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Broomfield Park

Making sure Festival goers don't get caught short

01 May 2018

The organisers of the Palmers Green Festival have issued an appeal for help of a very practtcal kind. Palmers Green Festival seeks relief Festival organisers are worried that its ongoing success might cause some discomfort to visitors. Organising volunteer Angie Smith explained, “For a number of years our portaloos have been funded by a hugely generous £600 annual donation by a Palmer’s Green resident. Because the festival is developed, organised and funded entirely by.......

An overdue overhaul for Broomfield Conservatory

25 April 2018

Broomfield Conservatory: Still open on Sundays If you’ve visited Broomfield Conservatory  over the last few months (and if you haven’t, why not?), you may have noticed that the wood in the entrance doors is rotting away and that paintwork is peeling off everywhere. The state of the Conservatory has been a matter of concern for the Friends of Broomfield Park’s Conservatory Group, who’ve been trying to persuade the Council for many months to get repairs carried.......

It’s happening in Palmers Green - the fun and free festival plans to Get Active!

18 March 2018

Adding to what’s it’s so well known for – fun & free– the Palmers Green Festival has taken health and wellbeing as its 2018 theme. Its fare of world champion dancing, a fun-fair, two music stages, waggiest tail and other dog competitions, over 100 stalls to browse and lots more, will be augmented by a focus on building a stronger, healthier community and promoting healthier lifestyles.

Broomfield House and Park: Your memories wanted!

21 February 2018

The Broomfield House Trust and Enfield Museum Service have agreed to hold a joint exhibition, "Hidden Treasures: Revealing Broomfield House", at the Dugdale Centre in Enfield from 23 July 2018 until 6 January 2019. The Broomfield House Trust will be using donations and a grant from the Enfield Society to fund the restoration and display of the Minerva panel of the Lanscroon Murals, which will be the centre piece of the display. We are awaiting formal permission from Enfield Counci,l who "own".......

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More mindless destruction in the park

14 February 2018

There have been further acts of vandalism and arson in Broomfield Park, culminating in the destruction of a "bug hotel" that had been created by children. The burning out of the bug hotel in Broomfield Community Orchard follows an earlier incident, in which bags of waste material were set on fire.  The fire was so fierce that the interior of a metal shed next to the bags was charred. The orchard was targeted by vandals in January, when eight fruit trees were destroyed.  There has.......

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Friends' projects in Broomfield Park - an update

10 February 2018

Geraldine Anwar has provided a summary of the project updates given at the January 2018 open meeting of the Friends of Broomfield Park. Playground "At the moment the strelitzia are performing well in the Conservatory"A group has been set up with the aim of improving the playground. Their project was allocated money from the Greenery surplus fund. Unfortunately, this did not meet the Council's strict criteria and they are now working with the Council to come up with a proposal that will be.......

Restoration of the Remembrance Garden in Broomfield Park

04 February 2018

Bambos Charalambous MP, Deputy Mayor of Enfield and local councillors and representatives from WMT, Mitre Construction and organisers from Friends of Broomfield Park The Garden of Remembrance in Broomfield Park which was opened in 1929 and contains a memorial temple dedicated to those who died in the first and second world wars has been extensively restored. The Friends of Broomfield Park would like to thank the War Memorials Trust which provided a generous grant that funded the.......

Park volunteers dismayed by spate of vandalism

24 January 2018

The Friends of Broomfield Park have expressed dismay and anger about a recent spate of vandalism in which some of the park amenities that they have been contributing to have been damaged. The Friends have reported that during the first fortnight of 2018 vandals damaged plants and park facilities in the Community Orchard, Palmers Greenery cafe and the Garden of Remembrance, as well as more generally in the park. In the orchard seven apple tree "stepovers" were destroyed, along with a pear tree........

A date for your diary: The 2018 Palmers Green Festival

16 January 2018

The 2018 Palmers Green Festival date has been announced: Sunday 2nd September from 12 noon to 7pm in Broomfield Park. The theme for this year's Festival will be Health and Wellbeing and all stalls will be encouraged to offer an element of healthy living and community wellbeing. Anyone interested in running a stall at the Festival should send an expression of interest email to to include an explanation of how they would meet the Health and Wellbeing.......

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Another successful year for Conservatory volunteers

14 January 2018

The team of volunteers who look after the plants in Broomfield Conservatory and open it to the public twice a week had another successful year in 2017.  June Dawes sums up the year. Broomfield Conservatory volunteers enjoy some rare January sunshine while celebrating another successful year.  The team won an Enfield in Bloom Gold award in 2017 - the Conservatory Committee chair, Elizabeth Dobbie, is in the centre of the front row, holding the cup It has been another good.......

