07 November 2017
Enfield Council is consulting about residents' views on how to prioritise its budget spending in 2018/19. The deadline for responding is 8 January 2018.
Budget consultation 2018/19
We are launching the Budget Consultation for 2018/19 and we want to hear your views and priorities.
Since 2010 we have saved £161m. We need to make further £35m of savings by 2018/19.
This year, we will spend around £1bn on public services. Much of this amount.......
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27 October 2017
Enfield Council has confirmed that the housebuilder Barratt has withdrawn from the large redevelopment scheme at Meridian Water, Edmonton, reportedly worth £6 billion and involving construction of 10,000 homes.
The announcement below was posted on the Enfield Council website on Thursday (21st October) and the Reuters news agency also published a report.
Though the exact points of disagreement are not stated by either source, it may be that Barratt wished to row back on earlier commitments.......
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13 October 2017
Enfield Council have developed a draft Intermediate Housing Policy that sets out proposals for the eligibility criteria for Intermediate Housing in Enfield, and the mechanism for prioritising applicants for Intermediate Housing.
"Intermediate Housing" refers to homes for sale and rental homes provided at a cost above social rent, but below market levels. These can include shared equity (shared ownership and equity loans), other low cost homes for sale and intermediate rent, but not affordable.......
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27 September 2017
The start of the letter sent to the head of NHS England. The full text is at the end of this article.Leaders of five North London boroughs have requested a meeting with the head of the NHS in England to discuss their very serious concerns about evolving plans to transform the delivery of health services in their area. The council leaders complain that, despite the stated aim of working in collaboration with councils to improve services and health outcomes, they are in practice being.......
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13 September 2017
Enfield Council is conducting two surveys on food poverty in Enfield - one for local residents and one for community groups.What is food poverty?“Food Poverty” is a contested term but the Department of Health state that it can be defined as the inability to afford or have access to the food needed for a healthy diet.Who does food poverty affect?Many factors determine what does or does not end up on our plate. Households with lower incomes, lower than average educational outcomes and in low.......
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26 July 2017
Enfield Council is currently consulting on the following:
Enfield Children's Centres: "providing the right services at the right time, think family, build family resilience and develop our workforce so that we continue to improve outcomes for families"
Housing allocation: Letting social rented homes
Parking Penalty Charge Notices
Social Care Charging Policy
Temporary Accommodation Placement Policy
A list of current consultations is always available at www.enfield.gov.uk/consultations........
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04 June 2017
The Enfield Over 50s Forum's "Fairer Funding for Enfield" petition has now been signed by 10,000 people:
“ A big, big Thank You to everyone who collected signatures to our petition seeking to end the years of Enfield being under-funded and treated as a second class borough.
"As soon as the General Election is over and we know who the Ministers are in the Treasury and the Department for Communities and Local Government we will be knocking on their door with the petition signed by some.......
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10 April 2017
The organisers of the Fairer Funding for Enfield petition are looking for volunteers to spend a couple of hours collecting signatures at local shopping centres.
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30 January 2017
The organisers of the Fairer Funding for Enfield petition are looking for volunteers to spend a couple of hours in the evening collecting signatures at local leisure centres.
The petition has been set up by the Enfield Over 50s Forum and will be running until the end of March. To collect signatures you don't need to be a member of the Forum or, for that matter, be over 50, as the campaign is intended to benefit borough residents of all ages.
Volunteers don't need any special knowledge -.......
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11 January 2017
In this Love Your Doorstep video, Monty Meth explains why now more than ever, as the government looks into the systems of funding local authorities, it's important to sign the Fairer Funding for Enfield petition.
Online petition
Background article.......
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11 December 2016
Topics on the agenda for the meeting of Southgate Ward Forum on 14th December include complaints about the recently relocated Southgate Library, the status of the proposal to build a new primary school adjacent to Grovelands Park and planting of flower beds around Southgate Station.
More information about the specific concerns about these three topics (and others) can be found in the draft minutes of the September ward forum meeting.
Southgate Ward Forum
Wednesday, 14th December, 2016 7.30.......
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17 October 2016
This week's meeting of Enfield's Cabinet will be asked to approve proposals for changes to the procedures for processing applications for land or buildings to be registered as Assets of Community Value.
The concepts of "Asset of Community Value" and "Community Right to Bid" were introduced by the Localism Act 2011. While the main principles are set out in the Act, local authorities have been left to devise their own procedures for assessing nominations. External consultants.......
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05 August 2016
A petition has been launched in support of a cross-party campaign demanding "Fairer Funding for Enfield".
The petition has been organised by the Enfield Over 50s Forum and has the strong support of both political parties represented on Enfield Council. Enfield residents of all ages are invited to sign - the effects of underfunding are felt across the generations.
A cross-political party Petition addressed to the Secretary of State, Department of.......
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21 July 2016
James Downing (left) and Graham Deal display the Green Flag newly awarded to Broomfield Park
At a special cream tea held in the shade of trees by the boating pond, Friends of Broomfield Park yesterday said goodbye to two good friends who arrived carrying a special green flag.
The cream tea was served by the Greenery Community Cafe, the two good friends were James Downing and Graham Deal, both employees of Enfield Council, and the green flag was the official emblem of the Green Flag Award,.......
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10 May 2016
Enfield Council has found partners for two "community libraries" in the east of the borough. The builders are currently in at Ponders End Library, making room for the charity Age UK Enfield, which will be moving its headquarters to the library. Work is also under way at Enfield Highway Library, which will be sharing with a "public health services department".
Ponders End Library - and the new HQ of Age UK EnfieldTransforming the majority of the its libraries into community libraries.......
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03 May 2016
Following our successful MPs event in December, EDA will host a local Councillors Question Time.
Doug Taylor the Leader of the Council has confirmed his attendance. We’re still waiting for others to confirm.
This is your opportunity to put your questions about the issues which affect your life including, cuts to local services, your experience of living and working in Enfield as deaf and disabled people, people who experience mental distress and those with long term health conditions.......
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02 March 2016
The Friends of Broomfield Park have written to Enfield councillors to express serious concerns about the impact of budget cuts on the management and upkeep of parks in the borough and on Broomfield Park in particular - "one of the jewels in the borough's crown".
The letter from the Friends, sent ahead of last week's full meeting of the Council, listed some of the impacts which the proposed cuts would have: reductions in grass cutting in parks, use of volunteers to pick up litter after.......
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27 February 2016
The budget approved by the full meeting of Enfield Council on 24th February includes an increase in Council Tax of 1.99 per cent. However, because of a reduction in the contribution to the Greater London Authority the effective increase will be smaller - 1.78 per cent.
The paperwork for the budget debate is available at this link. This describes the background to the budget and medium-term financial plan and the cuts which will be made to various council services. To access.......
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06 February 2016
Documents published ahead of the meeting of Enfield's Cabinet contain a wealth of information about financial plans, the Cycle Enfield A105 scheme and other important business.
The Cabinet meet on Wednesday 10th December at 8.15pm in the Civic Centre. The Public Information Pack (522 pages!) includes detailed information about many topics, including the following;
Budget 2016/17 and Medium Term Financial Plan 2016/17 to 2019/20.
A recommendation to raise Council Tax for.......
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01 December 2015
Residents hoping that the vacant space in the refurbished Palmers Green Library would be used as a health centre, GP surgery or dental surgery will be disappointed by the news that a ten year lease is to be granted to a commercial fitness club operator. The decision could be subject to a Councillor Call In but this would have to be done before this Friday.
Index of Published Decisions
The news that Enfield Council has decided to let the space to Fit4Less (a brand of Energie Fitness.......
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