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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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enfield dispatch jan 2020The January 2020 issue of Enfield Dispatch is now available and includes a couple of features about our corner of the borough.

An article written by Lakes Estate resident Adrian Day on behalf of the Fox Lane Low Traffic Neighbourhood Group welcomes the council's determination to take tough measures to prevent drivers using these residential streets as a cut-through, but notes that there is "plenty of noisy opposition". Some of this opposition is reflected in two rather intemperate letters to the editor, one alleging that Enfield Council is "car-hating", the other complaining about the council's "disinformation, propaganda and absurd proposals".

Palmers Green's Stitch! is the subject of an article by co-founder Suzanne Kelly, who lists some of the courses available in the Green Lanes shop and ends with a call for volunteers.

The front page story reports doubts about whether Crossrail 2 will ever go ahead. This project is particularly important for eastern Enfield, especially for the new Meridian Water development, but a proposed branch line to New Southgate would also improve connections in the far west of the borough and the Wood Green area.

Also in this month's Dispatch:

  • the launch of the Enfield Climate Action Forum
  • helping women into work
  • Enfield North's new MP
  • a youth football academy teams up with Enfield Town FC.

You can read the Enfield Dispatch online, pick up a copy from its distribution network or become a member and help support this excellent news source.

The deadline for the next edition is Tuesday 21st January. If you'd like to suggest an article idea please email  .

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