Enfield Council is consulting about residents' views on how to prioritise its budget spending in 2018/19. The deadline for responding is 8 January 2018.
Budget consultation 2018/19
We are launching the Budget Consultation for 2018/19 and we want to hear your views and priorities.
Since 2010 we have saved £161m. We need to make further £35m of savings by 2018/19.
This year, we will spend around £1bn on public services. Much of this amount is ring-fenced for spend on specific services such as schooling and housing benefit payments. As a result, we are limited as to where it can make savings; the ring-fenced budgets, accounting for over 50% of our income, cannot be touched.
In addition, an increasing population puts more strain on our services. It is estimated that Enfield’s population now stands at 330,000 and it could grow to as much as 354,300 by 2021.
While we remain committed to finding new and innovative ways of providing services to minimise the cost burden on residents, the scale of the financial challenges we face mean efficiencies are no longer enough. We want to hear your views not only on your priorities for investment and reduction but your suggestions for raising income to try and mitigate the worst impact of funding cuts and increased pressures.
Before you tell us your views, please read our leaflet Money Matters leaflet. This will help you further understand what we spent money on in 2017/18 and further details of the challenges we face.
How you can tell us your views
Please let us know your views by completing our survey.
Or if you prefer, please click here for our accessible survey.
We are planning on organising some open events should you wish to come along and tell us your views. Further details about this will be available on this webpage once the details have been finalised.
Closing date
To tell us your views, you will need to have completed our online survey no later than 11.59pm on Monday 8 January 2018, or have returned a printed easy read version no later than 8 January 2018.
Further information
If you have any queries or require assistance with participating in this consultation, please let us know. You can email us at consultation@enfield.gov.uk.
Source: www.enfield.gov.uk/info/867/current_consultations/3999/budget_consultation_201819