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Crime and Policing

More reporting and commenting on Crime and Policing in the PGC forums.

October Safer Neighbourhoods News for Winchmore Hill ward

14 October 2020

This month's edition of Safer Neighbourhoods News for Winchmore Hill ward is now available.

Are you able to help with this TV investigation?

30 September 2020

In 2016 residents of flats above shops in Green Lanes barely escaped with their lives from a fire. In February this year Harper Stone Property was found guilty of breaching fire regulations. A researcher for a BBC One programme is seeking information from witnesses to the fire.

Safer Neighbourhood News for Palmers Green ward

23 September 2020

The September 2020 edition of Safer Neighbourhoods News for Palmers Green ward is now available.

Enfield joins the OWL online watch scheme

15 September 2020

Enfield Council and the Metropolitan Police Service in the borough have joined the OWL Online Watch Link scheme. OWL is used in conjunction with local neighbourhood watch coordinators and, according to its website, has a proven track record in finding suspects, bringing offenders to justice and finding missing people.

Police warn about fake Thames Water personnel

26 August 2020

Last week Winchmore Hill Safer Neighbourhoods Team warned that on Wednesday 19th August on Firs Lane N21 people claiming to be from Thames Water had been going to addresses saying they want to inspect the manholes on in their gardens.

Safer Neighbourhood News - Palmers Green and Winchmore Hill wards

19 August 2020

The latest editions of Safer Neighbourhoods News for Palmers Green and Winchmore Hill wards are now available.

Your views on crime and the effectiveness of police and neighbourhood watch schemes

12 August 2020

The Neighbourhood Watch Network is surveying the public to discover what people think about crime and how effective the police and Neighbourhood Watch are. Open to everyone, whether or not your area is covered by a Neighbourhood Watch.

Police request to look out for roofers' scam vehicle

02 August 2020

Local police are asking people to look out for a silver VW Transporter van with Irish number plates - 142CW707. This is used by men operating a roof repairs scam - accepting their offer to 'repair' your roof may eventually cost you thousands of pounds.

Broomfield Avenue car-jacking: Call for witnesses

27 July 2020

Police are appealing for information to identity four suspects involved in a robbery and car-jacking on Saturday 18th July in Broomfield Avenue. A black Audi with four men inside was involved in this and other incidents that same day where vehicles were followed and drivers threatened and intimidated in the Barnet and Enfield area.

Safer Neighbourhood News - Palmers Green ward

15 July 2020

This month's edition of Safer Neighbourhoods News for Palmers Green ward is now available.

Police appeal for witnesses to serious assault - victim in critical condition

13 July 2020

Detectives investigating an assault in Bowes Road, N11 at 13:30hrs on Friday, 26 June, which has left a man in a critical condition, are appealing for witnesses to come forward.

Large police operation targets suspected modern slavery gang

12 July 2020

On 8th July a large police contingent used an armoured truck to break into a fortified site at Crews Hill. Three men are in custody, charged with modern slavery offences, and 11 adult victims are being cared for. A report on the Metropolitan Police website describes how to spot signs of possible modern slavery.

Scams Awareness 2020 might be over, but don't relax your guard!

01 July 2020

Scams Awareness 2020 finished last week, but the advice handed out during the campaign is useful all year round.

Safer Neighbourhood Newsletters: PG and WH wards

10 June 2020

This month's editions of Safer Neighbourhoods News for Palmers Green and Winchmore Hill ward are now available.

Beware: Rogue tree surgeons at work!

10 June 2020

In response to a complaint from the Friends of the Lakes Estate Conservation Area about unauthorised tree surgery, an Enfield council officer has written warning against scams operated by rogue tree surgeons - in this case, by a firm called Acacia Tree Surgery.

Four PG residents charged with forced labour offences

16 May 2020

Four people from Palmers Green have been charged with forced labour offences following an investigation by the Met's Modern Slavery and Child Exploitation unit.

Read the full article and forum comments

Safer Neighbourhood News - Palmers Green ward

05 May 2020

The May edition of Safer Neighbourhoods News for Palmers Green ward is now available.

PG and WH Safer Neighbourhood News April 2020

19 April 2020

This month's editions of Safer Neighbourhoods News for Palmers Green and Winchmore Hill wards are now available.

Police chase through Palmers Green ends in Bush Hill Park crash

13 April 2020

Footage on Twitter of the police chasing a drug driver from near Ritz Parade, then along the A105 through Palmers Green and Winchmore Hill, eventually ending in the chased car crashing outside St Stephen's Bush Hill Park.

Read the full article and forum comments

London's top traffic policeman discusses speeding during the lockdown

12 April 2020

Detective Superintendent Andy Cox from the Met's Roads and Transport Policing Command has recorded a YouTube video in which he talks about the incidence of extreme speeding during the coronavirus lockdown and police operations against all speeding in London. He urges all drivers not to speed and passengers to ask drivers to slow down - speeding should, he says, be as socially unacceptable as drink driving.
