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Advice from Mums for Lungs about getting an emergency school street

26 May 2020

Find out everything you need to know on how to ask your council for a School Street to a) reduce air pollution exposure and b) overcrowding at the school gate.

Government tells councils to reallocate roadspace for walking and cycling 'as swiftly as possible'

11 May 2020

The government has told local authorities that it expects them to take urgent measures to reallocate roadspace away from cars to provide more room for walking and cycling 'as swiftly as possible, and in any event within weeks'. They are to include 'pop-up' cycle lanes with light segregation features, more school streets, lower speed limits, pedestrian and cycle zones that exclude motor traffic, low-traffic residential neighbourhoods, and bus and cycle corridors along key routes into town and city centres. Enfield Council's 'Streetspace Plan', announced last week, will incorporate measures of this sort - residents are able to upload their own suggestions on the council's Consultation Hub.

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Freeing up streetspace throughout London - including Enfield

06 May 2020

Transport for London's Streetspace Programme, announced on Wednesday, is intended to rapidly transform the capital's streets to accommodate a possible ten-fold increase in cycling and five-fold increase in walking when lockdown restrictions are eased. Many boroughs have already started on their own similar schemes - Enfield's was announced on Tuesday. Measures of this kind have already been endorsed by the prime minister and business secretary.

'We don't want or need to go back to those fume-filled, congested and hostile roads of the past'

28 April 2020

'We don't want or need to go back to those fume-filled, congested and hostile roads of the past' - the message concluding a letter sent by campaigners to the leaders of Enfield Council concerned about what might happen once the coronavirus lockdown ends. They urge the leaders to to take steps to ensure that, as restrictions are gradually relaxed, high levels of car usage do not return, hindering social distancing and discouraging active travel modes - walking and cycling. Their suggestions include 'pop-up' cycle lanes along corridors for key workers, widening of pinchpoints that present hazards when walking or cycling, and re-allocation of road space at places where queues outside shops make it impossible for pedestrians to maintain safe distances.

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Temporary one-way system during Hedge Lane closure

28 April 2020

The top end of Hedge Lane will be closed for Thames Water work from 29th April to 26th May, though the Yasar Halim store will still be accessible by road from the Green Lanes end of Hedge Lane. Through traffic will be diverted either to the north (via the A10 and Church Street West) or to the south (via the North Circular Road). A temporary one-way system will be in force in the area comprising Park Avenue, New River Crescent, Lightcliffe Road, Windsor Road and Osborne Road.

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Covid-19: Rethinking our streets

22 April 2020

'Social distancing' has drawn attention to how narrow many pavements are and what a small percentage of the space on our streets is devoted to walking - which is theoretically at the top of the transport mode hierarchy. London Living Streets has published an important discussion paper about how streets should be re-evaluated in the face of Covid. As the authors point out, the ideas reflected the situation in mid-April, and the situation will undoubtedly evolve. At national level Living Streets is suggesting that we contact councillors with suggestions for reallocating space for people on foot where social distancing is proving difficult.

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Police chase through Palmers Green ends in Bush Hill Park crash

13 April 2020

Footage on Twitter of the police chasing a drug driver from near Ritz Parade, then along the A105 through Palmers Green and Winchmore Hill, eventually ending in the chased car crashing outside St Stephen's Bush Hill Park.

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Hackney to implement emergency anti-rat running measures

13 April 2020

Hackney council is planning to implement measures to curb rat-running during the coronavirus lockdown, with the aim of protecting walkers and cyclists, allowing them more space to socially distance, and as a countermeasure to increased speeding by reckless drivers taking advantage of much lighter traffic levels. By doing so Hackney stands out from other UK local authorities, but cities in other countries all over the world have already done much more to reallocate road space away from cars.

London's top traffic policeman discusses speeding during the lockdown

12 April 2020

Detective Superintendent Andy Cox from the Met's Roads and Transport Policing Command has recorded a YouTube video in which he talks about the incidence of extreme speeding during the coronavirus lockdown and police operations against all speeding in London. He urges all drivers not to speed and passengers to ask drivers to slow down - speeding should, he says, be as socially unacceptable as drink driving.

