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Council responds to ward forum complaints about Lodge Drive car park operating hours

15 November 2017

The operating hours of the Lodge Drive car park in Palmers Green are to be extended, probably from this weekend. Cars will be able to enter up until 11.30pm and leave at any time. The failure to extend the car park's operating hours - something promised as part of the Cycle Enfield project - was raised at the September meeting of the Palmers Green Ward Forum. In an email to attendees sent out today, Councillor Mary Maguire wrote: Please also note that following the September ward forum I.......

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Clampdown on A10 speeding and other forms of anti-social behaviour

14 November 2017

A multiagency "clampdown" on A10 speeding is planned, including the use of a PSPO to break up "car cruising meets" Public responses to the proposed package of PSPO measures have been highly supportive and they are likely to be introduced A10 anti-speeding measures Enfield Council, the Metropolitan Police and Transport for London (TfL) have agreed a coordinated package of measures designed to address the problem of motorists speeding and driving dangerously along the A10, starting with the.......

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Quieter Neighbourhoods under attack

08 November 2017

Clare Rogers of Better Streets for Enfield defends the Quieter Neighbourhood schemes against attacks by opponents of Cycle Enfield.

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Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood: What Better Streets think of the proposals

08 November 2017

Better Streets for Enfield have posted some comments about the Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood proposals on their website (republished below).  These are not yet finalised, they may take on board any useful comments. Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood plans The Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood consultation is open, showing some innovative and promising ideas. You can see the plans and respond here, while the technical drawings are here – the closing date is 26 November. The map in the Fox.......

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Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood proposals published

01 November 2017

Details of  proposed measures to create the Fox Lane Quieter Neighbourhood were published this morning.  Like last week's plans for the Fernleigh Road QN, they take a holistic approach to reducing vehicle speeds along side roads throughout the large area covered, which stretches from Palmers Green Triangle nearly all the way to Southgate Circus. Some of the traffic calming measures are familiar from the three previous QN proposals:  speed humps (confined to Fox Lane itself), road.......

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Cycle Enfield: Consultations on four minor proposals

29 October 2017

Consultations are currently under way for four minor proposals that form part of the Cycle Enfield scheme: A short section of cycle track at the junction of Bury Street West and Church Street designed to provide a safe link between the main A105 cycle lanes and the new Quietway running alongside the Salmons Brook (deadline for responses 12th November) Bike hangars in three locations (deadline for responses 13th November). Bury Street West/Church Street The proposal is to provide a.......

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Do bus driver working conditions pose a serious threat to public safety?

21 October 2017

A recently published article by "Bus Driver U" describes what the author sees as serious safety failings in the way that bus services are regulated by TfL and run by bus operators.  The article includes a link to another describing a campaign for safer bus operations in London launched by an American businessman who was the victim of near-fatal collision on Oxford Street. The anonymous driver's article  - Bus Driver Fatigue—A TfL-Contracted Killer on London’s Roads? - is.......

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Fernleigh Road Quieter Neighbourhood proposals published

20 October 2017

The third set of Quieter Neighbourhood proposals relates to the "Fernleigh Road" QN - the entire area bounded by Hoppers Road, Station Road, Green Lanes and Bourne Hill. Hoppers Road does not just form a boundary, but would itself be part of the QN. There would also be measures to reduce traffic in two roads to the north of Station Road. The consultation is open until 12th November. In contrast to the approach taken to the Wolves Lane and Connaught Gardens QNs, the proposals are clearly aimed.......

How do we make our streets healthy?

05 October 2017

Last week saw the first Healthy Streets conference, held appropriately enough in Walthamstow, the location of pioneering Mini Holland and Villageisation schemes.  More than 300 attendees were there to explore the connections between public health and transport strategies.  Topics covered included health-led street design, re-allocation of road space, behaviour change and measures to improve air quality. Public health specialists: "Active travel is the wonder drug" Healthy Streets is.......

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Connaught Gardens Quieter Neighbourhood consultation now on

27 September 2017

The second Quieter Neighbourhoods scheme to be consulted on is for the "Connaught Gardens" QN - the triangular area bounded by Hedge Lane, the North Circular and Green Lanes.  The deadline for responses is 22nd October. I was hoping that Enfield Council's traffic planners would have studied how tremendously effective the "villages" in Walthamstow have proved, dramatically improving the liveability of residential streets by making it awkward, but not impossible, for cars to drive through.......

