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Cockfosters car park housing development: More details

22 January 2020

The exhibition boards used at last week's public exhibition of the proposed housing development on the car park at Cockfosters station are now available online.

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Date announced for planning panel discussion of Southgate Office Village proposals

12 January 2020

The public planning panel to discuss the proposals to build a mixed office and housing development on the site of Southgate Office Village has now been arranged for 7.30pm on 23rd January at Highlands School, 148 Worlds End Lane, N21 1QQ.

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GLA signals support for Southgate Office Village plans

27 November 2019

A report issued by the GLA has indicated that the Authority is in favour of the controversial application to redevelop Southgate Office Village.

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Developers to exhibit details of proposed Arnos Grove station housing scheme

30 October 2019

Details of a controversial proposal to build 150 homes on the two car parks at Arnos Grove station will be unveiled at a public exhibition on 6th and 7th November.

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Civic Trust restates opposition to Southgate Office Village redevelopment proposals

28 October 2019

Southgate District Civic Trust has restated its commitment to fight proposals for a development incorporating three towers, including one 17 storeys high, close to the Southgate Circus Conservation Area, and has launched a campaign to raise money to help it argue its case at a planning panel to be held next month. Revised proposals submitted by the developer last week include a reduction in the height of the towers, but not by a large enough amount to satisfy opponents.

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Cross-party support for enhanced control of office-to-flat conversions

29 September 2019

Campaigners opposed to the indiscrimate conversion of offices into flats have welcomed support from both sides of the political divide on Enfield Council, among them council leader Nesil Caliskan. Council officers are currently investigating whether there is a strong enough case to apply for an 'Article 4 direction'. This would remove 'permitted development rights' which allow developers to carry out such conversions without obtaining planning permission.

Council consulting on proposals to license private landlords

10 September 2019

Enfield Council has launched a consultation on its proposals for two Private Rented Property Licensing Schemes. The consultation, which runs until 29th November, is open to all residents, tenants, landlords, agents, businesses and any interested parties in Enfield and outside of the borough.

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Planning committee defers approval of scheme for 15 flats behind Green Lanes houses

28 August 2019

Tuesday's meeting of Enfield's Planning Committee refused to give the go-ahead for a scheme to build 15 housing units at 465-469 Green Lanes. The former snooker club behind these buildings would have been replaced by two blocks of flats up to 4-storeys high

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Petition calls on council to prevent conversion of offices into 'human warehouses'

19 August 2019

A campaign group called BetterHomes Enfield has launched an online petition calling on Enfield Council to follow the example of many other London boroughs and take steps to prevent developers using a planning loophole called 'permitted rights' to convert office blocks into 'human warehouses' - turning former offices into flats which are not fit for purpose.

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London Mayor and Enfield Council set out strategies to tackle housing problems

30 July 2019

In the last few days both the Mayor of London and Enfield Council have published new strategy documents relating to tackling problems with the availability and affordability of housing within their respective geographical areas of responsibility. The Mayor has published a 'blueprint report' which sets out his vision for reforming London's private rented sector. Enfield Council is bundling together two draft strategies for consultation under the overall titleThe right home for everyone - a draft Strategy for Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping and a draft Strategy for Housing and Growth.

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Planning application submitted for demolition of the Intimate Theatre

03 July 2019

A planning application has been submitted for the demolition of St Monica's Hall (the Intimate Theatre) and its replacement by a new-build parish centre for St Monica's church and a block of six apartments. The campaign to save the theatre is appealing to supporters to submit objections to the application.

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Southgate Office Village redevelopment: Sounding out the wider community viewpoint

26 June 2019

In response to the results of a 'Community View' process held last week, in which the majority of participants expressed opposition to the proposal to construct several tall buildings near Southgate Circus - one of them 17 storeys high - Enfield Council has indicated that it will be taking steps to widen engagement in the process for dealing with the planning application, including convening a special Planning Panel meeting.

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Preliminary meeting about plan to build housing on Arnos Grove station car parks

23 June 2019

Roger Blows reports on last week's meeting about TfL's plans to build homes on the car parks at Arnos Grove station.

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Mayor to Enfield: Hands off the Green Belt and encourage car-free development

12 June 2019

In his response to the draft revised Enfield Local Plan, the Mayor of London has voiced concerns about a number of aspects, in particular the proposal to release Green Belt land for construction of new housing. The response also questions the draft plan's wording on tall buildings and emphasizes the need to provide for car-free development and to provide high quality routes and facilities for walkers and cyclists.

Southgate Office Village redevelopment: Community view meeting

01 June 2019

At the moment there is a proposal to rebuild Southgate Office Village as a mixed-office and housing development, which will include several tall buildings, including an 18-storey tower. Southgate District Civic Trust is supportive of any improvement on what we see as a sustainable location, however, we feel the engagement with the community has not been as meaningful as it could have been. Join us to share your thoughts and have a say on how the Southgate Office Village in Chase Road (next to the Hart pub) should be redeveloped. This is an opportunity to discuss what you think should be on the site.

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Historic England updates advice on conservation areas

25 February 2019

Historic England has published a revised version of its Advice Note on Conservation Area Appraisal, Designation and Management

Green Belt campaigners issue final appeal for support over Local Plan proposals

21 February 2019

Enfield RoadWatch, a group which campaigns against housebuilding on Green Belt land, has issued a reminder that the deadline for responding to the draft Enfield Local Plan is approaching - responses must be received by 5pm on Thursday 28th February.

Building new housing for people, not cars

18 February 2019

Aspirations for new homes mirror many aspects of modern society thinking. This envisages more physically active and less isolated lives, reduced congestion on the roads, whilst at the same time promoting a low carbon future. But what are we really building? Which new developments live up to our expectations? Are there some places that have got it right?

Campaigning groups question need to build on Green Belt

13 February 2019

Ahead of the deadline for submitting responses to the draft Enfield Local Plan, three campaigning groups have come together to release a report which questions the need to build on Green Belt land in order to provide sufficient new housing in the borough.

Enfield Society comments on local plan draft

23 January 2019

The Enfield Society has published some interim comments on the draft local plan issues and options paper being consulted on by Enfield Council
