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Food & Drink

Back next week - cooking lessons for kids

05 January 2022

Cooking Champions cooking lessons for kids (8-11 and 12-15) restart next week in Grange Park.

Cooking lessons for kids, taught by champs

28 September 2021

A new series of cooking lessons for kids starts next month in Grange Park, taught by the amazing local community interest company Cooking Champions. Students will learn how to prepare a range of different foods and dishes while picking up cooking skills that they can use more widely.

Read the full article and forum comments

Core Blimey! Ten years of Forty Hall Farm Orchard

23 September 2021

Val Dyer from the Forty Hall Farm Orchard volunteers' group invites readers to help celebrate the orchard's tenth anniversary at its Apple Day on 10th October.

A true Champion of hungry local people

15 September 2021

This Sunday Broomfield Bowl will be the venue for the first ever Palmers Green Food Festival. And who better to take charge of the spoons and ladles, pots and pans and kitchen teams than PG's own Cooking Champion, Clare Donovan?

A festival of food in Broomfield Park!

28 August 2021

Details of the gastronomic delights that we'll be able to partake of at the Palmers Green Food Festival next month are being gradually revealed. One of the highlights will be a London-themed pie baking competition.

Read the full article and forum comments

Award-winning bakery set to open Palmers Green shop

04 August 2021

This week's newsletter was almost ready to be 'put to bed' when some exciting news arrived, sent by Liz from the Palmers Green Action Team and 'hot from the oven'.

Read the full article and forum comments

Enjoy a Moulin Rouge outdoor dining experience!

04 August 2021

Local gastro-charity Cooking Champions will be providing a Moulin Rouge Outdoor Dining Experience in Broomfield Community Orchard on 3rd September, designed to match the theme of that evening's open-air screening of Baz Luhrman's 2001 romantic film of the same name.

Coming up: A burst of cultural joy in the park

07 April 2021

Instead of hibernating over the winter, Friends of Broomfield Park have been busy organising the Broomfield Summer Festival, an amazing array of music, theatre, dance, cinema, family and food events.

Mother's Day Dinner of Champions

08 March 2021

Mother's Day dinner this Sunday will be the last delivery menu by Cooking Champions for a while. So book now before it's too late. As well as expertly prepared food, you'll have a nice warm feeling inside because you'll be helping fund the wonderful community projects that this volunteer group runs to feed hungry people in our borough.

Fairtrade Fortnight starts on Monday

17 February 2021

The annual Fairtrade Fortnight runs from 22nd February to 7th March. This year there are three special events in Enfield (on Zoom, of course) which investigate how unfair trade terms are hampering international efforts to tackle global climate change.

Recipe: Portuguese rolled beef steaks

03 February 2021

Angela Grundlingh has sent a second Portuguese recipe, for a dish which she says is 'very pretty'. At first glance it looks like sliced up scotch egg, but it's actually quite different!

Recipe: Portuguese bean soup

26 January 2021

Angela Grundlingh moved to Southgate in December. She comes from a Portuguese background and is keen to share some of the recipes for Portuguese dishes that she cooks. Starting with a hearty winter soup.

Get a home-delivered mid-eastern menu and help local community food projects

19 January 2021

Local community interest company (CIC) Cooking Champions are offering another menu for home delivery or takeaway, and this time the theme is Middle Eastern. All profits go towards funding the various community food projects that Cooking Champions are involved in. Since the pandemic arrived, Cooking Champions have provided thousands of hot meals for people who need them.

Order a home delivered American menu in aid of community food support

03 January 2021

Cooking Champions are offering you a chance to eat American on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and help their food support projects.

A fresh addition to PG's shopping menu

07 December 2020

A newly opened business located at 450 Green Lanes means that we now have specialist fishmongers shops at both the northern and southern ends of Palmers Green.

BBC recruiting north London families for a new food show

21 November 2020

The BBC is looking for families based in the Enfield area to take part in a new cooking show.

Help feed the hungry by eating a delicious home-delivered meal

06 November 2020

Local social enterprise Cooking Champions is continuing to help feed hungry individuals and families and is currently operating from St Peter's Church in Grange Park. For Halloween, to raise money for its own use and also in support of The Little Things charity, Cooking Champions ran a couple of special events, one of which was a home-delivered Italian menu. The menu, under the supervision of PG resident and Leith-trained chef Clare Donovan, sold out quickly, so if you'd like to take advantage of Thai menu on Friday 13th or Saturday 14th November, you need to act fast.

A new era for MyTime

23 September 2020

The ever enterprising Brian Lewis has converted his MyTime cake, coffee and tea house into Palmers Green's first deli specialising in organic and artisan food and drinks. MyTime, closed since lockdown struck, reopened earlier this week, appearing unchanged on the outside but quite different inside.

Dugdale Centre reopens: Food and drink, gifts and a new art exhibition

06 July 2020

The Dugdale Centre has awoken from its long enforced period of inactivity. The new opening hours are 11am to 3pm Monday to Friday. So far the Café, Gift Shop and Gallery have reopened, and on 14th July they will be followed by the Museum and Local Studies Centre. The gallery plays host to a new exhibition by Palmers Green artist Patrick Samuel celebrating what he enjoyed about lockdown and his eagerness to to paint during the period of isolation

Paid internships for young people wishing to help transform the food system

24 June 2020

Feedback, an environmental organisation campaigning to transform the food system, is recruiting for a series of 15-week-long, 4 days per week, paid internships (£10.75 per hour) for young people (aged 18-24) based at Forty Hall Farm. Plus an additional internship placement in Barnet at GROW in Totteridge Academy
