12 July 2022
Pymmes BrookERS have postponed this weekend's discovery walk along part of the Pymmes Brook because of the high temperatures forecast for Sunday. The walk will now take place on Sunday 31st July.
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06 July 2022
Collage Arts are running a free 3-week course to create an online zine, intended to allow people from all backgrounds to celebrate the diverse and rich culture of Britishness and the impact that people of colour have had on the UK for centuries.
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15 June 2022
Archaeological work at the site of a Tudor royal palace in Enfield restarts next month. There will be opportunities to join in the "dig" and also to act as oral historians by interviewing people involved in the project or by helping film the interviews. Also during July there will be family days at the site of the palace and a definitive archaeological and historical study will be published.
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13 June 2022
The Enfield Society is looking for volunteers to help it and Enfield Council update the borough's local heritage list.
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08 June 2022
A three-month open-air exhibition at town centre locations around the borough will reveal how the Dugdale Centre will look when it reopens in the winter.
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08 June 2022
During June and July there will be two opportunities to find out more about the walking trail and the river that pass through Palmers Green en route from Barnet to Edmonton.
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29 March 2022
Palmers Green Action Team is recruiting an artist to create a site-specific work to celebrate the life of celebrated poet and PG resident Stevie Smith. This will be one of the Stories of Enfield projects - community heritage activities that are receiving funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
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09 March 2022
To the 'huge disappointment' of the Theatres Trust, Enfield's planning committee last night gave the go-ahead for St Monica's church to demolish the Intimate Theatre. In a statement issued to the press today, the statutory body called the building in Green Lanes 'a rare example of a repertory theatre design from the inter-war period with a rich cultural history that cannot be replaced'.
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07 March 2022
Ahead of Tuesday's planning committee meeting, the statutory body set up to advise on the future of theatres in England has restated its opposition to demolition of the Intimate Theatre and has set out the reasons why it considers that facilities for theatre provision in the proposed replacement building are inadequate
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04 March 2022
The future of the Intimate Theatre will be discussed by Enfield's planning committee for the third time next week. A slightly revised application designed to satisfy demands for a theatre-type facility in the replacement building is on the agenda for the committee's meeting on Tuesday 8th March
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02 March 2022
Gemma Singleton, an inhouse producer at television company DSP, has been in touch in connection with an future documentary about the 1952 Great Smog:
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08 December 2021
A Palmers Green-based artist has used contemporary IT tools to pay homage to four north London tube stations that are outstanding examples of 1930s Modernist architecture, plus an example of an older style of station building at the heart of PG.
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06 December 2021
A diary discovered during a house clearance paints a detailed picture of everyday life in Palmers Green during World War 2.
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16 October 2021
A new website, Enfield in Poetry, presents an interactive map of the borough with markers denoting the settings of verses about a local place written by a a local poet. You can read the poems or have the poets read them to you.
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01 September 2021
This month's Enfield Dispatch carries a report and photograph of a rocket attack on Palmers Green station. And a photo of this month's Enfield Community Hero thigh-deep in water, also in Palmers Green.
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11 May 2021
Enfield Council has received funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund for a series of community heritage activities - the Stories of Enfield. Community organisations and individuals who have ideas for suitable activities are invited to apply for training which will enable them to devise, develop and deliver their projects. The range of possible subject matter is broad, and there are many different ways in which each story could be presented.
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05 May 2021
The top story in May's Enfield Dispatch is the project to reintroduce beavers to Enfield, which if successful would be the first time the semiaquatic mammals have returned to London since going extinct in the UK 400 years ago.
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01 February 2021
Like pretty much every local society or group, Enfield National Trust Association have had to move their meetings to Zoom and temporarily abandon their days out to National Trust properties and other places of interest. Monthly ENTA talks are open to non-members at a cost of £3 per talk
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03 November 2020
Enfield's planning committee tonight voted to approve the plan to demolish St Monica's Large Hall (aka the Intimate Theatre) to make way for a new parish centre for the adjoining church plus six two-bed flats. There were seven votes for, one against and four absentions.
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01 November 2020
Enfield Council has rejected the Enfield Society's alternative proposals for the future of the Dugdale Centre, claiming that the £20,000 that the Society was offering to donate will not offset the hundreds of thousands of pounds a year savings that the council's plans will provide.
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