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Young People

Enfield Young People's Project needs volunteers!

16 August 2015

The Enfield Young People's Project (EYPP) needs volunteers! If you are looking for a volunteering opportunity working with young people and are over 18, apply today! You will be supporting your people with interpersonal skills, to build their sense of responsibility and to make positive decisions about their education, health and future You will also be Making a positive contribution to your community Learning new skills Boosting your career options. The next project starts on 4.......

Enfield playwright addresses e-safety issues

15 August 2015

An Enfield-based playwright is looking for actors to play parts in a play about the dangers of new media to be staged at the Dugdale Centre in January. My name is tom is a new play by Alan Spence, whose company, Theatre is real life, will be performing the play from 13th to 16th January. The play explores the problem of e-safety and new media for young people and adults.  What starts out as a typical boy-meets-girl story later goes horribly wrong. When Paris and Darnell are exposed, they.......

Everyone's Climbing Tree - the story so far

05 July 2015


Spooky story competition for 8-12 year olds

21 June 2015

The rather mysterious "Palmers Scream" website has information about a story writing competition for local 8 to 12-year olds: "Whether about the Bogwarts of Bounds Green, the witches of Winchmore Hill, the spookiness of Southgate, apparitions of Arnos or the phantoms of Palmers Green, we want you to create a story that we will all enjoy!" There are some excellent prizes and the first fifty entries will receive a copy of the Spooky Tales of Palmers Green book. Some of the stories from the book.......

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Healthy Enfield Young People Active

05 June 2015

The Healthy Enfield Young People Active programme aims to get more young people aged 13-24 to take part in active activities, as part of a group and of their own accord. The aim is to enhance and connect young people to activity opportunities in their local area, help them make use of local facilities and prepare them to be active independently - contributing to creating a sporting habit for life. Please note that all participants will be required to have Height, Weight and BMI measured To.......

Saturday Shed - Performance workshops for young people

21 November 2014

24th January – 21st March (8 weeks not inc. Saturday 7th March) Ages 5-8yrs 10am – 11am 9-12yrs 11.15am – 12.15pm Cost:    Pay As You Go: £6 per session (Termly Membership: pre-register for all 8 workshops for a 25% discount). Saturday Shed gives a great opportunity for young people to develop their performance skills using our proven teaching methods and unique performance style. Led by our highly experienced and energetic staff, each session will involve.......

Aged over 60 or between 16 and 23? Fancy being in a play?

16 November 2014

Are you over 60?  Are you 16-23? If so, join us for exciting FREE performance workshops leading to a 15 minute performance event at Bernie Grant Arts Centre. The workshops are linked to the only Tottenham performance of a new play, The Honey Man by Tyrone Huggins, touring from Birmingham REP. No previous performance necessary – workshops will be fun and based around the lives and stories of the participants. All welcome. First introductory workshop No obligation but if you want to.......

Youth Enfield

27 July 2014

Youth Enfield - entry in Palmers Green Community Directory

The Latymer Saturday Music Centre

27 July 2014

The Latymer Saturday Music Centre - entry in Palmers Green Community Directory

Could you help schoolchildren grow fruit and vegetables?

12 April 2014

Skills for Work Service (Enfield Council) is currently working in ten primary schools as part of a wider Market Gardening project. All schools are working hard to grow vegetables and fruit in the school grounds with parents and children. This is helping both to educate the children about growing food and also to provide food to support families. The project requires volunteers to help with food growing in schools. You would need to have an understanding and passion of how to grow and look after.......

Could you help young people in Enfield make positive choices?

11 December 2013

Enfield Council's Youth Support Service is seeking volunteers to act as group facilitators for an innovative project designed to help young people make positive choices. The facilitators will be required for sessions on one afternoon a week for 13 weeks beginning on 12 March 2014. The project is designed to help young people whose circumstances put them at risk of negative outcomes, for example, teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, criminal activity, exclusion and categorisation as "NEETs" (Not in.......

Could you host a young person for three months?

05 November 2013

Keeping Families Together: North London YMCA are seeking "hosts" to take in young people for up to 3 months where their relationship with their families has broken down.

Woodcraft Folk recruiting 6-9 year olds

22 July 2013

If you have a child aged between six and nine who enjoys outdoor play, crafts, games, making friends and camping, then Palmers Green Woodcraft Folk might be just what you're looking for. The local group currently has vacancies for Sunshine Elfins, the youngest category of Woodcraft Folk.  They meet on Wednesday evenings between 6pm and 7.15pm at Hazelwood School in Hazelwood Lane. The Woodcraft Folk are a national educational movement which promotes a cooperative approach to life........

Big Futures: Young people and future generations deserve a fair shot at life

02 November 2022

The Big Issue Group has launched a campaign demanding long-term solutions to protect future generations and break the cycle of poverty. An open letter to the government has been signed by politicians from across the political spectrum as well as by other people from all walks of life.

Wanted: 'young champions' to help shape local health services

06 September 2023

The North Central London Integrated Care Board (NLC ICB) is recruiting 'young champions' aged between 14 and 20, whose role will be to help shape health services for young people in the four London boroughs where NCL ICB is responsible for the provision of NHS services.

Train operator launches poetry competition to get kids' imaginations back on track

27 March 2024

The railway company whose trains serve Palmers Green has launched a poetry competition in partnership with Children's Laureate, Joseph Coelho.

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