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Osborne Road CPZ: Statutory consultation begins

09 January 2020

Feedback from a consultation about a possible controlled parking zone (CPZ) in Osborne Road and Windsor Road N13 showed that residents in Osborne Road are broadly in favour of parking controls, 9am - 6.30pm Monday to Saturday. The consultation results suggest that there is not enough support to continue to include Windsor Road.

A 'dashboard' showing traffic volumes and speeds in the Fox Lane area

08 January 2020

Detailed traffic speed and volume data collected during the 'planters trial' in the Fox Lane quieter neighbourhood area is now available via an online 'dashboard'. Over a one week period in March just under 260,000 vehicles passed the data collection points - 235825 cars, 18,594 lorries, 1682 bicycles and 351 cars pulling trailers. They included 25 vehicles doing more than 70mph, of which 14 were exceeding 80mph and two were recorded at speeds between 96 and 100mph.

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Council outlines its plans for school streets

07 January 2020

Enfield's first 'school street' schemes - outside St Monica's primary school and Oakthorpe primary school - are likely to go live after the February half term. The council hopes to complete a further three schemes by this spring. The rate of implementation in the next financial year and thereafter will depend on availability of funding and the degree of interest and commitment shown by schools.

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First Enfield Dispatch of 2020

01 January 2020

The January 2020 issue of Enfield Dispatch is now available and includes a couple of features about our corner of the borough

Residents come together to support the Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood concept

11 December 2019

People living in Fox Lane and surrounding streets are welcoming Enfield Council's idea of closing roads to create low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) throughout the area and are calling on other residents to voice their support.

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Council consulting on modifications to parking and loading arrangements along the A105

27 November 2019

After assessing feedback received during the six month-long consultation period, Enfield Council is consulting on some minor modifications to the experimental traffic orders relating to parking and loading restrictions along the A105 adjacent to the cycle lanes. The modifications would provide additional parking and loading points in Green Lanes, Winchmore Hill, and in Village Road, Enfield.

'School streets' for two local primaries

24 November 2019

Enfield Council has notified its intention to create 'school streets' for two primary schools - Oakthorpe in Palmers Green and St Monica's in Southgate.

Consultation deadline put back as debate rages about low-traffic neighbourhood proposals

20 November 2019

The plans for the Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood that were unveiled last week have certainly stirred up debate! Arguments for and against have been running on this website's forum and on social media. The Conservative and Labour contenders for the Enfield Southgate parliamentary seat have joined the fray, and pressure from within the majority Labour Party Group has prompted Enfield Council to extend the deadline for commenting on the plans to 22nd December. The Better Streets for Enfield group, which has been campaigning for a true low-traffic neighbourhood scheme, has suggested a revised scheme with more entrance/exit points for cars.

What councils can do to reduce carbon emissions from transport

10 November 2019

Nearly two thirds of London councils have declared a climate emergency. While it is relatively straightforward to declare an emergency, it is far more challenging to commit to specific interventions that will deliver big cuts in carbon emissions. The London Living Streets group has identified a range of key policies that local authorities can adopt right now to reduce carbon emissions. All have either been adopted by another major global city, by local authorities in London or elsewhere in the UK.

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Plans for Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood published

08 November 2019

Ahead of the public exhibition on Tuesday 12th November (3pm to 8pm in the former Starbucks shop), Enfield Council has published a map of its new proposals for removing through traffic from the Fox Lane Area Quieter Neighbourhood.

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Do you live in one of these neighbourhoods and are concerned about traffic?

06 November 2019

If you live in one of the areas shown on the maps and are worried about excessive traffic or speeding in local streets, you have until Sunday 10th November to let the council know your concerns and your suggestions for improvements.

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Low traffic plans for Fox Lane area to be unveiled on 12th November

29 October 2019

Enfield Council will be unveiling its new plans for the Fox Lane Low Traffic Neighbourhood on 12th November, at a public exhibition in the former Starbucks building at Palmers Green Triangle. Visitors will be able to view the plans, question the design team and give feedback. The council developed the new plans for the Fox Lane quieter neighbourhood after it became clear that the measures introduced earlier this year had proved ineffective and a more radical treatment was needed.

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Quieter Neighbourhoods phase 2 launched

26 October 2019

The revised proposals for a low-traffic neighbourhood based around Fox Lane are expected imminently. In the meantime Enfield Council has launched the next phase of the Quieter Neighbourhoods programme by setting up perception surveys for the three residential areas that are included in Phase 2

More secure cycle storage: Where would you like it?

19 October 2019

Enfield Council have secured additional funding to install more cycle parking in #Enfield, including bike hangars on residential streets. They want to know where you would like to see extra cycle parking.

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What a perfect day for a pop-up parklet!

02 October 2019

Palmers Green's first ever pop-up parklet event, on Sunday 15th September, was a great success. There were plenty of visitors, the weather was ideal (believe it or not, there was a time not so long ago when it didn't rain every day), the location - at the Green Lanes end of Devonshire Road - was well chosen, nearby businesses joined in - Stitch! even opened on a Sunday specially - and the council was cooperative. But most of all, the event succeeded because of hard work and careful planning by a team of around 20 people and because it was such a great idea!

Volunteers required for research into effect of cycling infrastructure on older and disabled people

09 September 2019

Transport for London (TFL) are carrying out research into new cycling infrastructure in LB Camden, LB Enfield, and LB Waltham Forest and are seeking volunteers. They would like to understand the experiences of older and disabled people, particularly when getting on and off the buses where pedestrians and cyclists are having to share the same space.

Popping up in PG: a Parklet

02 September 2019

A group of Palmers Green residents who want to make the high street greener and attract more shoppers will be creating a 'pop-up parklet' in Green Lanes on Sunday 15th September.

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Quieter neighbourhoods on agenda for Wednesday's ward forum

02 September 2019

An officer from Enfield Council will be at the Palmers Green ward forum on Wednesday 4th September to provide an update on the Quieter Neighbourhoods programme and traffic and parking problems.

Council outlines new Quieter Neighbourhoods strategy

27 August 2019

The latest information on the Cycle Enfield website about Enfield Council's Quieter Neighbourhoods programme outlines an updated strategy, which envisages schemes eventually covering the entire borough. It includes, for the first time, a scheme in Bowes ward west of Green Lanes. Revised proposals for the Fox Lane and Connaught Gardens schemes, which are included in phase 1, will be revealed at public events in, respectively, 'late summer 2019' and 'early Autumn 2019'

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Apply for funding from Walking and Cycling Grants London

14 August 2019

Walking and Cycling Grants London is a programme which supports London's diverse communities to walk and cycle more often and more safely. The programme, funded by Transport for London and administered by Groundwork London, offers grants to projects of up to £10,000 over a three year period.

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