18 November 2017
One of Enfield's best known charities has at last found a home of its own and hopes to complete the move by December.
The Nightingale Cancer Support Centre, which recently celebrated its 15th anniversary, has until now been sharing premises in Lancaster Road with four other charities. The move to its own building in Baker Street, Enfield, will mean it will have enough room to provide more services to more people.
Founding trustees Andrew Bone, Teresa Aylott and Dr Pat Mahony outside the.......
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16 October 2017
If you’re looking for inspiration to update your winter wardrobe then look no further: The Nightingale Cancer Support Centre is fundraising in style with its Glitz and Glamour Fashion Show.
Fashion-lovers will be greeted with bubbly and canapes before being treated to a showcase of the latest trends in every-day and party wear for both men and women and all in aid of supporting cancer sufferers and their families.
The charity receives no outside funding and relies on events such as this.......
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09 October 2017
Our MP has, and so has his predecessor (in fact, David Burrowes proved himself rather more nimble than Bambos Charalambous). Bambos is the star of the first of the two videos, while David can be spotted in the second.
October is Care To Limbo month! The ‘Care To Limbo!’ campaign is designed to raise awareness and funds for a selection of amazing charities, all of whom benefit society and contribute immensely to our.......
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02 October 2017
Give an hour's salary to help build Noah's Ark Children's Hospice - the first such hospice in North London.
Noah’s Ark currently supports over 160 children who are seriously unwell, 230 of their siblings and 350 of their parents / guardians. Our dedicated team do this by providing holistic, bespoke care.
We need to provide more care for more children and their families.
We need to construct The Ark, a specialist children’s hospice building........
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03 September 2017
A nine-hour feast of poetry In Enfield aims to rescue a family from a Syrian refugee camp. The Enfield Poem-a-thon will raise money for Enfield Refugee Welcome, the first Community Sponsorship Group in the UK to have resettled a refugee family under the government's Vulnerable Children's Resettlement Scheme.
Enfield Poem-a-thon organizer Maggie Butt, herself one of the poets who will be taking part, explains: "I am so proud that Enfield has the first community sponsorship group in the country.......
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08 August 2017
North London Samaritans are now 70 per cent of the way towards raising the £15,000 they need to be able to afford to rebuild Bowes Park's "Tin Tabernacle", turning it into a centre for their life-saving activities and a hub for the local community. Funds received a big boost on Sunday, when Myddleton Road Market stallholders and shopkeepers raised a total of £925 for the project. Future fundraising events include two concerts taking place in September.
The plan. To turn.......
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05 August 2017
Mayor's Charity Fun Run - Sunday 17th September
3km run @ 10:15am, 3km walk @ 10:25am, 10km run @ 11:15am
Forty Hall, Forty Hall Estate, Enfield, EN2 9HA
The annual charity run at Forty Hall Estate is back again this autumn!
Dust off your trainers and join in the fun, raising money for the Mayor of Enfield’s Charity Appeal Fund. Always a great community event, the Fun Run attracts over 800 participants and spectators each year and with a variety of runs and walks to get involved.......
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02 August 2017
A message from Enfield Council
Do not put shoes and textiles into your recycling bin. Please take them to your local charity chop, Barrowell Green Recycling Centre or arrange a free doorstep collection from TRAID
TRAID020 8733 2595recycling@traid.org.ukwww.traid.org.uk/collections
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28 June 2017
I hope you will join us on Thursday July 6
Hi, I am Sophie Castell and I am chair of the Enfield Branch of the National Autistic Society. We are pleased to partner with Talkies for this special event. I will introduce the evening, highlighting some of the challenges of autism. The film shows one amazing young man's experience of autism.
A heartwarming real life story about Owen Suskind, an autistic boy whose life was transformed through.......
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27 May 2017
A message from Enfield Refugees Welcome:
It’s time to get ready to celebrate Refugee Week! Refugee Week is a nationwide programme of arts, cultural and educational events that celebrate the contribution of refugees to the UK, and encourages a better understanding between communities. Anyone can get involved by organising or attending one of the events. This year it runs from the 19-25 June.
Would you like to organise something as part of Enfield Refugee Welcome? This can be as.......
