pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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pymmes brook trail waymark and photo of part of the riverPymmes BrookERS have postponed this weekend's discovery walk along part of the Pymmes Brook because of the high temperatures forecast for Sunday. The walk will now take place on Sunday 31st July.

This is the latest of a series of free discovery walks exploring some of the less well known stretches of the real river that runs through Palmers Green (as opposed to the artificial New River). This particular walk begins somewhere east of the Cambridge Roundabout - to discover the exact starting point you need to register.

As well as walking, participants will be talking about the Pymmes Brook - how well they know it, what it means to them and what it feels like to discover new parts of the river.

The walks form part of one of the Stories of Enfield projects that are being funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The project will culminate in the screening of a film, to which people who took part in the walks will be invited.


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