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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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In August we carried a report about a meeting between local groups and the Council aimed at clarifying issues regarding the future of Palmers Green Triangle. At the meeting assurances were given about consultation prior to any changes. However, in late October, and without the promised consultation, the Council carried out works on the Triangle, covering over the underground toilets and removing the railings around them, and replacing concrete planters with hanging baskets.

Last week a follow-up meeting was held at which the Council explained why it had acted as it did and discussed possible future improvements and consultation arrangements relating to a possible new tree and the design of the clock which is to be installed at the Triangle.

The following report on the meeting has been provided by one of the participants, Colin Younger of the Lakes Estates Conservation Area Study Group.

On 28th November there was another meeting on the plans to regenerate the Palmers Green Triangle area. Present were Andy Barker  (Chair of the Fox Lane and District Residents Association), Colin Younger (Chair of the Lakes Estate Conservation Area Study Group), Tony Ourris (Green Lanes Business Association),  Mark Leaver, (Town Centre Manager), Ian Davies (Director, Environment),  Liam Mulrooney  (Group Leader, Traffic, Road Safety and Parking), and Councillor Bambos Charalambous.

It was confirmed that the works carried out on the Triangle were part of the Borough-wide de-cluttering exercise. The standing policy is not to consult on such exercises, which explains why the work went ahead without the expected discussion. It was accepted that in this case given the sensitivity of the Triangle, this might have been dealt with differently. However, the railings around the toilets that have been removed have been put into safe storage as they are of heritage significance.

It was again confirmed that there are currently no finances available for significant regeneration. However this should not stop potential proposals being considered to include the Triangle, Aldermans Hill and the ‘High Street’ part of Green Lanes. Spending time now to do so should avoid a rush to come up with proposals should money become available at short notice.

It is proposed that Council officers will look to develop some outline potential proposals for the area and that a further meeting will be held in January to confirm indicative proposals which could then be put out for wider comment. One possible option could be to organise a public competition to bring in fresh ideas for improving the area, but this idea needs further thought.

Given the above timetable, any fuller consultation will not be practicable until after the Council elections (22nd May) as there has also to be a six week period of ‘purdah’ before the elections when issues of a political nature cannot be carried out. A replacement tree is ‘still on the menu’, but a decision to replant needs to take into account any wider plans for the Triangle. In view of these timings, consideration is being given to an interim planting scheme to enhance the Triangle ahead of any more permanent solution

Apart from the financing issues, there is the matter of a potential change of administration which could affect any proposals.

We will try and keep you up to date on any further action.

With regard to the proposed clock, further design work is underway. We have asked that consultation be carried out on the proposals for the clock and its ‘stand’ before any final decision be taken. It was agreed that this would be carried out, perhaps placing it on the agenda for the 8th January Bowes, Palmers Green and Southgate Green Area Forum.

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