Thursday morning workouts with the Friends

22 November 2017

The Friends of Broomfield Park will be having a 'green workout' at the wildflower meadow for the next two Thursday mornings from 10 till 12 noon. . . . in other words, we need your help to lay and secure a weed suppressing membrane to keep the thistles under control! Winter work in the Wildflower Meadow The wildflower meadow in summer (photo by Marios Iacovou) The two sessions will be on Thursday 23rd November and Thursday 30th November. <?php$ogImage =.......

Friends of Broomfield Park announce photo competition winners

18 October 2017

The results of the 2017 Friends of Broomfield Park photo competition have been announced.

Would you like more art in Broomfield Park?

04 August 2017

Anna Gaudia has posted this message on our Facebook page: We are group of people who would like to see more art in Broomfield Park and we would like your input. Ps. Check out the bonus question if you would like to get involved. <?php$ogImage = ' ';include 'php/article_metadata.php';?>.......

The history of Broomfield Community Orchard

02 August 2017

Jenny Bourke's latest film on Palmers Green Tales tells the story of Broomfield Community Orchard.  Film footage and still photographs show the evolution of the former bowling green, which is now home to apple and pear trees, wild flowers and a bug hotel, and a venue for an annual round of pagan-derived events. {youtube}2ZPFzzbGprY{/youtube} <?php$ogImage = ' ';include.......

More details of the Broomfield Park wetlands proposals

02 August 2017

Enfield Council and Thames 21 have now published a more detailed version of their proposals for a wetlands scheme in Broomfield Park, designed to produce environmental benefits both locally and in the rivers Lea and Thames. There will be a consultation event in the park on 12th August or you can give your views online or.......

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Thames 21 and Enfield Council to consult on Broomfield Park wetlands proposal

22 July 2017

Following preliminary soundings last month, Thames 21 and Enfield Council will be presenting more detailed proposals for a wetlands scheme in Broomfield Park.  Consultation events will be held in the Park on 27th July and 12th August, followed by an online consultation. Please join us on the following dates so that we can share plans and seek your views on a potential environmental project in Broomfield Park Thursday 27th July ‐ 15:00 – 18:30 Saturday 12th  August.......

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The Busy Beekeepers of Broomfield

12 July 2017

One of many projects run by the Friends of Broomfield Park is beekeeping.  The hives are tucked away in a corner of Broomfield Community Orchard.  Jenny Bourke and Susan Mehmet of Palmers Green Tales recently visited the Broomfield hives and shot a short film about what beekeeping involves. {youtube}G3YqT__MIog{/youtube} <?php$ogImage = 'images/2017/broomfield_beekeeping_video.JPG';include.......

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Volunteering in Broomfield Conservatory

13 June 2017

The latest Palmers Green Tales video looks at the activities of volunteers in Broomfield Conservatory - how they tend to the collection of subtropical plants, open it up to the public twice a week and run special events such as plant sales and activities for children.

Got an idea for how to improve Broomfield Park? Bid for some of the Palmers Greenery's profits

07 June 2017

Broomfield Park's community café- the Palmers Greenery - has had another successful year and is inviting groups and individuals to bid for a share of its profits. The Greenery is a "community café" in several ways: its cakes are baked and sold by volunteers from the community, it serves a community function by providing refreshments in the park, and it invests its surpluses in community projects.  It's located near the tennis and netball courts and is open on Wednesdays,.......

A wetlands scheme for Broomfield Park?

02 June 2017

Thames21 and Enfield Council are considering creating a wetlands area in Broomfield Park.

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Become a Friend of Cooking Champions today!

While we admire and support the Christmas campaigns that we see pop up in December, we also know that help is urgently needed all year round, each and every year. As some people pack away after the festive break, we are still here.

Our support is not limited to a food package, but it leaps beyond - we form connections, we listen and respond to everyone who steps through our doors. We open up a warm, safe, environment which aims to feel like a home away from home.

For us to continue to thrive and grow, and keep supporting as many people as possible, we are asking you to become a Friend of Cooking Champions. Even a donation of just £5-10 per month can make a HUGE impact on the lives of those who come through our doors.

Pop to our People's Fundraising page to donate, and we promise to keep you updated with how your support is making a difference. Thank you, we appreciate you! Team Cooking Champions
