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Palmers Green Town Centre

Redesigning Devonshire Square

15 May 2024

Palmers Green residents are being invited by Enfield Council's Journeys and Places team to provide feedback on the recently published concept for a permanent redesign of Devonshire Square. In addition to an online survey running until 2nd June, there will be a public drop-in session at Arbeit Studios on Friday 24th May.

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Fox to reopen this week

06 March 2024

The Fox is due to re-open on Friday 8th March after a closure lasting exactly one week. The new operators run two north London pubs, the Victoria Stakes in Hornsey and the Gipsy Queen in Kentish Town.

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Designing Devonshire Square

24 February 2024

At the Spring Market that will be held in Devonshire Square on Saturday 2nd March, the public will be invited to share their thoughts and ideas about preliminary work to develop a permanent layout for the square, now that the council has decided to make it permanent.

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The Fox: news, certainly some good but also, perhaps, some bad

07 February 2024

Karl Brown was at the meeting of the council's Licensing Committee which considered the future of the Fox's premises licence.

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St John's church fire: 'Your encouragement has given us strength to dust ourselves off from the haters'

06 February 2024

Police are treating the New Year's Day fire in St John the Evangelist church as arson. It was preceded by a campaign of misogynistic harrassment of the vicar, Rev Julie Coleman. Repairs and redecoration will cost 'tens of thousands' and the church may be out of use for six months.

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Civic sector groups highlight draft Enfield Local Plan's threats to green belt and proposals for tall buildings

18 January 2024

Civil society groups in Enfield have repeated their calls to borough residents to ask their councillors to set up special ward forums to discuss the draft Enfield Local Plan before it is debated in full council. They are concerned in particular about plans to build on green belt land and for tall buildings in town centres, including Palmers Green. In addition, they want residents to call for the evidence that the draft plan is based on to be made available to the public.

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New town centre business applies for 3am alcohol licence

03 January 2024

The lessees of the former gym above the Alfred Herring pub have applied for a premises licence that would permit the sale of alcohol for consumption on or off the premises for 20 hours a day, between 7am and 3am the next day.

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St John's moves services to parish centre after fire causes 'extensive damage'

02 January 2024

A New Year's Day fire at St John the Evangelist Church did not result in any injuries but has caused 'extensive damage'.

What issues concern PG residents most?

09 November 2023

In the run-up to the first Palmers Green local community hub, Enfield Climate Action Forum has published a list of the issues that most concern people. The full timetable for the hub has now been published, along with details of the discussion leaders and the topics.

An art trail around Palmers Green

08 November 2023

An art trail around Palmers Green, including four new murals created as part of the Curate Enfield project, will be formally launched on Friday 10th November.

Celebrating PG's High Street Happenings

22 September 2023

Arbeit Studios are inviting artists to celebrate Palmers Green's high street by applying for a free residency at their newest premises, situated just off Green Lanes.

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MP continuing efforts to curb spread of gambling establishments as licence is issued for new PG gaming centre

16 August 2023

Following the issuing of a licence allowing use of a former bank building in the centre of Palmers Green as an adult gaming centre, Bambos Charalambous MP has written to the culture secretary urging her to speed up legislation to help reduce the proliferation of gambling premises on the country's high streets.

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Unblocking the pavement outside the Fox

02 August 2023

It's great to see the Fox full of life, surrounded by flowers and its customers spilling out onto the pavement, but the current design of the public realm on the corner of Green Lanes and Fox Lane is proving problematical for pedestrians, and in particular for anyone who needs enough clearance to get through in a wheelchair, mobility scooter or pushing a big baby buggy.

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PG resident launches petition against new Green Lanes adult gaming centre

05 July 2023

A Palmers Green resident has launched an online petition calling on Enfield Council to refuse a licence for a new adult gaming centre in former bank premises in Green Lanes.

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Refurbished pub commemorates Palmers Green Triangle's much missed tree

05 July 2023

A 'grand launch party' this Friday, Saturday and Sunday featuring live Irish music will celebrate the reopening of one of Palmers Green's few pubs, now renamed in memory of a much missed local tree.

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Hop along to PG's latest pop-up

20 June 2023

Following a 'soft launch' last weekend, Muswell Hillbilly Brewery will have the official opening of their Palmers Green pop-up taproom this Friday at 5pm, when DJ Eric will be in charge of the music

A brighter bridge: the people of PG make their choice

07 June 2023

Palmers Green Action Team have announced the results of the voting to choose the design to be painted on the railway bridge on Aldermans Hill. 675 people took part and the vote produced a clear winner.

Muswell Hillbillies moving in

07 June 2023

Muswell Hillbillies will be moving into PG in June and July, bringing with them their home-brewed liquor and squatting in a brightly painted building just off Green Lanes

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PG ward forum: Plenty to discuss

24 May 2023

The Palmers Green ward forum on 22nd May discussed many issues raised by residents. The Safer Neighbourhoods Team answered questions and there were briefings by the Young Mayors and the chair of the Ward Panel.

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Brushing up the bridge

21 May 2023

Palmers Green Action Team have been granted permission by Network Rail to paint the bridge on Aldermans Hill. They are asking their Facebook followers to choose between three alternative designs.

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