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13 May 2017
Carers’ Support Appointments are now available at the Ruth Winston Community Centre
The Ruth Winston Community Centre is now working with Enfield Carers Centre to provide additional support to families and carers at the Ruth Winston Community Centre.
A support worker from Enfield Carers Centre will be here on the first Wednesday of each month from 10.00am – 12 noon for one to one support meetings.
Next date is Wednesday 7 June 2017 from 10.00am until 12 noon. Come and.......
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01 May 2017
Help make the Noah's Ark Children's Hospice summer appeal speak volumes
Time spent with our Music Therapist, Kirsty, has been life-changing for Joe and his mum, Toni. For the first time in his life, he is communicating and making choices through music.
This summer, we are turning up the volume on the care and support we provide for children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions, and their families.
During Children’s Hospice Week, as well as wearing your loudest, wackiest.......
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26 April 2017
Everyone's Climbing Tree - described as "magical" by the young people who benefit from its workshops and wonderful encouraging spirit - is working towards raising £10,000 to refurbish and expand its base close to Alexandra Park Station.
ECT, as it's known, is running a fundraising event this coming Sunday, from 3pm to 9pm, featuring its unique mix of events for people of all ages. You can just drop in or reserve places in workshops online.
For more about ECT, read this article from.......
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01 April 2017
North London Samaritans have been given a Big Lottery Fund grant of £545,0000 to rebuild a former "Tin Tabernacle" to use as a centre for their lifesaving work and to provide a new communitiy facility for Bowes Park.
Shaftesbury Hall (to give the former chapel its proper name) is located in Herbert Road, adjacent to Bowes Park Station. The building is currently in complete disrepair - the plan now is not to restore it, but to build a replica from modern materials with an additional.......
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14 March 2017
Yvonne Quigley is inviting everyone to a special tea party at the Ruth Winston Centre from 2pm to 4pm on Friday 31st March.
We are holding a fundraising tea party for Dementia UK to support their work with Admiral Nurses who are funded by them. They carry out vital work with those who have dementia and those caring for them so we want to do our part to keep their work on going. As more and more of our loved ones are being struck down with dementia we need to spread the word,.......
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10 February 2017
Palmers Green and Southgate are blessed with the presence of one of London's best Blues clubs. Every Friday night St Monica's social club on Cannon Hill is transformed into "St Harmonica's" and plays host to some great musicians, some local, others from further afield, who play for free - the only money they take home is what goes into the collecting hat.
Entry to the club is also free - you just need to pay a membership fee of a mere £2.50 a year. And prices at the bar are as cheap.......
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08 February 2017
Help us to raise funds and awareness of Samaritans in the local community through a variety of events and activities.
Shaftesbury Hall aka the Tin TabernacleBowes Park is on the verge of having an amazing new community space, as we are at the final stage of a Big Lottery grant application to redevelop Shaftesbury Hall on Herbert Road, London, N11.
If successful, the £500,000 grant will enable the complete redevelopment of Shaftesbury Hall – known locally as the ‘Tin.......
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26 January 2017
Enfield Community Singers are performing a very special concert at the URC, Fox Lane Palmers Green, entitled Spring Awakening, on Saturday 25th March at 7,30 pm and will be to raise aware and funds for the London Air Ambulance Service, whilst Entry and Refreshments are free.
The concert with feature the youthful and dynamic singers from Eastfield School Enfield
Items from our repertoire will include selections from Les Miserables and Rodgers & Hammerstein, memories of The Beatles,.......
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04 January 2017
All of our readers will doubtless be aware that there are very many rough sleepers in our city, especially if they visit central London. According to official figures, the number of rough sleepers in the UK has doubled over the past six years. They are only the tip of the iceberg - the visible sign of the 60,000 families who are currently homeless, but most of whom manage to find a roof for the night one way or another.
Unsurprisingly, the various political parties have differing.......
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12 December 2016
Want to make a difference?
Have you thought about becoming a charity trustee and helping your community?
We need local people with a range of skills and life experience to join our board.
This volunteering role can fit in with work, as meetings are in the evenings.
Join us at an event in Enfield on 26/1/17.
Please email jill.harrison@enfieldcab.org.uk for more information.
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