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"Beauty in my Backyard" scheme to be piloted locally

11 November 2015

Southgate District Civic Trust (SDCT) is inviting local residents to help it pilot a new approach to local planning which aims to engage local communities in determining where new housing should be built and what form it should take. Intended to counteract the widespread "NIMBY" attitude towards new housebuilding, the "BIMBY Housing Toolkit" (BIMBY stands for Beauty in my Backyard) is a set of interactive online instructions which guide communities through a series of workshops in which they.......

Green Belt campaigners issue a call to action

24 September 2015

The campaigning group Enfield RoadWatch has issued a newsletter with updated information about their campaign to prevent construction on Green Belt land adjacent to Enfield Road, between Oakwood and Enfield Town (see this earlier report). Urgent Call to Action! Do you want developers to build homes on Green.......

Council sets up Trent Park Mansion Working Group

19 June 2015

Following statement appeared was posted on the Enfield Council websitewebsite and dated 17th June. Enfield Council sets up Trent Park Mansion Working Group The Council has set up a cross party councillor Working Group to work with the Receiver tasked with finding a buyer for the Trent Park Mansion building. The Group will be meeting the Receiver shortly to emphasise that the views of the local community should be taken into account in any development proposals that come forward in the future........

Public consultation: North London Heat and Power Project

03 June 2015

The public have until 30th June to comment on proposals to build a new waste incinerator in Edmonton, considerably larger than the current incinerator, which it would replace.  The new buildings would be on the northern side of the North Circular, to the north and south of the present plant, which would then be demolished, leaving a space in between.  Public exhibitions will be held in Enfield, Edmonton, Northumberland Park and Chingford. The scheme, which would cost £500 million.......

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Fixed-odd betting terminals: An open letter to David Burrowes MP

16 May 2015

After reading a couple of newspaper articles suggesting that the new Culture Secretary might wish to relax the regulations concerning Fixed-Odds Betting Terminals in betting shops, I today sent him the following open letter. Dear Mr Burrowes, Could I start by congratulating you on your success in last week's election. I'm writing to you in response to recent newspaper reports which suggest that the newly appointed Culture Secretary, John Whittingdale, might wish to bring in legislation.......

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Council to discuss secondary school provision and the cost of temporary accommodation

22 March 2015

At the Enfield Council Meeting on Wednesday 25th March (7pm at the Civic Centre) councillors will be briefed on the strategy for the provision of secondary school places and will debate an opposition paper which proposes ways of reducing the cost of temporary accommodation for homeless families. Provision of secondary school places The executive summary of the briefing paper states that demand for secondary school places will continue to rise until 2020 followed by five years of slightly lower.......

Giving communities the opportunity to actively influence the future of their town centres

14 February 2015

A national charity has launched a manifesto calling on future governments to prioritise improvements to the public realm and enable local communities to play an active part in planning such improvements. Civic Voice has as its aims making places more attractive, enjoyable and distinctive and promoting civic pride.  Its manifesto, Localism for Real, was launched this week at a Parliamentary meeting.  Southgate District Civic Trust, who are affiliated to Civic Voice and contributed to.......

Proposed changes to community involvement in planning

13 February 2015

Enfield Council is consulting residents, as well as "anybody with an interest in Enfield", about proposed changes to the Statement of Community Involvement.  This document, which was originally issued in 2006, "seeks to ensure the active, meaningful and continued involvement of local communities and stakeholders in planning".  It sets out how, when and who will be consulted throughout the preparation of Local Plan and other statutory planning documents prepared by the Council, and in.......

Palmers Green bus garage to expand its footprint

24 January 2015

The owners of Palmers Green bus garage, Arriva London ("a DB Company" - ie owned by the German state railways), have applied for planning permission to demolish two buildings next to the garage (to its east) and use the land as an open-air bus park.  However, there are no plans to expand the number of buses which are housed at the garage - the maximum number will remain at 69.  This number of buses is in fact rather too many for the size of the building, meaning that manoeuvring of buses.......

Chase Farm redevelopment - application for outline planning permission

06 December 2014

The application for outline planning permission to redevelop Chase Farm Hospital is available on the Enfield Council website (click on this link).  Members of the public are able to submit comments up until 15th January. The application seeks approval for the principle of the development, the amount of development, the maximum three-dimensional extent of development and access arrangements. If approved, these would form the parameters upon which future reserved matters applications would be.......

