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What can we learn from Turnpike Lane DIY Streets?

10 November 2014

Having posted some notes on the street redesign in the Turnpike Lane/West Green area. I went down this morning to take a look at the work. I still not sure how relevant this is to the Fox Lane area Quiet Neighbourhood sscheme, basically because the street plan is so different. However the individual elements may be of some interest. These are the subject of the attached photos which can be related to the original plan included in the earlier posting. One thought arises is that if Fox Lane was.......

Traffic calming - why not learn from what's happening in Edmonton and Turnpike Lane?

06 November 2014

There's a lot more going on about traffic management/traffic calming locally than I had realised - in addition to Mini-Holland (rebranded as Cycle Enfield) and the Quieter Neighbourhoods schemes (see this article)  In particular two schemes, one in Enfield and one in Haringey, seem relevant. DIY Streets Edmonton Enfield are engaged with Sustrans on a "DIY" street scheme which involves Church Street Edmonton between the A10 and Hertford Road. Church Street has similarities to Green Lanes........

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Quieter Neighbourhoods consultation to start soon

05 November 2014

Palmers Green Community has obtained information about the extent of the "Quieter Neighbourhoods" that Enfield Council is planning to create in and around Palmers Green.  At next week's open meeting of Fox Lane and District Residents' Association the Council is expected to provide some more details of what exactly they have in mind and how they intend to consult.  Non-members of FLDRA who live within the Association's area - that  bounded by Green Lanes, Bourne Hill, The Bourne,.......

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Residents' views on improving Palmers Green revealed

25 October 2014

In March 2014 Enfield Council carried out a public consultation, using a vehicle parked in Green Lanes, with the aim of discovering what residents of Palmers Green thought about the town centre and what improvements they would like to see to the "public realm". A hundred people attended the consultation sessions, filling in a questionnaire, annotating a map and using a "Planning for Real" model of Palmers Green town centre to focus their thoughts. A report based on the consultation exercise.......

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Council update on PG Environmental Improvements and Mini-Holland changes

30 June 2014

Enfield Council have provided a written statement outlining their plans for consultation about implementing the "Mini-Holland" cycle scheme (now rechristened "Cycle Enfield")  along Green Lanes and carrying out "urban realm improvements" in Palmers Green town centre.  The letter clearly states that it is not the intention of the Council to "remove the Palmers Green Triangle". As expected, the urban realm improvements will be funded using Cycle Enfield money provided by the Mayor of.......

Could "shared space" be the solution for cyclists, pedestrians, motorists and shopkeepers?

23 June 2014

The debate about the "Mini-Holland" cycling improvements along Green Lanes has so far been pretty polarized:  on the one hand, advocates of cycle lanes along the whole street, on the other some fierce defence of the right of drivers to park in Green Lanes close to the shops they want to visit.  Cycle lane supporters claim that there is evidence to suggest that reducing car parking would boost shop sales, those defending the interests of local businesses dismiss this argument as.......

Mini-Holland: Cyclists aim to soothe PG shopkeepers' fears

23 June 2014

The Enfield Cycling Campaign is hoping that by organising a "Cycle Cash Mob" to coincide with the Palmers Green Festival of Shopping they will be able to soothe the concerns of shopkeepers in Green Lanes about the effects of the planned "Mini-Holland" cycle improvements on their businesses. The Shopping Carnival will be held on Saturday 5th July and the Cycling Campaign is asking its members - and anyone else who would like to see safer conditions for cyclists in Palmers Green - to assemble in.......

Cycle lanes in Palmers Green - more details of the mini-Holland proposals

21 May 2014

In response to a Freedom of Information request, Enfield Council have provided drawings from late 2013 showing the concepts, at that time, for implementing cycle lanes along the Palmers Green and Winchmore Hill stretch of Green Lanes.  As we reported in April on the basis of another document, the newly released material does show parking bays at various points along Green Lanes between Bourne Hill and the Triangle - on the eastern side only between Bourne Hill and Fox Lane and on both sides.......

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New report highlights increasing vulnerability of pedestrians in London

02 April 2014

A London Assembly study has highlighted the increasing vulnerability of pedestrians in London and is critical of the policies of the Mayor of London and Metropolitan Police. Feet First: Improving Pedestrian Safety in London is a newly published report by the Assembly's Transport Committee, which comprises members from the Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democratic and Green parties. In their executive summary the Committee set out the current state of affairs: More pedestrians are killed or.......

