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The new Enfield Local Plan: Drop-in consultation sessions

21 January 2019

Dates of drop-in sessions when residents will be able to learn about and comment on the draft Enfield Local Plan

Civic movement umbrella body concerned about proposed changes to planning law

12 December 2018

The charity Civic Voice has raised concerns about proposed changes to planning law that would provide more scope for property owners to make changes without requiring planning permission

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Intimate Theatre gains Asset of Community Value status

11 December 2018

The Intimate Theatre in Palmers Green has been registered as an Asset of Community Value

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Towards a new local plan and heritage strategy for the borough

21 November 2018

Enfield Council will soon begin a new consultation phase as part of the process of developing a Local Plan for the period up to 2036. As part of the work a draft version of a new Heritage Strategy has been published.

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Sign a petition to protect a local nature conservation site

31 October 2018

Sign a petition to protect a local nature conservation site from industrial development

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Call to action to protect a local nature conservation site

17 October 2018

As part of their long-running fight to protect a nature conservation site from industrial development, the Pinkham Way Alliance have this week called for all supporters to fill the public gallery at a meeting on Thursday evening.

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New National Planning Policy Framework explained

05 August 2018

The planning consultancy Lichfields has published a guide to the new revision of the National Planning Policy Framework

Council to proceed with Meridian Water development without a master developer

28 July 2018

Following the cabinet meeting on 25th July, Enfield Council has issued a press release about its planned method of taking forward the Meridian Water project - major redevelopment of land adjacent to the North Circular Road in Edmonton to provide both housing and employment land.

New magazine: London Ideas

17 July 2018

The first issue of London Ideas has been published online by the Centre for London

54 high rise blocks in Enfield to get sprinkler systems

12 December 2017

Work on installing sprinklers in the 54 high rise tower blocks managed by Enfield Council will start in the new year. The project, expected to cost in the region of £8 million, or £3,000 per property, will be paid for by Enfield Council, but the authority is lobbying the government to fund the scheme which has been introduced in the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower fire in Kensington and Chelsea, which claimed the lives of 71 people. Although Enfield Council managed blocks are.......

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Draft London Plan published

06 December 2017

Public consultation on the draft of a new London Plan (more formally, the Spatial Development Strategy for Greater London) will run from 1 December this year until 2 March 2018. There will be a consultation event at Enfield Civic Centre on 12th January, and other events in central London.  These will take the form of briefings followed by question and answer sessions.  For full information about how to comment and about the subsequent Examination in Public see.......

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Leading IT firm to move onto Genotin Road car park site?

29 November 2017

At its meeting on 15th November Enfield Council's Cabinet agreed to continue negotiations with Metaswitch Networks about the possible construction of a new headquarters building for the IT firm on the land currently occupied by the Genotin Road car park in Enfield Town. Metaswitch, located in three buildings in Enfield, wishes to consolidate on a single site.  As well as Enfield, it has been looking at the possiblity of moving its HQ abroad. Metaswitch, described as "the world’s.......

Mayor sets out proposals for a shift towards active travel

28 November 2017

The draft London Plan, which will be released later this week, will include measures to encourage cycling and walking while discouraging driving. The proposals are aligned with the draft Mayor's Transport Strategy, which envisages increasing the proportion of trips in London made on foot, by cycle or using public transport to 80 per cent by 2041, compared to 64 per cent now, meaning an average of three million fewer car journeys in London each day. The proposals have been welcomed by Dr Yvonne.......

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What better neighbours could you ask for? The UK's first senior co-housing community

27 November 2017

"We wanted to be in charge of our lives, we wanted to make things better, to live longer, to live more creatively, and still have energy to give back to the community." "This is the first senior co-housing community in the UK. We've got 26 women who know each other, share core values, do things together, and look out for each other. What better neighbours could you ask for?" The opening words of an inspiring new video about OWCH - Older Women's Co-Housing - whose New Ground co-housing.......

Further consultation on future of Bowes Road site adjacent to Ritz Parade

24 November 2017

Notting Hill Housing Trust are inviting the public to view and discuss its latest proposals for developing a site in Bowes Road immediately adjacent to Ritz Parade.  The housing developer will be hosting an exhibition this Wednesday and Thursday (29th and 30th November) between 4pm and 8pm at Trinity at Bowes Methodist Church, Palmerston Road, N22 8RA. Plans will be available and the development team will be present to answer any questions you may have and importantly take on board any.......

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Street trading proposals consultation

30 August 2017

The Council is seeking views on reviewing the current street trading policy. Street trading can cover tables and chairs and the display of goods on the pavement. Currently, the policy only permits street trading licences for tables and chairs on the pavement outside restaurants, cafes and pubs in certain designated streets, and the sale of goods from seasonal and farmers markets and the sale of goods from a small number of very longstanding stalls.

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Enfield Council: Current consultations

26 July 2017

Enfield Council is currently consulting on the following: Enfield Children's Centres: "providing the right services at the right time, think family, build family resilience and develop our workforce so that we continue to improve outcomes for families" Housing allocation: Letting social rented homes Parking Penalty Charge Notices Social Care Charging Policy Temporary Accommodation Placement Policy A list of current consultations is always available at

Enfield Town Master Plan: Council extends consultation period

26 July 2017

Following complaints about consultation arrangements, Enfield Council has now extended the deadline for commenting on the draft Enfield Town Framework Master Plan until 25th September and has arranged some additional "drop-in" events on top of the event scheduled for Thursday 27th July (6pm to 8pm in the Civic Centre). The additional drop-in events are all at Enfield Town Library: Wednesday 9 August 12-2pm Saturday 12 August 1-3pm Thursday 24 August 12-2pm Some of the questions that the.......

Ward forum briefed on local plan progress and increased requirements for new housing

21 July 2017

Colin Younger reports on the highlights of the Southgate Green ward forum held on 20th July. Summary points Dinah Barry is the new Associate Cabinet Member for Enfield West Proposals for Quieter Neighbourhoods are being worked up by council officers A revised London Plan will probably include a doubling of the housing target for Enfield Enfield Council is working on a Social Infrastructure Study Pressures on parks/green spaces/green belt are likely to increase These are some.......

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Healthy Streets for London

05 March 2017

Healthy Streets for London, published last month by Transport for London, is an important document which outlines in broad terms the strategy that will be adopted by the Mayor of London and his Walking and Cycling Commissioner in order to increase "active travel" by people living and working in London.  The health benefits of daily activity are shown in the diagram.  Conversely, the disbenefits stemming from current inadequate amounts of activity among the general population are.......
