Mayor's Charity Fun Run - Sunday 17th September
3km run @ 10:15am, 3km walk @ 10:25am, 10km run @ 11:15am
Forty Hall, Forty Hall Estate, Enfield, EN2 9HA
The annual charity run at Forty Hall Estate is back again this autumn!
Dust off your trainers and join in the fun, raising money for the Mayor of Enfield’s Charity Appeal Fund. Always a great community event, the Fun Run attracts over 800 participants and spectators each year and with a variety of runs and walks to get involved with - there really is something for everyone, regardless of age or ability.
3km walk attracts all ages and children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by a parent/carer. The walk starts at 10.25am.
3km run is suitable for all including children aged 6+ and children aged under 8 must be accompanied by a parent/carer. The run starts at 10.15am.
For the adventurous among us, the 10km run (aged 16+) starts at 11.15am
In order to register for this event please visit
The Mayor's Charity for 2017/18
Cllr Christine Hamilton’s chosen charity is called “Enfield Cares” and will work to raise money to support carers and caring in the borough over the next 12 months
It will specifically raise cash for charities including All People All Places, MIND in Enfield, Tender Care, Nightingale Hospice and the Sickle cell & Thalassaemia Charity at North Middlesex Hospital.
“Every single day, around the clock, thousands of people in Enfield are quietly fulfilling caring roles for a family member or a friend. They can be called on 24 hours a day, and many of them are unpaid, or have given up paid employment to care.
“My charity this year is dedicated to reaching out to all our carers, and the communities and organisations which support them. As well as raising money for local carers support groups I want to raise awareness of the invaluable role they play in supporting many of the most vulnerable in our communities.
“Carers contribute so much to people’s quality of life. It is right and proper that this mayoral year is spent giving them the appreciation they so richly deserve and to showing that Enfield cares about carers.”
If you would like to find out more about the Mayor’s Charity, ‘Enfield Cares’ or would like to get more involved please contact Koulla Panaretou on 020 8379 4835 or
<p>Mayor's Charity Fun Run<br />Sunday 17th September</p>
<p>3km run @ 10:15am, 3km walk @ 10:25am, 10km run @ 11:15amForty Hall,</p>
<p>Forty Hall Estate, Enfield, EN2 9HA</p>
<p>The annual charity run at Forty Hall Estate is back again this autumn!</p>
<p>Dust off your trainers and join in the fun, raising money for the Mayor of Enfield’s Charity Appeal Fund. Always a great community event, the Fun Run attracts over 800 participants and spectators each year and with a variety of runs and walks to get involved with - there really is something for everyone, regardless of age or ability.</p>
<p>3km walk attracts all ages and children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by a parent/carer. The walk starts at 10.25am.</p>
<p>3km run is suitable for all including children aged 6+ and children aged under 8 must be accompanied by a parent/carer. The run starts at 10.15am.</p>
<p>For the adventurous among us, the 10km run (aged 16+) starts at 11.15am</p>
<p>In order to register for this event please visit <a href=""></a></p>
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