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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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Public realm

Developing a Masterplan Vision for Southgate

20 November 2024

Enfield Council's Journeys & Places team have begun to engage with residents and businesses about the development of the Southgate Masterplan Vision - a longer-term plan of enhancements to the public realm and transport facilities aimed at encouraging active travel, improving the everyday experience of Southgate and creating a more vibrant, greener and healthier town centre. Two engagement events are scheduled and an online survey is available.

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Enfield Town pedestrian improvements work starting this week

03 July 2024

Construction work on the initial phase of the Enfield Town Liveable Neighbourhood scheme is due to begin this week. Phase 1 will bring improvements for pedestrians in the western part of the borough's main town centre, in particular making it easier and safer to access the Library Green and Town Park on foot from Church Street. A new public square will be created near the post office.

A new Pavilion for Edmonton

26 June 2024

Saturday sees the launch of a summer-long series of free events in Edmonton at the newly built Pavilion on the Green. Between now and September the Pavilion will play host to live music featuring styles from the African diaspora, holiday activities for young people, family arts, theatre and dance workshops, wellbeing activities and a whole range of other activities.

Inauguration of new Southgate parklets incorporating design ideas from young people

13 March 2024

Following the inauguration of the window art at Southgate Library, the second location on last Saturday's Launch Southgate itinerary was Ashfield Parade, where two new parklets were installed last month.

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Southgate Library blooms with new window art

13 March 2024

First stop on last Saturday's Southgate Launches event was the library, where artist Dan Maier recently completed her third building transformation in the town centre, adorning the windows with a vibrant artwork showcasing Southgate's rich horticultural heritage.

Designing Devonshire Square

24 February 2024

At the Spring Market that will be held in Devonshire Square on Saturday 2nd March, the public will be invited to share their thoughts and ideas about preliminary work to develop a permanent layout for the square, now that the council has decided to make it permanent.

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Enfield Town Liveable Neighbourhood: construction of phase 1 scheduled for this summer

13 February 2024

Enfield Council's 'Liveable Neighbourhoods' project for improvements to the public realm in Enfield Town has already progressed through four stages of public engagement since 2019, designed to find out people's views and improve the design. Funding is now in place for phase 1 - covering the north western corner of the scheme - and the statutory consultation period has begun, running until 3rd March.

What issues concern PG residents most?

09 November 2023

In the run-up to the first Palmers Green local community hub, Enfield Climate Action Forum has published a list of the issues that most concern people. The full timetable for the hub has now been published, along with details of the discussion leaders and the topics.

An art trail around Palmers Green

08 November 2023

An art trail around Palmers Green, including four new murals created as part of the Curate Enfield project, will be formally launched on Friday 10th November.

Towards a 'green, vibrant and inclusive' Southgate town centre

30 September 2023

The council's Journey's & Places team are inviting people to join walkabouts of Chase Side in Southgate on Saturday 7th October, with a view to exploring ways of improving the public realm. A recent presentation to the borough's Environment Forum provides insights into the council's thinking about this and other plans to improvements to Southgate town centre.

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Unblocking the pavement outside the Fox

02 August 2023

It's great to see the Fox full of life, surrounded by flowers and its customers spilling out onto the pavement, but the current design of the public realm on the corner of Green Lanes and Fox Lane is proving problematical for pedestrians, and in particular for anyone who needs enough clearance to get through in a wheelchair, mobility scooter or pushing a big baby buggy.

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A brighter bridge: the people of PG make their choice

07 June 2023

Palmers Green Action Team have announced the results of the voting to choose the design to be painted on the railway bridge on Aldermans Hill. 675 people took part and the vote produced a clear winner.

Brushing up the bridge

21 May 2023

Palmers Green Action Team have been granted permission by Network Rail to paint the bridge on Aldermans Hill. They are asking their Facebook followers to choose between three alternative designs.

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A public art trail for Green Lanes alleyways

11 April 2023

The Curate Enfield public art project has moved on to the next stage, which involves commissioning artists to create works of public art in places identified when the public was surveyed back in January. Create Enfield is now inviting artists to submit proposals for the first three town centres - Palmers Green, Angel Edmonton and Enfield Town. In Palmers Green the public art champions have identified several walls and alleyways off Green Lanes which could host a public art trail.

Curate Enfield: Public art for the borough's town centres

25 January 2023

The survey about people's views on new public art in Palmers Green reported on last week turns out to be part of a bigger project, Curate Enfield, covering five of the borough's town centres. The other four are Enfield Town, Southgate, Edmonton Green and Angel Edmonton.

Putting a plaza in place

12 October 2022

A new public space is under construction at the Green Lanes end of Devonshire Road.

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Improving Enfield Town: Updated plans revealed

31 July 2022

Enfield Council has published an updated version of the Enfield Town Improvement Plan, which it hopes to carry out in 2024, depending on the outcome of statutory consultation in 2023. A new phase of public engagement is now under way between now and 25th September, seeking views on how well the plan meets the design principles, asking for ideas about a proposed sensory garden, and including a competition for the best suggested name of a new public square. The changes are designed to make Enfield Town more people-friendly, bustling and vibrant and to reduce car use through improvements to arrangements for walking, cycling and using public transport.

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Green Lanes gets greener this Friday

16 March 2022

Palmers Green Action Team have some exciting news for everyone interested in making our home town live up to the Green in its name. This week the project to create a green link between two parks - Broomfield and Hazelwood Rec - will take a big step forward with the installation of four new trees along Green Lanes, each housed in a large and stylish pot.

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A plaza for PG?

17 November 2021

Enfield Council is proposing to create 'plazas' in Palmers Green and Enfield Town with the aim of providing outdoor trading opportunities for businesses, encouraging 'café culture' in the two town centres and creating a space for children to play and for community and cultural events

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The Hazelwood Lane Project: Show your support

07 November 2021

The the announcement that Hazelwood Primary is one of the schools chosen for the next batch of school streets could not have been more perfectly timed, as on Friday the team behind the Hazelwood Lane Project will be submitting their ideas to the council. There's still time to sign the petition and let the council know that people want a safer and pleasanter walk to school.

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