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Mums for Lungs say 'Ditch pollution'

14 July 2020

Overnight on Sunday/Monday this week a thousand posters popped up around London and other parts of the country, encouraging people to ditch the car and walk, scoot or cycle instead when schools resume in September. The posters had been sent out in secret to supporters by the clean air campaign group Mums for Lungs, which was established in 2017 when a group of parents walking around South London with small babies became aware of the toxic levels of air pollution on London's streets.

Council elections 2022: What Mums for Lungs are asking for

11 February 2022

Ahead of May's council elections, London clean air campaigners Mums for Lungs have published their list of four 'asks' that they will be putting to all parties who will be standing candidates.

Read the full article and forum comments

WOW - the year-round walk to school challenge is back

09 August 2020

WOW is a pupil-led initiative run by Living Streets, the charity for everyday walking. Children self-report how they get to school every day using the interactive WOW Travel Tracker. If they travel sustainably (walk, cycle or scoot) once a week for a month, they get rewarded with a badge. On average, WOW schools see a 30 per cent reduction in car journeys taken to the school gate and a 23 per cent increase in walking rates.

RoadPeace – 30 years of supporting road crash victims

09 February 2022

Five people are killed on Britain's roads every day, and more than 60 receive serious injuries. It's thirty years since the national charity RoadPeace was set up to care for the bereaved family members and to campaign for road danger reduction.

Delayed Hazelwood school street starts on Monday

22 March 2023

The 'school street' in the vicinity of Hazelwood Schools comes into effect on Monday morning. The scheme will ban most drivers from the area close to the school during pupils' arrival and departure times.

A surgeon pleads for 20mph limits and for drivers to give walkers and cyclists more room

29 May 2023

In a video made for the RoadPeace Challenge 2023, Professor Scarlett McNally, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon, calls on drivers to drive more safely around cyclists and pedestrians in order to encourage active travel, which, she ways is 'so good for people's health'. Where cities reduce their speeds to 20mph, she says, casualty rates reduce by 40 per cent.
