviting further objections and representations about the low-traffic neighbourhood scheme in the Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood. The deadline for submitting comments (by post or email) is 11th January 2022.

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Hazelwood Lane to get a school street, but a more radical solution to its traffic problems isn't imminent

07 November 2021

Enfield's Council's deputy leader has revealed that a school street scheme will be installed outside Hazelwood Primary and should be in force by May. However, phase 2 of the Connaught Gardens LTN, which would solve chronic problems further along Hazelwood Lane, remains a more distant prospect.

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A new opportunity to comment on the Bowes LTN trial

01 November 2021

Enfield Council is inviting 'final comments' on the low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) trial in the west of Bowes ward - formally referred to as the Bowes Primary Area Quieter Neighbourhood. Comments must be made by email or post and the deadline is 21st November.

Plan to extend bus lane operating hours south of the A406

28 October 2021

Enfield Council is proposing to extend the operating hours of the northbound bus lane in Green Lanes just south of the North Circular Road so that it is in force from 7am to 7pm seven days of the week, rather than, as now, in the Monday to Friday evening peak only (4pm to 7pm). Only two parking spaces will be available (in the inset bay next to Zourtos butcher's shop), but the council say there is enough parking available on side streets to compensate.

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This Sunday - a chance to try out some bikes away from the road

16 September 2021

As part of Enfield's Big Green Climate Festival, Enfield Cycling Campaign in association with Better Streets for Enfield will be hosting their popular Try a Bike event in Palmers Green on 19th September. There will be a myriad of bikes for adults and children to try for free. Don't miss the opportunity to have a go on a tandem, a cargo bike - or even bikes with child seats.

A third of greenhouse gas emissions are from roads. How can we get them down?

15 September 2021

The official transport decarbonisation plan - a vital part of the government's climate plan - says that 50 per cent of journeys in towns and cities must be walked or cycled by 2030 - only eight years away. How can we make this big change in our travel habits quickly enough? What can the council and individuals do? An online event run by Better Streets for Enfield will address these questions.

The way forward is public transport

22 August 2021

The Campaign for Better Transport has launched a new campaign aimed at increasing government support for improved public transport.

Haringey Council publishes detailed proposals for three LTNs

18 August 2021

Haringey Council has published its detailed proposals for three low-traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs), including one in the Bounds Green/Bowes Park area immediately adjacent to Enfield Council's Bowes Primary LTN. The other two both extend between Green Lanes and Tottenham High Road - the Bruce Grove/West Green LTN to the north of West Green Road and the St Ann's LTN to the south of West Green Road

What does the government's announcement about active travel mean for Enfield's schemes?

04 August 2021

The publication last week of Gear Change: One Year On, along with news of additional funding and updated guidance for local authorities, is a clear sign that the government expects councils to continue introducing new active travel schemes - cycle lanes, low-traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs) and school streets - in order to encourage people to walk and cycle more and drive less. What does this mean for the future of such schemes in Enfield?

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Over 50 and want to get back on a bike? Age UK Enfield can help

28 July 2021

The latest addition to Age UK Enfield's extensive Fit for Life programme is a weekly session for over-50s who would like to gain (or regain) their confidence on a bike (or trike) so that they can start benefiting from this healthy and enjoyable leisure activity and means of transport. There are also schemes in Enfield which provide free training sessions (all ages) or can pair you up with an experienced rider.
