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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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conservation area guidance coverHistoric England (formerly English Heritage) has published a revised version of its Advice Note on Conservation Area Appraisal, Designation and Management. 

The introduction explains that:

"This revised advice note supports the management of change in a way that conserves and enhances the character and appearance of historic areas through conservation area appraisal, designation and management. This 2nd edition updates the advice in light of the publication of the 2018 National Planning Policy Framework and gives more information on the relationship with local and neighbourhood plans and policies. It is also slightly re-ordered, to underline the staged approach to the appraisal, designation and management of conservation areas, while continuing to offer advice on managing conservation areas so that the potential of historic areas worthy of protection is fully realised. It has also been updated to give more information on innovative ways of handling conservation appraisals, particularly community involvement beyond consultation, character assessment and digital presentation."

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