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Broomfield Park

Making Palmers Greener in 2021: Become a tree donor

02 February 2021

When at the end of 2020 Friends of Broomfield Park announced the launch of their Tree Project, they were surprised (and delighted) when individuals and businesses offered to donate trees for planting in the park. Obviously, they didn't turn down the offers and are now seeking further donations so that they can make their planting plans even more ambitious and turn Palmers Green even greener.

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Palmers Greenery cafe closed until further notice

07 January 2021

Contrary to information in this week's PGC newsletter, the Palmers Greenery community cafe is currently closed until further notice.

Bed-time in Broomfield Park

09 December 2020

Gardener Vic Black writes that people have told her that at one time there were up to 12 gardeners tending to the flowerbeds in Broomfield Park. More recently, however, there has been no brigade of park staff to keep the beds in check, so many were sadly reclaimed by the weeds. And that would probably still be the case, if the Friends of Broomfield Park had not stepped in...

Need any horticultural help this winter?

25 November 2020

Vic Black, one of the volunteers who have been maintaining and replanting the historic long border in Broomfield Park, is a qualified gardener and is available for work redesigning or just tending gardens in the Palmers Green/Bounds Green area.

Lest we forget...

12 November 2020

Although lockdown prevented the annual Remembrance service in Broomfield Park from taking place today, 11 November, the Friends of Broomfield Park held an informal wreath laying ceremony. After a two minutes silence at 11am, Kim Lumley, co-chair of the Friends laid a wreath at the cairn.

Walks in the park that warm the heart

10 November 2020

A 92-year old Palmers Green resident has raised more than £1200 for a hospital neonatal unit by daily walks in Broomfield Park. By the end of the month she's aiming to have walked 50 kilometres, visiting the bench the commemorates her late husband, in support of the FiftyforFinnley campaign. Her daughter, Jill Reidy, cut off from her mother by the lockdown, has sent me her story to warm readers' hearts.

70 years of netball history are in the hands of the planning committee!

29 June 2020

The 71st year of the North London Netball League's presence in Palmers Green might herald a (literally) brighter future for netball in our part of the capital, or it could be the League's final season - it all hangs on a vote that will be taken at next month's meeting of Enfield's planning committee. Your voice too might help sway the committee members in favour of granting planning permission for an upgrade to the courts which has the full support of the Friends of Broomfield Park.

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Taking the Conservatory outside into the park!

24 June 2020

Hopefully, it won't be too long before the general public can again visit our mini-Kew Gardens. But in the meantime, a flavour of Broomfield Conservatory's interior has been created outside for all to see.

Broomfield Wetlands shortlisted for a national award

24 June 2020

The new wetlands in Broomfield Park have been shortlisted for an award by susdrain, a 'community' which supports the delivery and maintenance of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS).

Trees in focus

03 June 2020

During May Friends of Broomfield Park invited people to send them photographs for a Virtual Flower Show. For June the focus will be on trees, starting with this amazing shot by Tracey Kelly.

Towards a greener Broomfield Park

06 May 2020

Throughout their existence, the Friends of Broomfield Park have been helping make the park 'green' in the modern environmental sense of the word. Last week they published a document outlining their work to date and what they are planning for the future. Also highlighted are the FoBP's community and educational roles.

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A mulberry tree, the richest man in England, and Broomfield House

07 January 2020

On 7th January a group of the Friends of Broomfield Park and the Broomfield House Trust met to unveil a plaque recording the planting in 2010 of a mulberry tree in Broomfield Park by local historian Peter Brown. This may nitially seem slightly eccentric, but it has its roots in the history of Broomfield House

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Broomfield Park friends celebrate a bumper year for community events

18 December 2019

Friends of Broomfield Park are celebrating the end of an event-packed year for Palmers Green's favourite park, during which more than 13,000 people visited to take part in activities including music, theatre, dance, storytelling, well-being, apple tasting, food and much more. Dates of the 2020 events are already on the Friends' website.

Further funding for Broomfield Park netball courts refurbishment

21 October 2019

Sport England will be offering Enfield Council £100,000 from its Community Asset Fund to go towards the extensive improvements needed for the netball courts in Broomfield Park.

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Enfield in Bloom awards for local community-run green spaces

30 September 2019

Local community-run green spaces have won several gold and silver awards in this year's Enfield in Bloom competition.

Broomfield's Bottleneck Blues

12 August 2019

Photographer Barbara Luckhurst was again on hand at Sunday's Broomfield Blues and has sent us shots of the two slide guitarists in action.

Photographing the Blues

07 August 2019

Photographs from last Sunday's Broomfield Blues sessions taken by Barbara Luckhurst

Broomfield Park commemorative tablet to be restored

06 August 2019

A shell-shaped tablet, placed in Broomfield Park when it was opened in 1903, is to be restored and its wording re-inscribed.

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Broomfield pond swimming project hits the headlines!

17 July 2019

The crowdfunding project aimed at bringing back 'wild swimming' to a lake in Broomfield Park this week hit the headlines both regionally (Metro and Time Out) and nationally - it had the dubious honour of a headline in the Sun.

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The UK's best park? Broomfield of course!

17 July 2019

Nominations are in for Fields in Trust's annual UK's Best Park competition, and Broomfield Park is among those that have been nominated.

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Become a Friend of Cooking Champions today!

While we admire and support the Christmas campaigns that we see pop up in December, we also know that help is urgently needed all year round, each and every year. As some people pack away after the festive break, we are still here.

Our support is not limited to a food package, but it leaps beyond - we form connections, we listen and respond to everyone who steps through our doors. We open up a warm, safe, environment which aims to feel like a home away from home.

For us to continue to thrive and grow, and keep supporting as many people as possible, we are asking you to become a Friend of Cooking Champions. Even a donation of just £5-10 per month can make a HUGE impact on the lives of those who come through our doors.

Pop to our People's Fundraising page to donate, and we promise to keep you updated with how your support is making a difference. Thank you, we appreciate you! Team Cooking Champions