Civic Trust seeking to protect "community assets"

07 November 2014

Southgate District Civic Trust has begun compiling a list of "community assets" within its area of coverage, which includes Palmers Green and Winchmore Hill and is asking for suggestions for additions to its list.  The concept of "Assets of Community Value" was introduced by the Localism Act 2011.  According to the Civic Voice website, A building or land in your council’s area must be listed as an asset of community value if: current primary use of the building/land or use of.......

Truro House: Light at the end of a long tunnel?

06 November 2014

Long delayed plans to restore one of Palmers Greens' most notable buildings - Truro House, located on the corner of Green Lanes and Oakthorpe Road - are finally set to move ahead after agreement was reached between its owners and Enfield Council.   The project involves restoration of the main house as single dwelling, conversion of the coach house into a dwelling, and the construction of two apartment blocks comprising 25 flats in total. The redevelopment project was stalled for several.......

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Government consulting public over changes to planning laws

03 September 2014

The Department for Communities and Local Government has launched a public consultation about proposed changes to planning laws which are aimed at "streamlining the planning system".  The proposals are described in Technical Consultation on Planning (click on the title to download).  This is a complex 98 page document, but its proposals are summarized by the Department as follows: We are seeking views on proposals which will: make it even easier for residents and business to.......

Planning permission refused for McDonalds drive-thru

21 August 2014

Enfield Council have refused planning permission for a proposed McDonalds drive-thru restaurant at 188 Bowes Road (on the northern side, nearly opposite the end of Warwick Road and near Ritz Parade).  The refusal notice cites eight grounds for refusal, including the proximity of Broomfield School, "unacceptable break and disruption of the shopping frontage" and the fact that its construction would pre-empt long-term development objectives for this "key opportunity site" that are set out in.......

Planning Inspectorate to hear Turret Court appeal on Tuesday

19 August 2014

The long-running saga of the "Turret Court" building in Aldermans Hill will reach another milestone on Tuesday 19th August, when the Planning Inspectorate will be hearing an appeal from the developers, Ballater Investments, against an order issued by Enfield Council requiring them to make a number of changes to the building which, in the view of the Council, had been in breach of planning permission. 110-112 Aldermans Hill before demolitionTurret Court (110-112 Aldermans Hill) is on the site of.......

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New flats behind Southgate Town Hall - residents say their concerns about parking have been ignored

11 August 2014

A Resident's Questions about Car Parking for the new Flatsbehind the Town Hall Why are there only six parking spaces allocated to the 19 “Affordable Housing” properties at the rear of Southgate Town Hall?  As a resident also living in an “Affordable Housing” development, I know that everyone owns at least one vehicle. So it is inevitable, there will be more cars than parking spaces for properties at the rear of STH.  15 spaces which are council owned are "offered" these.......

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Shop fronts - how they impact on the street scene

07 May 2014

  Both the discussions on the mini-Holland scheme and the consultation on the future of Palmers Green raise issues about the shopping environment. One of the most significant influences on the street scene, whether in a Conservation Area (as along parts of Aldermans Hill) or more generally, is the appearance of shop fronts themselves. This can be as subtle as the colouring and lettering on shop fronts or as “in your face” as the spread of the solid shop front security shutters which.......

Details of new Sainsbury Local for Green Lanes

26 April 2014

A planning application pertaining to a new Sainsbury's Local store in Green Lanes was submitted to Enfield Council this week.  As expected, it will occupy the premises previously belonging to the Turkish food shop 1001 Supermarket and the adjacent Palmers Green News paper shop.  However, it does not include the former Coffee Culture cafe, which last week reopened as Kiva Coffee House and Brasserie (see this Enfield Independent report.). Sainsbury's are planning to open the new store.......

Views sought on management of Borough's town centres

19 March 2014

Enfield Council has published a draft document outlining how it intends to manage the various town centres within the Borough and is asking for feedback from town centre users - retailers, people running other businesses, shoppers and those using town centres for leisure activities. Enfield's Town Centres: Places for Everyone is officially described as a Draft Town Centres Management Framework, and the Council is inviting feedback via this page on its website.  The deadline for comments.......

Proposed changes to London Plan emphasize "lifetime neighbourhoods"

24 February 2014

London residents have until 10 April to respond to a consultation by the Mayor of London on a number of proposed changes to the London Plan. The document being consulted on is referred to formally as the Draft Further Alterations to the London Plan. The London Plan sets the context for local planning in relation to London's places, people, transport, response to climate change and economy and all its chapters are of great interest. However, from a community perspective, perhaps the most.......
