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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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devonshire road pop-up parkletThe pop-up parklet receives its first visitors (photo: Maggie Westhead)

Palmers Green's first ever pop-up parklet event, on Sunday 15th September, was a great success. There were plenty of visitors, the weather was ideal (believe it or not, there was a time not so long ago when it didn't rain every day), the location - at the Green Lanes end of Devonshire Road - was well chosen, nearby businesses joined in - Stitch! even opened on a Sunday specially - and the council was cooperative. But most of all, the event succeeded because of hard work and careful planning by a team of around 20 people and because it was such a great idea! (And we mustn't forget to pay tribute to the originator of the parklet concept, Brenda Puech.)

The story of the Palmers Green Parklet has been made into a film by Palmers Green Tales, featuring footage from the event and interviews with some of the main organisers.

Academic assistance to the parklet project was provided by Megan Starkey, a doctorate student at the University of Westminster, who devised a short survey of visitors to the parklet and analysed the results (click here to download). The survey showed support among visitors for various measures which would improve the pedestrian experience across the borough.

make better streets chartWhat parklet visitors thought would make for better streets in Enfield
(Click on the image to download the full survey results)


Popping up in PG: a Parklet (PGC 2 September 2019)

Pop-up parklet! (Better Streets for Enfield website)

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