02 February 2014
The online opinion survey about the proposed new clock for Palmers Green Triangle has now finished. Many thanks to everyone who participated.
The survey revealed mixed views. Two out of three of respondents liked the idea of erecting a clock, though only around 50 per cent were keen on the proposed design. There was near unamiity, however, on the question of whether or not the triangular traffic island should remain - 59 out of 63 people would not like it to be removed, as recommended by a.......
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22 January 2014
Thanks to everyone who has filled in our online survey about the proposed clock for Palmers Green Triangle. If you haven't done so yet, you still have until the end of the month. In the meantime, some information about what people have said so far.
At the time of writing (11pm on Wednesday) 39 people have responded. There has been near unanimity about a wish to retain the triangle island, but opinions about the clock have been far more mixed........
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22 January 2014
The Enfield Independent has reported that a campaign has been launched to improve safety for pedestrians crossing Green Lanes at the Fox Lane junction. This is just one of several hazardous crossing points facing pedestrians in Palmers Green........
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04 January 2014
Residents of Palmers Green are being consulted about the design of the clock which the Green Lanes Business Association (GLBA) intends to erect at Palmers Green Triangle.
There are two methods by which members of the public can voice their opinions:
by completing a brief online survey on this website - the questions refer not only to the planned clock, but also more generally to the future of the Triangle
by sending an email to the GLBA.
All survey responses on this website will be.......
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01 December 2013
In August we carried a report about a meeting between local groups and the Council aimed at clarifying issues regarding the future of Palmers Green Triangle. At the meeting assurances were given about consultation prior to any changes. However, in late October, and without the promised consultation, the Council carried out works on the Triangle, covering over the underground toilets and removing the railings around them, and replacing concrete planters with hanging baskets.
Last week a.......
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24 October 2013
Local residents attending this week's meeting of the Bowes, Palmers Green and Southgate Green Area Forum were provided with information about the work which is currently under way at Palmers Green Triangle. However, representatives of Fox Lane & District Residents' Association (FLDRA) were unhappy about not being notified in advance about the work, let alone consulted about it, after having received assurances that they would be consulted at a meeting in August (see this earlier report)........
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22 October 2013
Enfield Council have promised to update the public on the future of Southgate Town Hall at the Area Forum meeting this week, and it is hoped that more information will be made available about work currently under way to improve the appearance of Palmers Green Triangle........
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13 August 2013
At recent Area Forums members of the public have not received clear answers from Enfield Council representatives to questions about the future of the Palmers Green Triangle and possible environmental improvements in the surrounding streets. In an attempt to clarify the situation, the chairs of two local residents’ groups recently asked for a meeting with Council officers to find out what was happening and to ask about future consultation. A record of the meeting is now.......
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10 June 2013
The Green Lanes Business Association (GLBA) is urging Enfield Council to continue its opposition to the conversion of shops in Palmers Green Town Centre into other types of business, such as restaurants, cafes and fast-food outlets.
The GLBA recently raised the case of an application to convert the use category of the ground floor of 290 Green Lanes from A1 (shops) to mixed A1 and A3 (restaurants and cafes). In a letter to the Council's Planning Department, it suggests that the same arguments.......
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17 April 2013
As expected, the proposal to open a new betting shop in the Trios building in Green Lanes, on one side of the Triangle, has met with opposition. The Green Lanes Business Association (GLBA) has reacted by organising a demonstration to be held at Palmers Green Triangle between 1.30 and 2.30 on Friday 19th April, and is expecting attendance by local MP David Burrowes and local councillors. GLBA are asking all local residents who are opposed to the new betting shop to attend if able.
Opposition to.......
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14 April 2013
Notice of an application to convert No 248 Green Lanes into a betting shop has been published in the Legal Notices section of the most recent issue of the Enfield Independent. People falling into specified categories have until 23rd April if they wish to make representations in writing to the London Borough of Enfield Licensing Team, Civic Centre, Silver Street, EN1 3XH. The categories are: a person living sufficiently close to the premises to likely be affected; a person who has a.......
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09 November 2021
A short TV news item showing the effects of flash flooding in London caused by intense rainstorms, likely to be a consequence of climate change.
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13 March 2022
Last week the news was that PG will be losing one landmark - the Intimate Theatre. This week we can report the restoration of an old landmark, the turret on the Fox pub, complete with weathercock - or should that be 'weatherfox'?
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14 January 2023
PG town centre will be getting some new public art later this year. What sort of art would you like, and where would you like it? To find out more and give your opinion you're invited to a meeting at Starfish Loves Coffee on Wednesday 18th January - pop in between 4pm and 6pm. If you can't make it, there's an online survey running until the end of the month.
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