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David Burrowes and his floating dog hit the headlines

01 May 2018

Enfield Conservatives were no doubt hoping that a press release that they sent to the Enfield Independent would help them in their bid to recapture control of Enfield Council in Thursday's elections.  But I doubt whether they were expecting the amount of publicity that the paper's report and accompanying photograph would bring them - two further reports on the local paper's website, one in the Evening Standard and headlines on the national news website Huffington Post.  Not to.......

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Lakes Estate residents take to the street

25 April 2018

  Residents of a street on the Lakes Estate occupied the road outside their houses at the weekend, protesting about the lack of rat-running cars whizzing past their houses. One local, who preferred to remain anonymous, but we'll call "Musey", told me, "The situation is becoming intolerable, for more than a fortnight now we've been deprived of the stress and excitement of worrying about our kids being hit by a car, and the street doesn't smell like it usually does either.  I've had to.......

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My Liveable London gets personal

23 April 2018

The My Liveable London campaign has moved into a new phase - asking everyone who supports its aims to email all candidates standing in their ward urging them to respond positively to the campaign's challenge to local politicians. Help make a city where everyone can walk and cycle safely and happily. Imagine a truly Liveable London. A city where: It’s enjoyable to walk and cycle your local trips You can breathe fresh air on streets free from congestion Children can safely.......

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Joining forces to challenge local politicians to create My Liveable London

10 April 2018

In the run up to the council elections on 3rd May two organisations that campaign for a fresh approach to London's streets have come together to set out a challenge for party leaders in each of London's 32 boroughs. London Living Streets, who seek better streets for pedestrians, are combining forces with the London Cycle Campaign, who, unsurprisingly, would like pleasanter and safer conditions for people riding bikes in London. They are calling their joint campaign My Liveable London and they want boroughs to create more "low traffic neighbourhoods".

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Cycle Enfield: Just what our top doctors order

27 March 2018

Updated guidance published by the UK's top authority on improving health and social care calls on local authorities to prioritise walking, cycling and public transport over private cars.  Recommended measures include re-allocating road space by widening pavements and installing cycle lanes, closing roads and reducing vehicle speeds. The fact that the Cycle Enfield and Quieter Neighbourhood programmes are designed to do just that is no coincidence.  Over the last few years Government.......

Controlled parking zone consultation to be held in part of Bowes ward

18 March 2018

Early in the 2018/19 FY Enfield Council will be consulting residents in part of Bowes ward about a possible area-wide Controlled Parking Zone.

Overnight closures of Green Lanes for resurfacing work, 27-30 March

18 March 2018

Details of scheduled overnight closures of Green Lanes for resurfacing work

Families say "Thank you for the bike lanes"

14 March 2018

On Sunday families came out in their scores to celebrate the inauguration of the cycle lanes connecting Palmers Green to Enfield Town along the A105.

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Fernleigh Road Quieter Neighbourhood statutory consultation

28 February 2018

Enfield Council is currently running the statutory consultation phase for the package of traffic orders proposed for the "Fernleign Road" Quieter Neighbourhood, which covers a large area extending from Stonard Road in Palmers Green to Station Road in Winchmore Hill. The first phase of consultations was held in October and November.  For the statutory consultation, which runs up to 18th March, some changes have been made in response to feedback from the first phase, but the overall scheme.......

Celebrate the completion of the A105 bike lanes on 11th March!

14 February 2018

Better Streets for Enfield and Cycle Enfield are jointly hosting a celebratory ride along the newly completed bike lanes between Enfield Town and Palmers Green. Riders will assemble outside Capitol House in Winchmore Hill at 2pm on 11th March. Ride the A105! On the afternoon of Sunday 11 March  we’re gathering to ride the new cycle lanes along the A105! Meet here in Winchmore Hill at 2pm on Sunday 11 March Come one and all, whether you cycle every day or haven’t.......

Tell the Mayor: We want clean air too!

