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Crime and Policing

More reporting and commenting on Crime and Policing in the PGC forums.

Notes from Palmers Green Ward Forum

11 February 2018

The following is a brief outline of some of the points raised at the Palmers Green Ward Forum on 8th February. There is another summary, by Sarah Dodgson, on the Enfield Voices Facebook page, produced as part of the Enfield Voices Citizen Journalism initiative.  There is also a video recording of the meeting made by Francis Sealey that he live streamed on Facebook (which not everyone can view - I'm one of those who can't, so I'm relying entirely on the notes I made at the meeting)........

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Weapons sweep finds knife hidden in park

31 January 2018

Winchmore Hill Police (@MPSWinchmoreH) reported earlier today on Twitter that they had conducted a weapons sweep this morning in Tatum Park, where they "found this knife conveniently hidden away in the bushes".

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Park volunteers dismayed by spate of vandalism

24 January 2018

The Friends of Broomfield Park have expressed dismay and anger about a recent spate of vandalism in which some of the park amenities that they have been contributing to have been damaged. The Friends have reported that during the first fortnight of 2018 vandals damaged plants and park facilities in the Community Orchard, Palmers Greenery cafe and the Garden of Remembrance, as well as more generally in the park. In the orchard seven apple tree "stepovers" were destroyed, along with a pear tree........

Telephone scam targeting older people

03 December 2017

Winchmore Hill police have issued the following warning via Twitter: @MPSWinchmoreH Tell everyone about a scam phone call targetting the elderly asking them to ring a number ending in 361877. Says 'You've been named in a criminal prosecution and your home is under police surveillance....' DO NOT DIAL THAT NUMBER! It is a SCAM! Pass the message on please. <?php$ogImage = ' ';include.......

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Clampdown on A10 speeding and other forms of anti-social behaviour

14 November 2017

A multiagency "clampdown" on A10 speeding is planned, including the use of a PSPO to break up "car cruising meets" Public responses to the proposed package of PSPO measures have been highly supportive and they are likely to be introduced A10 anti-speeding measures Enfield Council, the Metropolitan Police and Transport for London (TfL) have agreed a coordinated package of measures designed to address the problem of motorists speeding and driving dangerously along the A10, starting with the.......

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Public meeting to discuss future of public access to and engagement with the Police

13 September 2017

A meeting on 20th September will discuss the Mayor of London's consultation on changes to the way that the public can access and engage with the police. As a result of Government funding cuts, since 2010, the Met Police have had to find £600m of savings and must save a further £400m by 2020. Mayor Sadiq Khan is determined to protect the front line from cuts, and he has published draft plans to: close costly and underused police front.......

Council proposing borough-wide Public Spaces Protection Order to tackle anti-social behaviour

31 August 2017

In an attempt to reduce certain forms of "anti-social behaviour" Enfield Council is proposing to introduce a borough-wide Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO). The proposed PSPO would prohibit a wide range of activities or behaviour considered to be "unacceptable". A public consultation is under way until 18 September 2017.

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Misleading Missed Delivery cards posted through letterboxes

09 August 2017

Residents are being warned about ‘something for you’ cards arriving through letterboxes designed to look like they have come from Royal Mail.  The cards which lack the Royal Mail logo look almost identical to the ‘something for you’ slips that are posted through homes when a delivery can’t be made.  To organise a redelivery the cards urge recipients to call a 0208 number, which is not registered to Royal Mail. After ringing the number the automated.......

Doorstep rogue trader warning

18 July 2017

Enfield Council is urging residents not to sign up for home improvements on the doorstep to ensure they are not scammed and conned out of thousands of pounds for unnecessary building work.

Not just these cars, but their drivers too are out of control

17 May 2017

This week there have been two instances in Palmers Green of cars mounting the pavement and causing damage.  Fortunately, it seems that in neither case were there any injuries to people walking along the pavement - but if there had been, they would probably have been killed or seriously injured. The first incident happened in Fox Lane on Sunday evening. After hitting and wrecking a parked car, the car that was out of control ended up damaging railings adjacent to the railway bridge. .......

