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A new Pavilion for Edmonton

26 June 2024

Saturday sees the launch of a summer-long series of free events in Edmonton at the newly built Pavilion on the Green. Between now and September the Pavilion will play host to live music featuring styles from the African diaspora, holiday activities for young people, family arts, theatre and dance workshops, wellbeing activities and a whole range of other activities.

Celebrating ten years of the Palmers Greenery Community Café

22 May 2024

The Palmers Greenery Community Café in Broomfield Park will be celebrating its tenth anniversary in early June with a series of free events: a Wellbeing Wander, a dog show and a Community Fun Day - something for everyone! But the Palmers Greenery is much more than just - to coin a phrase - an 'ace café'.

Throwing open the doors to Broomfield Conservatory!

22 May 2024

After a closure lasting eight months, the doors of Broomfield Conservatory will at last be thrown wide open on Sunday to let the public into Palmers Green's own mini-Kew Gardens.

Survey reveals locals' love for Broomfield Park

22 May 2024

Responses to a survey of visitors to Broomfield Park show that it is well loved. People believe it benefits their physical and mental health and helps them connect to the wider community and natural world.

Cockfosters to Carshalton via Palmers Green: The North to South London walking trail launches next month

17 April 2024

On Saturday 4th May a group of walkers will pass through Broomfield Park, inaugurating the first leg of a new North to South London Walking Trail that stretches from Cockfosters to Carshalton Beeches.

Making space for teen girls in Broomfield Park

10 April 2024

The Make Space for Girls Broomfield Park project is recruiting local girls, young women and non-binary teens to take part in a series of workshops starting this month aimed at teasing out what it is that deters them from using the park as a social space for 'hanging out'. The findings will be used in the design of new park facilities that they will be happy to make use of.

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Looking after Broomfield's beds

09 April 2024

Sally Everist from Friends of Broomfield Park's horticulture group updates us on work to keep the park's flower beds looking good and invites us to a plant sale.

Still waiting...

29 March 2024

Since it closed for repairs and redecoration several months ago, we've been waiting impatiently for one of the glories of Palmers Green to shrug off its plastic cocoon and reveal itself to visitors to Broomfield Park. But we're going to have to wait a little bit longer...

Firs Farm Community Hub gets off to a busy start

23 February 2024

The long awaited Community Hub at Firs Farm opened its doors to the public for the first time on Friday morning, providing food, drink and a warm welcome for visitors to this attractive and family-friendly area of grassland, trees, hedgerows and by now well established wetlands.

Council looking for help from voluntary groups and outside funding to maintain parks and open spaces

06 February 2024

In the face of budgetary pressures, Enfield Council is seeking to determine how best to work with voluntary groups and attract outside funding in order to maintain parks and open spaces 'as efficiently as possible'. The council is currently running a consultation with users of Tottenhall Recreation Ground as a pilot project.

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Lottery to provide the first of the keys needed to 'unlock' Broomfield House

16 January 2024

Enfield Council has been awarded more than half a million pounds of lottery money to pay for the first phase of its project to 'unlock Broomfield Park for the community', which includes 'memorializing' Broomfield House.

Busy bees in Broomfield Park!

19 December 2023

The Friends of Broomfield Park go from strength to strength with a wide range of projects aimed at both beautifying the park and helping improve local people's lives.

Environment Agency funding work to improve water quality in Broomfield Park

29 November 2023

The Environment Agency has agreed to commission an ecologist to carry out an environmental audit and recommend an enhancement strategy aimed at increasing biodiversity and water quality in Broomfield Park. Next spring FoBP volunteers will start testing water quality in all the watercourses and carry out new planting to help improve water quality and provide natural food for birds and other wildlife.

Broomfield Park skatepark survey extended

31 October 2023

The survey about the proposal to create a skatepark in Broomfield Park has been extended until 15th November.

Spookiness returns to Broomfield Park!

23 October 2023

If you thought that the ceremony of the Palmers Scream in 2015 had finally taken away all the spookiness from Broomfield Park after dark... think again!

The Palmers Greenery Community Café: much more than just coffee and cakes!

27 September 2023

The not-for-profit Palmers Greenery Community Café in Broomfield Park is now in its tenth year and its unique business model not only provides visitors with healthy and ethically produced (but still affordable) food and drinks, but also brings a whole range of other benefits to the park and local community. Just quite how much social impact it has is the subject of a newly published report.

Capturing the essence of Pymmes Park

20 September 2023

Among the range of projects funded through the Untold Edmonton programme is the making of a film about Pymmes Park, the 'lungs of Edmonton'. Film maker João Giacchin describes what he aims to achieve.

What next for Broomfield House and Park?

18 September 2023

Enfield Council has submitted a bid for heritage lottery funding for the development stage of its plans for Broomfield House and Park, which would see the remains of the derelict mansion dismantled and 'memorialised' and landscaping of parts of the park to reflect its history. Community involvement is envisaged throughout the project, which would take until 2028 to complete.

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A new Banbury Reservoir Park? The campaign gathers momentum

08 September 2023

The campaign for a large new park to be created using currently unloved land surrounding the Banbury Reservoir is gathering pace. In addition to an ongoing survey seeking people's ideas, a 'community hub' meeting has been organised for Thursday 28th September.

Skatepark campaigners enjoy a 'fantastic day' at the PG Festival

06 September 2023

Among the many people who had a great time at last Sunday's Palmers Green Festival were members of the Broomfield Park Skatepark Group, whose stall attracted many visitors. As a survey is launched to gauge opinion, campaigners are continuing their efforts to raise money for a feasibility study.

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