13 February 2018

The Mayor of London's consultation about measures to reduce levels of toxic air pollution originating from petrol and diesel vehicles ends on 28th February.  If you, like me, think that the proposals won't provide adequate protection for people living outside the North and South Circular Roads - and will be even more injurious to the health of people living along those roads - you need to respond to the online consultation before that date. The proposals are explained on the following page.......

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Serious collision in Green Lanes

30 January 2018

If you were wondering why buses were diverted away from Green Lanes on Tuesday early evening, this photo shows part of the aftermath of a collision.  The location is on the eastern side of Green Lanes next to Deadmans Bridge and there was an ambulance nearby. <?php$ogImage = 'images/2018/crashed_car.jpg';include.......

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Quieter Neighbourhoods/Cycle Enfield briefing at Winchmore Hill ward forum

30 January 2018

The Winchmore Hill ward forum held on 9th January included a briefing on Quieter Neighbourhoods by Richard Eason from the Cycle Enfield team at Enfield Council.

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Cycling to work: major new study suggests health benefits are staggering

20 January 2018

The results of the largest ever study of the health benefits of cycling to work suggest that councils and governments need to make it a top priority to encourage as many commuters to get on their bikes as possible.

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A message from Winchmore Hill Police

14 January 2018

Residents, don’t be surprised when you see the faster cyclists on expensive bikes refusing to use parts of the new cycle lane this year. It is not designed to be cycled at high speed. It is there to provide a safe space, but cyclists are not OBLIGED to use the cycle lane. Thanks — WinchmoreHill Police (@MPSWinchmoreH) 14 January 2018 <?php$ogImage = ' ';include.......

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A useful session of Winchmore Hill Ward Forum

10 January 2018

Last  night's Winchmore Hill Ward Forum at the Orange Tree was by all accounts very informative and a success - apart from disruption from someone who will be standing in the council elections for one of the councillor seats in the same ward.  It seems that the police even had to intervene.  Probably no coincidence that the same man is the only person I've ever had to ban from the PGC forums because he persisted in attacking "the man, not the ball" and for unacceptable language........

Navigating the Hostile Streets of Outer London

02 January 2018

Hostile Streets - Walking and Cycling at Outer London Junctions was published by the Greater London Authority's Transport Committee at the end of November. Shortly afterwards I went along to a meeting of Islington Living Streets to see a presentation about the report given by Caroline Russell. Caroline Russell is one of two Green Party Assembly Members (AMs) and is a member of the Transport Committee. She was the Rapporteur for this particular study, which was carried out at her initiative........

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Former Commissioner quizzed on progress of cycling infrastructure construction

21 December 2017

Transcript of evidence on cycling infrastructure given by Andrew Gilligan, former Cyclilng Commission to the previous Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, to a meeting of the GLA Transport Committee on 6 December 2017. Keith Prince AM (Chairman): It now gives me great pleasure to welcome Andrew [Gilligan], a man I worked with a few years ago when he was the Cycling Czar. He is not any more. His title is ‘Cycling Czar emeritus’ or something, in the Latin. We are now going to do a section.......

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The enormous costs - personal and financial - of fast traffic in towns

17 December 2017

"If we could reduce speed limits to 20mph in these built-up areas then anybody who's got children, anybody who works with children, anybody who sees what we see, would have to be supporting us." Words spoken by a surgeon at Birmingham Children's Hospital as part of a video telling a true story.  Along with a policeman, an ambulance driver, a parent and the young victim of a road traffic collision, she makes the unanswerable case for 20mph limits on urban roads........

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Draft London Plan published

06 December 2017

Public consultation on the draft of a new London Plan (more formally, the Spatial Development Strategy for Greater London) will run from 1 December this year until 2 March 2018. There will be a consultation event at Enfield Civic Centre on 12th January, and other events in central London.  These will take the form of briefings followed by question and answer sessions.  For full information about how to comment and about the subsequent Examination in Public see.......

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