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Beware of mobile phone snatch thieves

13 May 2017

There have been a number of Mobile Phone snatch thefts and attempted thefts in the Palmers Green area and across Enfield Borough into Haringey. Thieves are riding mopeds onto the pavement and are snatching phones from victims' hands while they are using their handsets.  Don't make yourself an easy target.  Please be aware of your surroundings when using your phone and take note of the advice below. Don't give thieves an easy opportunity: think before you use your phone in public.......

Beware the "Telephone Preference Service" scam

30 April 2017

Bogus TPS (Telephone Preference Service) callers targeting the elderly. The police are urging residents to be on their guard after receiving reports of bogus telephone calls where the caller claims to be from the “Telephone Preference Service / Agency” (TPS). The callers claim they can now help block calls from outside the UK as part of a new campaign they are running for elderly residents. The caller claims they would like “to confirm details of your TPS registration”.......

How to report a crime to the police

17 April 2017

In an emergency, always dial 999. For non-emergencies you can: call 101 and report by phone attend a police station and report at the station office report online at the new website How to report a crime online Go to and click on Report Click on one of the options that appears <?php$ogImage = ' ';include.......

Palmers Green page on Police.UK website

19 March 2017

A new national police website,, recently went live.  Local information can be found at the links listed below: Metropolitan Police Palmers Green Bowes Southgate Green Southgate Winchmore Hill <?php$ogImage = ' ';include.......

New London "safety app" now available

11 January 2017

The local authorities umbrella body London Councils has launched Circle, a new smartphone app (Android and iPhone) designed to help people avoid threats to their personal safety when out and about in London - for instance, when travelling home from a night out. Despite the impression given by the marketing for Circle, it could prove useful to those of us who don't fit the category of attractive young woman! Interestingly, one information source refers to Enfield and Southwark Councils being.......

Police asking residents about local anti-social behaviour and crime concerns

07 December 2016

Enfield Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) have been using Twitter to advertise online surveys for each of the wards in the borough.  Each survey is different, asking whether residents are concerned about specific reported hotspots where there have been reports of "anti-social behaviour" and crime. Surveys for wards in and around Palmers Green Palmers Green Bowes Southgate Green Winchmore Hill Southgate Cockfosters.......

Consultation: Draft London Police & Crime Plan

02 December 2016

The Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) is consulting on a draft London Police & Crime Plan with the title A Safer City for all Londoners.  This is the second, statutory, phase of the consultation - the first phase was carried out using a survey on the Talk London website. You can respond to the consultation either by completing a 14-question online survey, by email or by post. Links Introductory information and survey link Current draft document.......

Petition aims to reduce fly tipping at bottom of Park Avenue

14 November 2016

A resident of Park Avenue in Palmers Green has set up an e-petition on the Enfield Council website asking for a barrier to be fitted at the entrance to an area of lock-up garages at the bottom of Park Avenue, near the footpath across the New River which gives access to Hazelwood Recreation Ground. The petitioners are asking for a barrier to prevent access by flytippers and drug users to the area behind the brick wall The petition reads: We the undersigned petition the Council.......

Introducing PG Safer Neighbourhoods - the App

11 November 2016

Palmers Green is pioneering the use of a Swedish smartphone app to help residents work together with Police and community groups to support each other and increase safety and security in the area, as well as decrease criminal activity.  But don't worry if you haven't got a smartphone -  you can also join in using any computer that's connected to the Web. The Metropolitan Police have selected Enfield to pilot the Trygve app, which is now in use by the Palmers Green Ward Safer.......

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Council paying cost of extra police officers

02 November 2016

Enfield Council has funded 16 new police officers to work as an additional resource to tackle crime on Council housing estates. The officers, who began patrolling at the start of September, will be based on estates where residents have reported higher levels of criminal activity and will be a clear visible presence that any crime or anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated. The extra officers are fully funded by Enfield Council and have been supplied by the Metropolitan Police and MOPAC.......
