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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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Following consideration of responses to statutory consultation, Enfield Council will be implementing an amended version of its proposals for the Fernleigh Road Quieter Neighbourhood. It will also be going ahead with measures to provide safer access to the Salmons Brook Quietway from the A105 at Bush Hill Parade.

The decision to go ahead with both schemes was announced on the Cycle Enfield website at the beginning of August.

fernleigh road quieter neighbourhood consultation  mapThe Fernleigh Road Quieter Neighbourhood proposals as set out in the statutory consultation in February. Some of the proposals shown here will not be implemented.

The "Fernleigh Road" scheme actually encompasses a large area to the north of Green Lanes, stretching from the Bourne Hill end of Hoppers Road as far as Station Road in Winchmore Hill.  In response to objections from residents, several important features in the original proposals have been dropped:  one-way traffic in Eaton Park Road and Meadowcroft Way, carriageway narrowing affecting several roads, and banned turns into Radcliffe Road and Ringwood Way.

Bury Street west cycle improvements

The improvements at the Church Street end of Bury Street West as originally planned.  The scheme will go ahead with some changes

The features that are retained are an area-wide 20mph limit; speed humps and speed cushions in Fernleigh Road, Woodberry Avenue and Compton Road; and a point no-entry feature in Stonard Road - though this last feature will be implemented on a trial basis initially.

The scheme around the Bury Street West/Church Street junction at Bush Hill Parade will go ahead, again with some changes in response to objections.  Its function is to improve safety for both cyclists and pedestrian wishing to access the new Quietway running towards Edmonton along the Salmons Brook.

The reports prepared by council officers in support of decisions about these two schemes are included in a document on the council website - the Reports Pack for Publication of Decisions List No 9 dated 20 July 2018.  The report on the Fernleigh Road scheme starts on page 7 and is followed immediately by the report on the Church Streets scheme.  Both reports contain information about objections to the schemes and the corresponding responses from council officers.


Fernleigh Road Quieter Neighbourhood (Cycle Enfield 3/8/2018)

Bury Street West upgrade (Cycle Enfield 3/8/2018)

Publication of Decisions List No 9 dated 20 July 2018 (Enfield Council)

Fernleigh Road Quieter Neighbourhood statutory consultation (Palmers Green Community 28/2/2018)

Cycle Enfield: Consultations on four minor proposals (Palmers Green Community 29/10/2017)

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