25 November 2015
Enfield Council has withdrawn its proposal to completely cease providing drop-in access to its Local Studies Centre at the Dugdale Centre and to drastically scale back the Enfield Museum, which is also located at the Dugdale Centre. There will, however, still be cutbacks, though their scope is unclear.
"Just Married" might have been the last special exhibition at the Enfield Museum under the original proposalsThis rethink, announced on the Council website earlier today, is a response to.......
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09 November 2015
Subjects on the agenda for this Wednesday's meeting of the full Enfield Council include protection of Green Belt land within the borough, gambling policy and progress on prevention of child sexual exploitation.
The Green Belt is the subject of two items:
presentation of a petition from Enfield RoadWatch in opposition to proposals to build housing and a school on land to the south of Enfield Road (between Oakwood and Enfield Town), followed by discussion of the subject matter
discussion of a.......
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03 November 2015
"Enfield 229" has issued a second bulletin with information about its campaign against drastic reductions in Enfield Council's Museums and Archives Service (see this earlier article). The campaigners are now expecting a decision by the end of November, but say that there have been contradictory indications about the proposed scale of cuts to the service.
Despite reassurances that "nothing has been finalised yet", the campaigners claim to have learnt that plans are in place to delete all.......
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29 September 2015
A campaign has been launched in opposition to Enfield Council's plan to make money-saving changes to the operation of the Museum and Archive Services (see this earlier article).
'Enfield 229' or the "Unofficial Friends of Museum and Archive Services" have issued a four-page bulletin outlining their fears about the impact of the proposed changes. They accuse the Council of a lack of frankness about the proposals, in particular the failure to mention that four and a half experienced.......
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11 September 2015
Enfield residents are being invited to comment on proposed changes to the Council's "heritage resources" which are intended primarily as a cost-cutting measure, but at the same time would provide increased online access to these resources.
The Council is proposing to digitise the materials stored at the Local Studies Centre in Thomas Hardy House and make them available online. The current Monday to Friday drop-in access to the Local Studies Centre would cease and visitors wishing to see.......
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and forum comments
17 June 2015
Seven-day opening of Palmers Green Library is one of the innovations that will be introduced if Enfield Council agrees to a proposed Library Development Strategy for 2015 to 2018.
The Strategy will be among the subjects to be discussed at this week's meeting of Enfield's Cabinet. If agreed by the Cabinet, it will be presented to the full Council for its approval later this year.
Palmers Green Library as it will look when it reopens later this year. Under the new strategy it will be open.......
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19 May 2015
In a letter published in last weekend's Observer, the Chairman of the Local Government Association makes a strong plea for the government to suspend its programme of reductions in funding of local government. Councillor David Sparks writes that "Local authorities have made £20bn savings since 2010 following reductions in government funding of 40%. Councils have worked hard to shield residents from the impact. However, efficiencies cannot be remade or buildings resold. Further local.......
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22 March 2015
At the Enfield Council Meeting on Wednesday 25th March (7pm at the Civic Centre) councillors will be briefed on the strategy for the provision of secondary school places and will debate an opposition paper which proposes ways of reducing the cost of temporary accommodation for homeless families.
Provision of secondary school places
The executive summary of the briefing paper states that demand for secondary school places will continue to rise until 2020 followed by five years of slightly lower.......
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10 December 2014
Residents who want to dispose of unwanted electrical items or bulky furniture are being urged to take advantage for two free services Enfield Council is offering.
The services are being offered to encourage recycling, reduce fly tipping and promote the reuse of perfectly good electrical items that have been replaced or which are no longer wanted. Enfield Council is also providing free compostable liners for food waste in council libraries for a limited time.Residents can arrange a free.......
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30 November 2014
Keeping House' is Enfield Council's innovative scheme for property owners living in long term residential care.
For people moving into long-term care the cost, time and effort needed to maintain an empty property can prove challenging. Properties often remain unoccupied for lengthy periods of time, falling into disrepair and can attract anti-social behaviour.