London's top traffic cop joins medics in call for slower speeds to reduce strain on NHS

30 March 2020

As UK doctors call for lower speed limits to reduce the pressure on health services, London's top traffic cop has gone online to plead for slower driving and to highlight examples of criminal behaviour by drivers taking advantage of clearer roads to flagrantly breach speed limits.

Fox Lane campaigners welcome response to low-traffic neighbourhood consultation

09 March 2020

Following the publication by Enfield Council of a report on its engagement with the public over its proposals for a low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) in the Fox Lane area, a residents' group which has been campaigning to remove through traffic from the area has commented on its findings, which showed considerable variation in attitudes between the different streets, reflecting the volumes and speeds of traffic using each street.

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Petition: Trial a low-traffic neighbourhood as soon as possible

03 March 2020

A resident of The Mall, which runs between Southgate High Street and Fox Lane, has launched an online petition asking Enfield Council to implement a low-traffic neighbourhood in the wider Fox Lane area as soon as possible.

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What a difference a School Street makes!

01 March 2020

Enfield's first two School Streets went into operation on Monday 24th February. Photographs taken on that day in Tile Kiln Lane show pupils from Oakthorpe School strolling along in the middle of the road, free of the usual daily noise, noxious emissions and danger from cars.

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Residents say Yes to Low Traffic!

25 February 2020

As people living in and around Fox Lane await a revised low-traffic neighbourhood proposal from Enfield Council, support for a scheme which would completely rid their streets of the plague of rat-running is growing. At last week's meeting of Fox Lane & District Residents' Association (FLDRA) it was confirmed that the 'Red Poster' group, originally sceptical about excluding through traffic, are now in favour. And on Sunday residents used the opportunity provided by the monthly play street in Amberley Road to gather in the road and say 'Yes to Low Traffic'.

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Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood: Working towards a compromise

19 February 2020

Ahead of a debate at its meeting on Thursday, Fox Lane Residents' Association has published information and views from Enfield Council's Healthy Streets team and the working group of residents that was set up after the January Burford Hall meeting. A new proposal by the working group is largely based on a scheme previously proposed by pro-low traffic neighbourhood campaigners, though the group favours using automatic number plate recognition rather than physical barriers.

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FLDRA AGM to be asked to adopt position on Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood proposals

10 February 2020

While Enfield Council continues to analyse more than 700 consultation responses and work on developing a revised scheme, the plans for a low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) in the Fox Lane area are likely to be the dominant topic of discussion at next week's Annual General Meeting of the Fox Lane and District Residents' Association (FLDRA). At the meeting, on Thursday 20th February, the FLDRA Committee will be proposing that the Association adopt a formal position calling for a revised plan which, while incorporating traffic calming, would keep as many roads 'open' as possible.

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PG ward forum attendees disappointed at lack of progress on CPZ and traffic calming

22 January 2020

The Palmers Green Ward Forum on 9th January included lively discussions of plans for a controlled parking zone in Osborne Road and the lack of progress in implementing a low-traffic neighbourhood in the 'Connaught Gardens Quieter Neighbourhood'.

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Appeal to trace vehicle involved in hit-and-run collision in Palmers Green

22 January 2020

Police are appealing for help in tracing a 4x4 involved in a hit and run that left a young girl with serious injuries. The collision occurred on the North Circular Road at the junction with Melville Gardens on 2nd December.

Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood meeting: A range of views recorded

15 January 2020

The Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood meeting called by Paul Mandel was very well attended and was an opportunity to hear views ranging from strong support to angry opposition. Notes of what was said at the meeting have been published on the Fox Lane & District Residents' Association website and are republished here.

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Prize draw: How much do you know about the council's Healthy Streets programme?

14 January 2020

Enfield residents who take part in a survey about the council's Healthy Streets programmes will be entered in a draw to win a £50 shopping voucher.

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