05 July 2023
A 'grand launch party' this Friday, Saturday and Sunday featuring live Irish music will celebrate the reopening of one of Palmers Green's few pubs, now renamed in memory of a much missed local tree.
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20 June 2023
Following a 'soft launch' last weekend, Muswell Hillbilly Brewery will have the official opening of their Palmers Green pop-up taproom this Friday at 5pm, when DJ Eric will be in charge of the music
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07 June 2023
Palmers Green Action Team have announced the results of the voting to choose the design to be painted on the railway bridge on Aldermans Hill. 675 people took part and the vote produced a clear winner.
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07 June 2023
Muswell Hillbillies will be moving into PG in June and July, bringing with them their home-brewed liquor and squatting in a brightly painted building just off Green Lanes
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24 May 2023
The Palmers Green ward forum on 22nd May discussed many issues raised by residents. The Safer Neighbourhoods Team answered questions and there were briefings by the Young Mayors and the chair of the Ward Panel.
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21 May 2023
Palmers Green Action Team have been granted permission by Network Rail to paint the bridge on Aldermans Hill. They are asking their Facebook followers to choose between three alternative designs.
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03 May 2023
Six months ago PGC called on readers to help the Palmers Green Action Team and Arthouse Cinema's campaign to persuade landlords of large empty properties in PG to agree to let one to be used as a multiscreen cinema and community hub. Those efforts have come to nothing, but the ambition of bringing a picturehouse to PG has not been abandoned.
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11 April 2023
The Curate Enfield public art project has moved on to the next stage, which involves commissioning artists to create works of public art in places identified when the public was surveyed back in January. Create Enfield is now inviting artists to submit proposals for the first three town centres - Palmers Green, Angel Edmonton and Enfield Town. In Palmers Green the public art champions have identified several walls and alleyways off Green Lanes which could host a public art trail.
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27 March 2023
Following the success of the winter market, the Palmers Green Action Team have announced dates for three more markets in Devonshire Square, starting with a Spring Market on 22nd April.
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01 February 2023
This week Palmers Green's most notable Fox will be coming out of a very long hibernation. Much of the credit for its survival belongs to Sue Beard, the local chronicler behind the website Palmers Green Jewel in the North.
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25 January 2023
The survey about people's views on new public art in Palmers Green reported on last week turns out to be part of a bigger project, Curate Enfield, covering five of the borough's town centres. The other four are Enfield Town, Southgate, Edmonton Green and Angel Edmonton.
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01 December 2022
What's on at Saturday's Winter Market and what are the council's plans for Devonshire Square?
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30 November 2022
Notices displayed in the windows of the Fox on Wednesday, announcing its reopening in January as part of the Akw Pubs/Whelan's chain and advertising for staff, had disappeared by 4pm.
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12 October 2022
A new piece of permanent artwork at Palmers Green Triangle provides a memorial to one of PG's most famous former residents, the poet Stevie Smith, who up to now has been memorialised only by a blue plaque on the house in Avondale Road where she lived for nearly all her life.
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04 October 2022
Only three days after its launch, a petition designed to convince landlords of popular demand for a cinema and arts hub in Palmers Green is well on its way to accumulating 2500 signatures. Started by the Palmers Green Action Team, it expresses the frustration felt by the team's members and by a potential cinema operator at the unwillingness of landlords who own suitable properties in PG to lease them out.
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31 August 2022
Eagle-eyed readers who've gone past or into our local station since Monday will have noticed new signage over the door: 'Palmers Green' has become Palmer's with an apostrophe Green. Go down the stairs and onto the platform and more changes will be revealed, many incoporating the distinctive orange logo of the American company Palmer's, whose skincare products are mainly based on cocoa butter or coconut oil. So what's this all about? Will it make the train service run more smoothly?
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09 August 2022
Enfield Council has asked the organisers of a German-themed beer festival due to be held in Broomfield Park to withdraw their application for a licence for the event. In a letter to residents a Palmers Green councillor says she is 'confident' that the event will not go ahead.
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13 June 2022
The Enfield Society is looking for volunteers to help it and Enfield Council update the borough's local heritage list.
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16 March 2022
Palmers Green Action Team have some exciting news for everyone interested in making our home town live up to the Green in its name. This week the project to create a green link between two parks - Broomfield and Hazelwood Rec - will take a big step forward with the installation of four new trees along Green Lanes, each housed in a large and stylish pot.
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