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Consultation on plan to introduce compulsory licensing of private landlords in Enfield

17 January 2014

Enfield Council is consulting residents about its proposal to introduce compulsory licensing of private landlords throughout the Borough. The private rented sector now accounts for about a fifth of homes in the Borough and is associated with increased levels of anti-social behaviour, such as noise nuisance, dumping of rubbish, pest infestations and unsightly front gardens. In some cases, landlords are failing to control the activities of their tenants, in others the landlords themselves are.......

Council investigating links between private rented property and anti-social behaviour

18 November 2013

Enfield Council has this week issued a document in which it expresses a concern that poor property and tenancy management by private landlords is a factor behind the increasing frequency of anti-social behaviour. It sees the problem as being so serious that "if the Council does not take decisive action, the indications are that the situation will continue to get worse, with parts of the Borough deteriorating in a negative spiral of poorer conditions - both for private tenants and their.......

21 flats planned near Fox Lane bridge

12 October 2013

The deadline is approaching for comments on an application to convert a disused 3-storey office building in Fox Lane into 21 flats. The deadline for public comments on planning application P13-02624PRJ is Tuesday 15 October. The building in question is Dumayne House, which is situated on the southern side of Fox Lane, immediately to the West of the railway bridge........

Read the full article and forum comments

Changes/Relaxation of the permitted development allowances for residential and other developments

08 October 2013

At the Bowes, Palmers Green and Southgate Area Forum held on 25 July 2013 an update on relaxation of the rules regarding permitted development allowances was provided, as requested at the preceding Area Forum meeting. The text of the update was included in the published Minutes, from which the following text has been extracted. Andy Higham (Head of Development Management) provided the following update on the latest changes/relaxation of the permitted development allowances for residential and.......

Council consulting on important planning policy document

20 August 2013

Enfield Council is currently inviting comments from the public on a document that will play an important role in future decisions on planning applications. The "Proposed Submission" version of the Development Management Document is due to be submitted to a government-appointed Planning Inspector later in the year, and residents have until 27 September to send in their comments. The document, which can be downloaded from this page lays down policy for the following areas: Housing (including.......

Area Forum meeting to include information on North Circ housebuilding and McDonalds drive-thru proposal

22 July 2013

The agenda has now been published online for the meeting of the Bowes, Palmers Green and Southgate Green Area Forum on Thursday 25 July. Attached to the minutes of the last meeting is a brief written update on the status of various planning applications submitted by the Notting Hill Housing Trust relating to the property it owns along the North Circular Road.  This reads as follows: Site 15abc (located at Pevensey Avenue/ Hastings Road) has been granted permission with.......

Residents group appeals for help from public to campaign against A406 flats

24 June 2013

Broomfield Homeowners and Residents' Association (BHORA) are appealing for support from members of the public for their campaign to change plans for new flats which Notting Hill Housing Trust is set to build along the North Circular Road.  BHORA want as  many individuals as possible to send in separate objections to the planned construction on "Site 6" - for details of the plans, see this earlier report.   Caroline Chenier, Chairman of BHORA, has sent the following message to.......

Concern over fall in number of shops in Palmers Green Town Centre

10 June 2013

The Green Lanes Business Association (GLBA) is urging Enfield Council to continue its opposition to the conversion of shops in Palmers Green Town Centre into other types of business, such as restaurants, cafes and fast-food outlets. The GLBA recently raised the case of an application to convert the use category of the ground floor of 290 Green Lanes from A1 (shops) to mixed A1 and A3 (restaurants and cafes). In a letter to the Council's Planning Department, it suggests that the same arguments.......

Council seeking views on ways to tackle homelessness

08 June 2013

Enfield Council in its role as a local housing authority is obliged to periodically review homelessness in the Borough and use it as the basis for revising its Homelessness Strategy, which is designed to prevent homelessness and provide advice to people who are in danger of, or are already, homeless. The Council is inviting residents to contribute to the process by filling in an online survey. In an introductory page on its website, the Council identifies the biggest challenges to.......

Planning Committee go-ahead for controversial housing scheme

26 April 2013

Despite vigorous opposition from existing local residents, at its meeting on 23rd April Enfield Council's Planning Committee approved applications from the Notting Hill Housing Trust to build new flats on two locations ("Site 11" and "Site 14") near the junction of Bowes Road and Telford Road on the North Circular. Among the concerns raised by opponents of the scheme are fears that the planned residential density is too high for the location and that there will be insufficient car parking space........

Council publishes minutes of controversial Planning Panel meeting

17 March 2013

Enfield Council has now published the minutes of the Planning Panel meeting held on 28 February to discuss Notting Hill Housing Trust's planning applications for land near the Bowes Road/Telford Road intersection. The minutes record questions and comments made by local residents and councillors, along with the answers provided by the developers. As we reported earlier, the meeting was very well attended - the minutes estimate that 200 members of the public were present - which is indicative of.......

Concern over North Circ housing plans

11 January 2013

A group of local residents have raised concerns about an application by the Notting Hill Housing Association to demolish houses in Bowes Road between Powys Lane and Pymmes Close and build a total of 225 new dwellings.  The concerns are outlined in some detail in a forum post on the Bowes & Bounds Connected website and relate the a planning application that can be accessed on the Enfield Council.......

Let developers know your views about the future of shopping centres in Enfield Town and Edmonton Green

20 July 2020

The owners of the borough's two biggest shopping centres are asking customers about their views on planned changes to Palace Gardens and Palace Exhange (in Enfield Town) and the Edmonton Green shopping centre.

Enfield Town improvement project - what people have told the council

17 June 2021

Enfield Council has issued a report summarising the views obtained from residents during the second round of community engagement about planned improvements to the public realm in Enfield Town. It will also be presenting the same information at two webinars (online events) in late June and early July. Updated proposals will be published in winter 2021.

Read the full article and forum comments