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Quieter Neighbourhoods: Wolves Lane proposals without teeth

26 September 2017

Enfield Council has relaunched its Quieter Neighbourhoods project (by my count, for the second time) by publishing its proposals for the "Wolves Lane Quieter Neighbourhood".  Curiously, however, Wolves Lane itself doesn't even appear on the map on the consultation leaflet - it shows only Melville Gardens and streets to the east - and the suggested changes would only affect a small area around Oakthorpe School and certainly not create a "quieter neighbourhood". Only three changes are.......

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Will you leave your car at home on 22nd September?

19 September 2017

Enfield joins a global push towards a car-free day World Car Free Day takes place on 22 September Enfield schools, students and staff commit to leaving cars at home TfL’s STARS project is also supporting the initiative across London Families across Enfield are being asked to leave their cars at home and find alternative ways of getting into school in celebration of World Car Free Day (22 September). World Car Free Day also coincides with Transport for London’s.......

Council proposing borough-wide Public Spaces Protection Order to tackle anti-social behaviour

31 August 2017

In an attempt to reduce certain forms of "anti-social behaviour" Enfield Council is proposing to introduce a borough-wide Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO). The proposed PSPO would prohibit a wide range of activities or behaviour considered to be "unacceptable". A public consultation is under way until 18 September 2017.

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What's on at the PG Festival? Try-a-Bike

20 August 2017

There'll be so many things going on at the Palmers Green Festival on 3rd September that you might miss some of them, so over the next couple of weeks we'll be highlighting a few that you might enjoy, starting with Try-a-Bike. Think you can't cycle? Think again! You don't have to be young, fit or even able-bodied to ride a bike. And lots of bikes are great for carrying kids and/or shopping. Come and try some out for free at Palmers Green Festival! We have cargo bikes to carry kids or.......

Overnight closures of Green Lanes in Palmers Green

16 August 2017

As part of the Cycle Enfield works, Green Lanes will be closed between Hedge Lane and Hazelwood Lane overnight for four nights, commencing on Tuesday 29th August.  The closures will be from 8pm to 6am and will allow resurfacing of the main carriageway.  The noisiest work will be carried out up to midnight.  There will be no access to Green Lanes from Osborne Road, Windsor Road, Park Avenue and Fox Lane during the overnight closures. The eventual layout of this stretch of Green.......

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Proposed changes to North Circular Road junction with Palmerston Road

16 August 2017

Transport for London (TfL) is consulting on a proposal to make changes to the pedestrian/cycle crossing of the North Circular Road between Palmerston Crescent (north of the NCR) and Palmerston Road (south of the NCR).  The intention is to make it easier and pleasanter for both pedestrians and cyclists to cross. The existing shared crossing would be relocated slightly to the west and converted into separate pedestrian and cycle crossings. Motorised traffic would no longer be able to turn.......

Could street play hold the key to creating more sustainable, liveable cities?

08 August 2017

This article originally appeared on the Rethinking Childhood website and is republished with the permission of the author, Tim Gill. This week marked a milestone in the UK street play movement, with the publication of three new reports. The first is an evaluation report by the University of Bristol [pdf link], published by Play England, which looked mainly at the health outcomes for children. The second is a report [pdf link] from Playing Out, the Bristol-based national hub for street play, of.......

Have your say on the Mayor of London's transport strategy

26 July 2017

Londoners have until 2 October to give their views on the draft Transport Strategy that was published by the Mayor of London in June. The strategy is described as "the start of an ambitious plan that will reshape London over the next 25 years. It sets out a bold approach to achieve an essential vision – to create a healthier, fairer city; one that is not only home to more people, but that is a better place to live in." The complete draft document is over 150 pages long, but there is a.......

Low-traffic neighbourhoods

22 July 2017

Clare Rogers makes the case for low-traffic neighbourhoods. This article was originally published on the Better Streets for Enfield website. Would you let your child or grandchild play out on your street? Do you feel able to ride a bike around your neighbourhood? Or does the traffic put you off? For many of us, streets in our residential areas have become conduits for through traffic, rather than places where residents can walk, cycle, meet or play. Yet in countries like the Netherlands,.......

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Ward forum briefed on local plan progress and increased requirements for new housing

21 July 2017

Colin Younger reports on the highlights of the Southgate Green ward forum held on 20th July. Summary points Dinah Barry is the new Associate Cabinet Member for Enfield West Proposals for Quieter Neighbourhoods are being worked up by council officers A revised London Plan will probably include a doubling of the housing target for Enfield Enfield Council is working on a Social Infrastructure Study Pressures on parks/green spaces/green belt are likely to increase These are some.......

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