Under this scheme homes can be leased to the Council for a fixed period of time (five years) and provide guaranteed rental income to.......
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26 September 2014
Enfield Council has publlshed information about changes to how the Enfield Residents' Priority Fund (ERPF) will operate over the next year. The criteria for assessing applications have changed and emphasis is being placed on tackling deprivation in the ward in question.
During 2013/14 one of the most notable uses of the ERPF was to fund the erection of the new clock at Palmers Green Triangle. If the "addressing deprivation" is to be more rigidly imposed in future, it seems unlikely.......
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01 September 2014
Enfield Library and Museum Service has provided updated information about arrangements during the closure of Palmers Green Library.
The library will not reopen until autumn 2015. In the meantime, opening hours have been extended at Winchmore Hill, Ridge Avenue and Southgate Circus libraries - click on the image to see the official notice. In addition, a mobile library will be open in the Lodge Drive car park every Saturday from 9am to 5pm.
The Library and Museum Service has a web.......
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30 June 2014
Enfield Council has scrapped the system of publicly accessible area forums that was in operation prior to the recent council elections.
Area forums were centrally organised and advertised and brought together councillors and residents from groups of three neighbouring wards.
Instead of area forums there will be Ward Forums, organised by the councillors for each ward. In a letter announcing the change, the Head of Corporate Scrutiny and Community Outreach claims that as a result the.......
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and forum comments
19 March 2014
Enfield Council has published a draft document outlining how it intends to manage the various town centres within the Borough and is asking for feedback from town centre users - retailers, people running other businesses, shoppers and those using town centres for leisure activities.
Enfield's Town Centres: Places for Everyone is officially described as a Draft Town Centres Management Framework, and the Council is inviting feedback via this page on its website. The deadline for comments.......
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17 January 2014
Enfield Council is consulting residents about its proposal to introduce compulsory licensing of private landlords throughout the Borough. The private rented sector now accounts for about a fifth of homes in the Borough and is associated with increased levels of anti-social behaviour, such as noise nuisance, dumping of rubbish, pest infestations and unsightly front gardens. In some cases, landlords are failing to control the activities of their tenants, in others the landlords themselves are.......
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17 January 2014
Residents of the London Borough of Enfield have until 30 January to register their views about the Council's 2013/2014 budget. A page on the Council website sets the context for its spending plans, while a more detailed document can be downloaded. This lists how the Council responded to the its residents' views on how it could save money in the current financial year and what its priorities should be, before going on to outline the ways that the Council intend to make savings over.......
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21 December 2013
The text of the byelaw banning spitting in the LBE is as follows:
The London Borough of Enfield
Byelaws made under section 235 of the Local Government Act 1972 by Council of the London Borough of Enfield for the good rule and government of the London Borough of Enfield and for the prevention and suppression of nuisances.
1. This byelaw applies throughout the London Borough of Enfield.
2. No person shall spit in, into or from any relevant place without.......
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10 December 2013
A ban on spitting in the street throughout the London Borough of Enfield came into effect this week, following more than two years of campaigning, a petition and a public consultation exercise. The by-law was approved by central government earlier this year and came into effect on Sunday. Offenders can be fined up to £500.
Until 1990 spitting in the street was an offence throughout the UK, punishable by a fine a £5 - a figure which these days appears ridiculously low, but as late as the 1960s.......
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29 November 2013
Enfield’s Health and Wellbeing Board is holding two special events to gauge public opinion on the Enfield Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2014-2019.
The consultation is open until the 22nd December 2013, and the Board want to know what you think about the community’s health and wellbeing needs and where you think they should be focusing their attention in the years ahead. The responses received will help to inform the priorities in the strategy to ensure we continue to improve the.......
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20 August 2013
Enfield Council is currently inviting comments from the public on a document that will play an important role in future decisions on planning applications. The "Proposed Submission" version of the Development Management Document is due to be submitted to a government-appointed Planning Inspector later in the year, and residents have until 27 September to send in their comments.
The document, which can be downloaded from this page lays down policy for the following areas:
Housing (including.......
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