Have your say on the future of Palmers Green

19 March 2014

This week there are three ways that you can influence the future look and feel of Palmers Green: On Thursday the Area Forum will discuss the proposed changes to Green Lanes and the Triangle. A "mobile consultation space" will be parked in Green Lanes from Friday to Sunday.  You will be invited in to tell the Council what you think about their ideas. You can contribute to our online discussion:  your top five ideas about improving the Palmers Green Public Realm.  As we.......

Success in Mini-Holland bid - but what will be the consequences for Palmers Green Triangle?

11 March 2014

Enfield's Mini-Holland funding bid has been successful.  The Borough is one of four that have been awarded up to £30 million from the Mayor of London to implement a comprehensive scheme to improve conditions for cyclists, with consequential benefits for everyone in terms of a reduction in traffic-related air pollution.  In addition to the cycling improvements, some of the money will be available for enhancement of the "public realm" along the cycle routes - for example, smartening up the appearance of streets and pavements and improving conditions for pedestrians.  However, an unpublicised consequence of the scheme's implementation may be the removal of the Triangle traffic island at the heart of Palmers Green.

Space for Cycling campaign would like your ideas to pass on to local councillor candidates

05 February 2014

In the run-up to this year's London borough elections the Enfield branch of the London Cycling Campaign has set up an online survey to help focus and promote its contribution to the London-wide Space for Cycling campaign.  Information supplied by members of the public about local cycle-friendly priorities will be passed on to every candidate in every ward prior to the May elections. Adrian Lauchlan is Borough Coordinator for the Enfield Cycling Campaign: "The London Cycling Campaign.......

Fox Lane mini-roundabout - only one of several hazards for pedestrians in Palmers Green

22 January 2014

The Enfield Independent has reported that a campaign has been launched to improve safety for pedestrians crossing Green Lanes at the Fox Lane junction. This is just one of several hazardous crossing points facing pedestrians in Palmers Green........

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Council consults on options to reduce rat running south of the North Circ

21 December 2013

Enfield Council is consulting residents about options for changing traffic behaviour in the area to the south of the North Circular Road and east of Green Lanes. This has been prompted by complaints from residents of Grenoble Gardens about the volume of traffic using their road and the queues that build up at the junction with Green Lanes. These problems have arisen as the result of earlier changes - the introduction of one-way streets to the east of Green Lanes and the blocking of the left.......

Aldermans Hill zebra crossing scheme to go ahead

22 October 2013

Enfield Council has announced that the public consultation on a new zebra crossing in Aldermans Hill showed that the public were in favour of the plan. The zebra crossing will be installed near the junction with Old Park Road (see photograph). Over the past five years eight people have been injured crossing the road near the location of the new zebra. Work to install the crossing and relocate pay and display parking bays will cost £35,000........

New zebra crossing proposed for Alderman's Hill

22 July 2013

Enfield Council are consulting residents about a proposed new zebra crossing on Aldermans Hill.  The proposal is for a crossing just to the west of the junction with Old Park Road - situated approximately where the small black car is on the photograph.  There would be a pedestrian refuge in the middle of the road. Residents have until 23 August to respond to the survey. The Council's website has links to a leaflet, a detailed plan and an online questionnaire........

Council consulting on 20mph zone proposal

21 May 2013

Enfield Council have published their proposals for a new 20mph zone which would extend from Winchmore Hill Green in the North to the Palmers Green end of Hoppers Road in the South. Though the consultation documents (available on the Enfield Council website) refer to a "20mph zone in the Palmers Green School area", the proposed zone would be rather larger than that description would suggest.  It would include the whole of Hoppers Road and all roads between Hoppers Road and Green Lanes.......

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Council consults over pedestrian crossing arrangements

12 April 2013

Enfield Council are consulting residents about a proposal to create a new zebra crossing on Bourne Hill, close to the junction with Hoppers Road, between the car wash on the northern side and St John's Church Hall on the southern side. There would be a pedestrian refuge in the middle of the road........

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New islands will make it safer to cross Green Lanes

25 February 2013

Enfield Council has indicated its approval for a scheme to install new pedestrian refuge islands at two points along Green Lanes - one near Stonard Road in Palmers Green (close to the Catholic church and Intimate Theatre), the other near Radcliffe Road in the centre of Winchmore Hill........

Quieter Neighbourhoods

29 November -0001

Question 1. What do think is good about the area? It’s clean, safe, pleasant, has a lovely green space, a god range of shops, cafes, restaurants Question 2. What do you think is less good about the area? No good secondary school where we would be in catchment Question 3. What would you like to see to improve the area? No more new pound shops, a leisure centre, an M&S food store Question 4a. Specific aspects – traffic It’s quite busy at peak times but where in London isn’t it.......
